The United Planets Superwatch
+ The Guardians of the Multiverse
Created by Grant Morrison and Liam Sharpe
» FIRST APPEARANCE: The Green Lantern #9 (Sept. 2019)

The United Planets is a legendary part of the Legion of Super-Heroes universe, a 30th century concept introduced in Adventure Comics #340 (Jan. 1966). However, it only existed in the future until the "Rebirth" era. In this continuity, the United Planets was created in the present, inspired by an idea of the young Jonathan Kent (Superboy; Superman v.5 #14, Oct. 2019). Superboy and the U.P. became the inspiration for the Legion of Super-Heroes, a thousand years later.
The fledgling United Planets Superwatch had members — many as powerful as Superman — from worlds across the galaxy. Their home base was the planet Kranaltine, also known as Throneworld in Sector 2814 (home of the Starman, Prince Gavyn).
The Superwatch and the Green Lantern Corps were drawn to arms and alliance when Controller Mu (creator of the new Blackstars) instigated an anti-matter crisis on several fronts.
A Superwatch team including Marvel Maid, Logi & Quisto, Powerlord, Regor, Super-Male, Vartox and Vidal were dispatched to investigate a catastrophe at an illegal anti-matter mining colony on J1407. They were all taken down by the Anti-Matter Man, who was a sort of 'border patrolman.' Note: The Anti-Matter Man first appeared in Justice League of America #46 (Aug. 1966).
Other members of the Superwatch monitored events from Kranaltine: Solarwoman, Aeroman and Windlass, Hal Kar, Dyno-Man, Maxima, Hyper-Man I, Hyperboy and Klypso the Hyper-Hound. They sent Superwoman and Strongwoman to J1407 as backup, but Superwoman was also taken captive. Strongwoman retreated to seek a help from the Green Lanterns.
Elsewhere, on planet Altmoora, Green Lantern Hal Jordan was accosted by Abin Sur of Earth-20, who was possessed by a "Mindwriter." Hal freed Abin Sur of its influence and learned that his new friend was part of a multiversal band of Green Lanterns called the Guardians of the Multiverse. Sur had come to warn Hal of the Qwa-Man, a backward-speaking cyborg from the anti-matter universe. (The Green Lantern #9)
These Guardians made their headquarters on the sentient Lantern-planet called Uugo. They included:
- Green Lantern (Prof. Leonard Lewis) of Earth-6 (Just Imagine)
- The mystic Green Lantern of Earth-9 (Tangent)
- Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris) of Earth-11 (where female heroes are predominant)
- Kai-Ro of Earth-12 (Batman Beyond)
- Abin Sur of Earth-20 (The Multiversity: Society of Superheroes)
- John Stewart of Earth-23 (where Black heroes are predominant)
- Emerald Knight of Earth-32 (Bruce Wayne, Darkest Knight)
- Flashlight (Hank Hallmark) of Justice 9 of Earth-36
- Magic Lantern of the Love Syndicate of Earth-47 (Morrison creations from Animal Man #23, May 1990)
- Spectra (universe unrevealed)
- (plus at least five other Lanterns depicted as part of their group)

