Mary Marvel
aka Captain Marvel II + Uncle Marvel
Created by Otto Binder and Marc Swayze

Mary Bromfield née Batson, Mary Marvel
Merrill and Jocelyn Batson (parents, deceased), Billy Batson (brother),
Mrs. Bromfield (adoptive mother), Ebenezer Batson (uncle, deceased)
The Marvel Family
Captain Marvel
Adventures #18 (Dec. 1942)
DC: Shazam! #1 (Feb. 1973)

Mary Batson Bromfield, Captain Marvel II
Charles Clarence and Marilyn Batson (parents, deceased),
Billy Batson (brother),
Ebenezer Batson (uncle, deceased), , Sinclair Batson (cousin)
The Superbuddies
As Mary: Power of Shazam graphic novel (1994)
Captain Marvel II: Power of Shazam! #4 (June 1995)aphic novel (1994); as Captain Marvel
II: Power of Shazam! #7 (Sept. 1995)
The "Marvel Family" consists of six individuals who have been granted special powers by the ancient wizard Shazam and one fake. He himself wielded similar powers for 3,000 years, before the rise of the first historic civilizations. Later, in dynastic Egypt, he tried giving the powers to Teth-Adam, known now Black Adam, but this hero turned villain. Shazam determined to wait a while and, when his death was imminent, to pass his powers on to children who were pure in heart.
So, when his time came, Shazam had a mysterious figure bring newsboy Billy Batson to him, and gave the lad the mystic powers, which Billy gained by saying the wizard's name and changing to Captain Marvel, the World's Mightiest Mortal. (Whiz Comics #2)
Golden Age Mary Marvel (Fawcett Comics)

When the parents of Mary and Billy Batson died in an auto accident, the babies were briefly cared for by their nurse, Sarah Primm. Primm was also nurse for a wealthy family whose baby daughter suffered crib death. Miss Primm substituted baby Mary for the dead child, while Billy went to an orphanage.
So it was that Mary Batson was raised as Mary Bromfield. She knew there was· some mystery, for nurse Primm gave her half of a broken locket, telling her It would one day change her life.
Eventually, Mary met Billy, now a radio newscaster, and secretly Captain Marvel. She was one of three contestants on the TV show, Mental Marvel Quiz, which Billy emceed; another on that show was Freddy Freeman (Captain Marvel Jr.). A note was slipped to Billy from Sarah Primm, who was dying. During a commercial break, he slipped away and, as Captain Marvel, flew to her home. She revealed all, giving Billy the other half of the broken locket by which to identify his long-lost sister. But Sarah died before she could reveal a name.
Back at the studio, Mary won the quiz show. Afterward, Billy confided what he had learned to Freddy — and suddenly realized Mary was wearing the locket he was seeking! Changing to Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr., they followed her limousine and were just in time to see kidnappers carrying her into a brownstone. They went in, knocked out the crooks, and then Captain Marvel checked two halves of the locket, discovering they fit.
When Cap and Junior changed back to Billy and Freddy to inform Mary of their secret, she wondered if saying Billy's word would change her, too, but Billy was sure "old Shaz ... er, you-know-who ... wouldn't give his powers to a girl!'
The kidnappers came to and surprised the youngsters, gagging Billy and Freddy. Mary exclaimed, "Billy can't say 'Shazam!'" Magic lightning stabbed down, and Mary Batson became Mary Marvel, the 'World's Mightiest Girl.' She quickly mopped up the hoods and freed the boys. Alter turning the criminals over to the police, the youngsters went to the abandoned subway tunnel and summoned the spirit of Shazam.
He revealed that Mary had the powers of goddesses rather than gods: the grace of Selena, the strength of Hippolyta, the skill of Ariadne, the fleetness of Zephyrus, the beauty of Aurora, and the wisdom of Minerva. Note: Zephyrus was traditionally male god. (Captain Marvel Adventures #18)
Captain Marvel trained Mary well, and she became an accomplished crime-fighter. Mary recorded her deeds in her Good Deed Ledger, but one day she lost it, and was found by a man who claimed to be her Uncle Dudley from California. ("Everybody has an unknown uncle from California," he said.) He had learned all the Marvels' secrets from Mary's diary and even tried to pass himself off as "Uncle Marvel." The identity was a sheer fraud: when both of them said "Shazam!" Dudley slipped out of his outer clothes, which concealed his costume.
Dudley had set up a Shazam, lncorporated, explaining he would donate the proceeds from the Marvels' work to the war effort. Mary quickly realized he was a fraud when he said ''Shazam!'' without changing. But he was so good-hearted, she decided to let him think she was fooled. (Wow Comics #18)
Dudley also had a real niece, Mary "Freckles" Dudley, who took to wearing a Mary MarveI dress and calling herself Freckles Marvel, but she never pretended to have powers. (Wow Comics #35)
Each of the three primary "Marvels" also had an arch enemy from the Sivana family. Mary's was Dr. Sivana's daughter, Georgia. She'd grown up on the planet Venus and once she was sufficiently mature, her father set her upon Mary Marvel, repeatedly. (Mary Marvel #1, 2, 7, 16, 20, 23, 26)
The Marvel Family at DC Comics
Shazam! (1973)

Profile illustration from Who's Who #4 (1985); art by Bob Oksner.
For several years, the Marvels battled all sorts of evil until Dr. Sivana and his evil children, Sivana Jr. and Georgia Sivana, attacked at a ceremony honoring the Marvels. The heroes became trapped in a globe of Suspendium, which put them into suspended animation for decades. (The plan backfired and the Sivanas were also trapped.) Two decades later, the globe approached the sun and the Suspendium began to vaporize. The Marvels and Sivanas were freed and returned to Earth. (Shazam! #1)
Mary goes to the Thanksgiving Day Parade as Grand Marshall, leaves her mother Mrs. Bromfield. She stops crooks who try to get away by hijacking a balloon of -- Mary Marvel. (#10)
"Mary Marvel's Fashion Parade" showing her outfit evolution, growing a bit older, longer skirt then sleeveless. Bridwell and Oksner: Mary's friends Clarice and Peggy build a Mary Marvel fan club clubhouse. Their meeting is disturbed by "Ghost" Gordon who creates phantoms to scare them. (#13)
Uncle Marvel (1st?) prepares at WHIZ putting on his costume and is attacked by the Smiling Swordsman who threatens to blow it up. Uncle goes on air speaking in code, which Mary picks up, calling her for help. She helps Uncle frame the thief, who makes him commit crimes. (#19)
At the narrows bnetween STaten Island and Brooklyn, Cap and Jr. rescue falling cars that then change into older models. They're following Dudley who left Chicago abruptly. They find they are back in time even Mary doesn't know them. They prompt her to transform too and she remembers, which suggests that she had gotten the powers at the same time as Billy but dind't know it. (#35)
Note: The letter column of Shazam! #22 declared that Mary, Billy and Freddy were 14 years old. f
World's Finest Comics
Sterling Morris visits Club Okapi where Dreamdancer performs, and bewitches him into putting her on the tv every night. Billy and Mary hang at her mother's house. Also Bulletman and Bulletgirl watch her dance. The men are ensnared and Billy has a vision of Cap and Dreamdancer saving him from him, thus inspiring loyalty. Bulletman thinks his wife has turned against him. Susan Barr calls Mary and they put the pieces together. Susan's father is police chief now. She recalls when Jim transformed via secret formula, noticed a change in him and the debut of Bulletman then discoverd his ID, became Bulletgirl, married. Now she's torn up thikning she's lost him. Dreamdancer's power comes from ancient manuscripts leaving men open to suggestion. The women spy on her and spoil a robbery plot but they can't implicate her. They make her perform her dance backward and men are released. (World's Finest Comics #255)
A man comes to WHIZ claiming to Billy that he killed his parents. He is Nate Dallas, a gambler who was approached by the Gamester, an alien who challenged him. Others' lives were on the line in a bet: Merrill and Jocelyn Batson. He won so the Batsons were killed by Gamester and made it look like an accidental car crash. Now he's at it again. He tells Mary and they set out to ensure he loses his next bets. They must do crazy things like retrieve a dinosaur from the jurassic. They discover he's from Earth, a charlatan from 2347! So he knew the Batsons were going to die. Cap defies him by changing history, saving others destined to die and Gamester is trapped in the present. (#256)
Mary Marvel after some thugs but one escapes in a special van with the help of anti-gravity tech. A sculptor named Nivan is behind it and dupes Mary into revealing her secret ID. Nivan is Georgia Sivana, turned people into plaster and passed them off as sculptures for access to wealthy homes. She uses her ray on Mary but she still manages to say Shazam. (#261)