Three members of the Guardians came to the aid of Abin Sur and Hal. They hauled the Qwa-Man through the Bleed between universes, toward the Dark Multiverse. (#10)
Hal returned with them to Uugo, where he met more Guardians. There they were joined by Strongwoman, who brought word of the other anti-matter breach. Prior to this incursion, members of the Guardians of the Multiverse had going missing. They followed a distress signal from one of their members, the Star Sapphire of Earth-11; it came from the forbidden world of Earth-15.
Hal and the Guardians ventured by transmatter cube to Earth-15, where they discovered a lone soul keeping watch over that dead Earth — the alien Zundernell, the Golden Lantern. This unbalanced protector was the keeper of artifacts left by the Monitors. These allowed him to peer into, and travel to parallel universes. Zundernell's call for help attracted members of the Guardians, all of whom he judged inadequate, and imprisoned. (#11)
Back at J1407, Hal Kar of the Superwatch now met with Green Lanterns. The Qwa-Man had clawed his way back to Universe-0, and the Anti-Matter Man returned to 'collect' him. (#12)
Galactic Villains
In The Green Lantern #3 (Mar. 2010) Morrison and Sharpe played with a similar gathering of Silver Age and obscure space villains. These characters were gathered together by Kanjar Ro, who was auctioning off the Earth!
Ultrawar: The Green Lantern: Season Two
Something was amiss among members of the United Planets Superwatch. They organization called upon the Green Lantern Corps to collaborate and investigate how the "Eterniglass" was stolen from their headquarters on Throneworld. Teaming with Maxima and Hal Kar, the Lanterns went to Juno, home of both Powerlord and the Hyper-Family. Evidence from the theft seemed to implicate Powerlord, who tried to flee from the investigators. Their next step was to speak to the Hyper-Family.
Hyperman had gone to Earth, where he was romancing a reporter named Allie Astra. He and his family had been corrupted by the radiation that gave them powers, and Hyperman was about to kill Astra when his wife, Hyperwoman, intervened. She warned him that the Green Lanterns were on his trail, and protected him despite the fact that this wasn't his first dalliance.
Hal Jordan arrived just in time. On Earth, the Hyper-Family were as powerful as Superman, but they needed special technology to maintain their powers (because their sun was orange, while Earth's was yellow). When Hal figured this out, he was able to capture Hyperman by shredding his uniform, and to save Astra. (The Green Lantern: Season Two #4)
Known Members
Well over a dozen heroes have been depicted or mentioned as members. The first Rebirth appearance for most of them was The Green Lantern #9 (Sept. 2019). » SEE ALSO: A full list of Silver Age alien "supers."
Name | First appearance | Notes |
Aeorman & Windlass of Marr | World's Finest #163 (Dec. 1966) | Alien super-heroes |
Dyno-Man of Sorrta | Superman #206 (May 1968) | Alien super-hero |
Hal Kar (fka Halk Kar) of Thoron |
Superman #80 (Jan./Feb. 1953) | Analog of Superman |
The Hyper-Family: Hyperboy (Kirk Quentin), Hyperman (Craig Quentin), Hyperwoman and Klypso of Trombus | Superboy #144 (Jan. 1968) |
Analog of Superman |
Hyper-Man I (Chester King) of Oceania | Action Comics #265 (June 1960) | Analog of Superman |
Logi and Quisto of Durim | World's Finest #124 (Mar. 1962) | Alien super-hero and his bestial companion |
[speculative] The Martian Anteater | Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! #14 (April 1983) | Alien counterpart to J'onn J'onzz from Earth-C-Minus |
Marvel Maid (Lea Lindy) of Terra | Action Comics #272 (Jan. 1961) | Analog of Supergirl |
Maxima of Almerac | Action Comics #645 (Sept. 1989) | Queen of Almerac |
Powerlord (Zarl Vorne fka Power-Boy) of Juno |
Superboy #52 (Oct. 1956) | Analog of Superman |
Regor (Winki Lamm) of Uuz |
Superman #58 (May/June 1949) | Analog of Superman |
Solarwoman | The Green Lantern #9 (Sept. 2019) | A female version of Solarman, from Superman #298 (Apr. 1976) |
Strongwoman (Marta Zappix fka Strong Girl) of Thronn | Green Lantern #32 (Oct. 1964) | One of a group of super-heroes from her world, the Honor Team |
[speculative] "Super-Ant" | Action Comics #296 (Jan. 1963) | Reference of a story where Superman gave himself the head of ant an to communicate with alien insects |
Super-Male (Irn Brimba) of Soomar | Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #41 (May 1963) | Analog of Superman |
Superwoman (Luma Lynai) of Staryl | Action Comics #289 (June 1962) | Analog of Supergirl |
Vartox of Valeron | Superman #281 (Nov. 1974) | Analog of Superman |
Vidal of the Intergalactic Patrol | Adventure Comics #260 (May 1959) | Analog of Superman |
Aeorman and Windlass of Marr
World's Finest Comics #163 (Dec. 1966)

Dyno-Man of Sorrta
Superman #206 (May 1968)
Logi of Durim
World's Finest Comics #124 (Mar. 1962)

Xviar of Homeworld, alias Mr. Xavier, Solarman
Superman v.1 #296 (Feb. 1976)
As Solarman: Superman v.1 #298 (Apr. 1976)

United Planets Superwatch
The Green Lantern #9 (Sept. 2019)
Marta Zappix of Thronn, alias Strong Girl, Strongwoman
Green Lantern v.2 #32 (Oct. 1964)
Appearances + References
- The Green Lantern #9–12
- The Green Lantern: Season Two #4
- None
- The Other Silver Age "Superboys"
- Other Silver Age "Supermen"
- The Super-Women of the Silver Age
- Superboy (original)
- The Legion of Super-Bloggers: United Planets Superwatch: A Proto-Legion
- The Shared Universe: Deep Dive: The Green Lantern Issue 3 (2018)