Mister Mind gathers a new Monster Society of Evil with Sivana, IBAC, King Kull, Mister Atom, Black Adam and Oggar. He speaks via screen with Oggar's magic, who was restored by Mind. When Mind had transferred his consciousness to the Invincible Man, Oggar was in the form of a wild boar. When Mind siphoned some magic energy it let him change back. Oggar attacks first. He was a pupil of the Wizard who attained immortality then rebelled. He waited til his death to strike at Cap, has magic powers, strikes Billy mute, then Adam descends. They raise an army of sand from Egyptian desert. Mary arrives; Oggar's magic doesn't work against women. She outraces their lightning, letting it strike Billy so he's transformed. Oggar accidentally strikes Adam with a bolt and they retreat. (#264)
All Marvels including the Lieutenant Marvles rush to the Rock to find it under attack by the Monster Society. Mary takes out Oggar, Junior tricks Adam into saying "Shazam," Hill Marvel deflects Sivana's ship's beams back on him. Others force IBAC and King Kull to strike each other and knock themselves out. Cap sends Mister Atom into another universe, one where life never appeared. They search for Mind who's in Shazam's beard! (#267)
Satan is summoned from hell by Dora Keane. He grants her power to smite the Marvel Family. Darkness becomes her costume: the Darkling. She can suss out the heroes in their normal IDs, out for fun. Her darkness prevents the lightning from penetrating. From nowhere, ?? picks up Mary carrying her out of the dark so she can transform but her foe is strong and invulnerable too. Mary goes to the Rock of Eternity for Shazam's counsel and introduces her savior: Thjalfi, servant of Thor and swift. They wrap light up in her cape and Darkling dissolves. 278
Satan tries again to attack, gathering all his champions: IBAC, Sabbac, Darkling and Master Man (Quality/Kid Eternity foe). The kids and Kid Eternity enjoy a trip into the mountains, attacked by darkness. Kid Eternity manages to summon Zeus with the added benefit that he also brings Shazam bolts so all heroes are freed. Master Man remains and he summons his own gods, Egyptian Set, Persian Ahriman, Slavic Cernobog and Aztec Tezcatlipoca. (Adventure Comics #491)
Cap shrugs off Kid Eternity's offer to summon help, preferring to take on the evil gods. Eternity and Keeper retreat to phantom form and through time, back to primordial darkness, followed by Ahriman. They're at the moment of the Big Bang and he's destroyed. Master Man returns the gods to Stygia (he can summon figures like Kid E). Fists of fury finish them off. (#492)
Earth-One, Jimmy Olsen reads a Captain Marvel comic book. When Clark Kent goes into action, he finds he's wearing Cap's uniform — and powers. He recalls meeting Cap in JLA #137. It's Mr. Mxyzptlk. He goes to the Rock of Eternity to get to Earth-S. He finds Cap, dressed as Superman and when Clark calls the lightning, he turns back to Clark. They're attacked by a monster. Later Clark has dinner at Mrs. Potter's with Billy. Mxy is working with Mister Mind. (DC Comics Presents #33)
Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr., and Uncle Marvel join the case. Their powers are fine. Again at the Rock of Eternity they find a force barrier. It's taken over by the villains. Mxyzptlk calls forth King Kull, and empowered more by magic. Mister Mind recalls his history, the Monster Society original. When the heroes fall back to Earth, they find cartoon rabbits running from a robot rabbit. Two rabbits are sent to another Earth — Hoppy and Millie. He transforms into Captain Marvel Bunny in time to save Jr. and Mary from Kull. When Mister Mind says he wants to kill Superman, Mxy wants out, says his name backwards and goes home. (#34)
Crisis on Infinite Earths
During the great Crisis caused by the Anti-Monitor, the Marvel Family appeared when Earth-S was succumbing to the anitmatter wave. (Crisis on Infinite Earths #6) Harbinger spent her power to save it, then Earth-S began the process of merging with Earths-One, -Two, -X, and -4. Captain Marvel was a key soldier in the final battle against the super-villain army (#10) Eventually discovered that he could no longer return to Earth-S. (#11)
After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the DC universe was collapsed into a single universe. Earth-S was gone and so the Fawcett characters were left in limbo. Captain Marvel was retooled twice and enjoyed 'screen time' from 1987 on, but Mary did not return until 1995.
Billy is very protective of Mary. He has disapproved of the budding romance between she and Freddy. He also tried to forcibly remove her from the Super Buddies' headquarters.
Power of Shazam!
1 1994 Years ago, at Abu Simbel in Egypt, funded by the Sivana Expedition before the site will be engulfed by the waters of the Aswan dam project (relocated in 1968). C.C.(Charles Clarence) Batson, Marilyn Batson, Theo Adam and guide Saied explore the site. Adam is only interested in the riches possible. They discover the remains of previous robbers, hieroglyphs of Isis, Atum. Sivana wants artifacts for the Fawcett City World's Fair. Adam is jolted by electricity when touching it. C.C. deciphers a phrase and speaks it: Shazam, which generates more energy, opens the tomb. Adam grabs the scarab necklace from the mummy inside, Marilyn tries to stop him and it breaks. Lyn runs with the idol as the men fight. In a moment of faux peace, Adam stabs C.C. in the back. The temple crumbles on C.C. and Adam escapes, killing Saied and after Maryiln, who in Cairo puts the necklace inside her daugher Mary's tiger stuffed animal. Mary with her tutor, who stumbles on Adam murdering Marilyn and she's killed too. Mary recognizes Adam and he takes her saying the women have asked him to. In Fawcett City, Billy Batson is a newsboy on Binder Blvd. He encounters Sivana in his car. He's approache by a man in hat and trenchcoat who takes him into the subway and a special train. At the end, Billiy sees a gallery of the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man, past them to an old man : Shazam.He reveals the six sources of his power. His Historama reveals how Billy's guardian, uncle Ebenezer Batson (half brother to C.C.) threw him out. Billy doesn't know if Mary is alive. He sleeps on the street. Bid to speak his name, Billy is transformed into Captain Marvel ("old"). Billy is angered and confused by voices in his head. Shazam counsels him to calm himself lest he be led toward evil. Billy learsn his parents were murdered, wasn't in Cairo because his grades were suffering. The manb steps in again, calms him. As he transformes back to a boy, the block of stone above Shazam crushes him, apparently. Sivana is told the Batsons were murdered by Adam, who is staying with Sivana. Billy is sleeping on the roof of WHIZ radio when Adam and men come to set a bomb. Adam throws him over and he shouts Shazam again, an adult body with Billy's thoughts. Adam recognizes him, thinks he's C.C. Batson. Cap tosses the bom away, it strikes at the World's fair grounds. Sterling Morris notices it all. More Shazam bolts destroy Sivana's blimp. He tries to access Shazam's temple again but can'. He's approached by his schools' custodian, Dudley just as the Wizard contacts him on another plane. Dudely concerned with keeping Billy on track in school. There, Miss Wormwood is also concerned. Sivana and Adam fight, Adam swiping the scarab necklace remembers the name and speaking it transforms into Black Adam, instinctively knows past knowledge. Adam finds Billy's 'nest', the hidden amulet piece in the tiger doll, is soon found by Cap himself. Their fight puts the Sivana building ablaze. Crowd shot has a boy that looks like Freddy Freeman. When cap removes the amulet, his powers are gone, saves him from the crumbling building. He calls to Shazam who strikes Adam mute with a wound at the throat, now to face justice. Back with Shazam, Billy meets the spectre learns it's his father, learns Mary is alive. Billy visits Wormwood as adult, though he appears as a relatively young adult.
Power of Shazam! 1 3 1995 Shazam is angered at Billy's "misuse" of powers and calls him to the Rock (like an astral plane), he's not taking his mission seriously. Billy blames Shazam for not finding Mary.
3 Mary Bromfield is withl nanny Miss Sarah Primm. Sinclair Batson has found her to go to WHIZ radio. They're crashed by mobsters. Billy has his first broadcast, a spelling bee with Mary and Freddy Freeman and Percival Pill, who wins. After Billy is to take them all to pizza, with Freddy's grandfather. Freddy likes Mary and she thinks he's cute too. Sinclair prevents them getting together. They notice Sinclair's chauffeur has been roughed up and follows the limo with Mary inside--hijacked by Ibac. Cap toussles with him (he's "beaten him so many times"). He forces him to say his name, change back to Stinky Printwhistle. After Mary gushes at Cap, later asks Primm about her real dad... sees resemblance in Cap though vague.
4 Billy gets Mary's adoptions papers which read "Smyth" from 4 years prior, concludes it's his sister. At Bromfield's house, Mary talks with therapist about a dream, can't see faces, remembers parents and brother and a Tawky Tawny doll (popular "ten years back"). Primm gets a call about someone asking about Mary's records. When Billy gets home he's greeted by a live Tawky Tawny! When Dudley arrives with groceris, he sees only the doll. Billy calls him out about his knowing about Cap, but he's wrong, it's a surprise. He's only been covering for him because he was homeless. Billy heads for mary's home town of Fairfield. When he comes to the house Primm's associate knocks him out. There are kidnappers there. Mary nabs Billy's package with the doll inside and he appears to her too tells her to say Shazam. She does is markedly taller. In the fight, Primm is shot, confesses her brother is Theo Adam, she wanted to atone for him.
5 Mary finds Theo Adam in Crowley Penitentiary wanting to punish him. She's calmed by voices in her head. She runs across a supervillain, Madame Libertine. Mary responds to her with her name: 'Capatin Marvel." but Mary continues past her to Primm's funeral where the Nick and ?? Bromfield are (1st app.) defend against news reporters. Primm is welcomed to Hell by Blaze.Tawny counsels Mary again. Mary comes across Libertine again then is summoned by Shazam and Cap. She's angry Billy left her hanging without guidance. Shazam says they must remain apart. Billy says she should get her own name. Shazam pulled that name from his subconscious and Mary can call herself whatever--Mary Marvel. She says "what about 'Lieutenant Marvel?" When they both use the power, they only have half it's measure. Captain Nazi emerges.
6 At the hospital he and Mary learn that Freddy has a serious spinal cord injury but stable.
7 Billy and Mary implore Shazam to help Freddy with his powers. He's confused about how Mary knew to invoke his name... he didn't send the Tawky Tawny to her, and has not been animating it to Billy either. They leave and try to figure out how to help him. He's in a full body cast, depressed, grandpa still in coma. Sitting with Mary cheers him immensley. Mr. Morris has set up a fund. Captain Nazi returns to his brother's, suffering effects of his long sleep, hears Billy makes him mad. In Crowley Penitentiary, Theo Adam builds a power base. Nazi comes to finish off Freddy, mary catches him. Billy comes in, Mary gives up the power to let him be at full strength. Nazi goes down easier than before. Freddy is in bad shape. Billy and Mary both agree to touch him and let the magic flow through like a ? to restart his heart. They bring him to the Rock of Eternity for help again. Shazam comments that Mary uses his powers more intuitively than Billy. They deduce how to empower Freddy, which depowers themselves more. When Freddy comes to, he utters Captain Marvel's name and is transformed and takes the name Captain Marvel Junior.
8 mary visits Freddy in hospital when he gets news his grandfather has died. Angered, he transforms and hot after Captain Nazi. His bed is next to Theo Adam's. He wakes, escapes, takes Theo with him, part way, leaves him behind and Adam's approached by Blaze who offers restored vocal chords for a price.
Billy was approached by Maxwell Lord, who was forming a new team with old Justice League members. Billy declined but Mary took up the offer instead. Her time with these "Super Buddies" was rather traumatic; she was mind-controlled by the villain Roulette and pummelled Captain Atom nearly to death. (Formerly... #1-6)
Formerly Known as the Justice League 1 9 2003 Formerly Known as the Justice League 2 10 2003 Formerly Known as the Justice League 3 11 2003 Formerly Known as the Justice League 4 12 2003 Formerly Known as the Justice League 5 1 2004 Formerly Known as the Justice League 6 2 2004
Booster and Guy bring Fire, Metamorpho and Mary Marvel to J�onn & Dmitri�s aid. (OMAC Project 5 10 2005)
52 16 8 2006 Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel and Marvel Jr. attended the wedding of Black Adam and Isis.
52 25 10 2006 Sabbac rampages at the bidding of Neron, in Boston. Mary and Freddy Marvel come to the rescue but are interrupted by the Black Marvels, their first meeting with Osiris. In the nether regions,
Trials of Shazam 2 11 2006 Freddy is in N.Y. after losing his powers has gone back to school, but doesn't do well. He has a new friend, Shareena and visits Mary in the hospital every day. When the power left them, she fell to the ground and is now comatose. He's surprised when he says the wizard's name, he draws the lightning and disappears to the Rock where he meets the new Cap. All Shazam's power was freed and many evil forces were now unchecked. When the spells began to heal themselves, they took Shazam's power from his champions: Freddy, Mary and other everyday heroes (screens show some of the old Marvels). Billy now has all the power and has become simply Marvel, the keeper of the power, now grown up, possessing everything that was Captain Marvel and infused with all of Shazam. He says the power of Shazam needs a new acolyte who will maintain the balance betwwen magic and humanity: Freddy is chosen to undergo the Trials of Shazam to be worthy of the task. He must bet tested by all seven gods from whom he would draw power. If he fails, the magic will pass to a different lineage. If he succeeds, HE will be called Shazam. His first mission brings him to Zareb Babak, a magician who tells him that the gods have millions of avatars, and that Zeus is more a station than a name. Freddy unwittingly delivers an Audiom Warbeast into Babak's home.
Dark Mary
Mary Marvel is released from the hopital and is given a note from Freddy asking her not to find him. Her powers don't work. Heat Wave receives Trickster and Piper who want to join the Rogues again. (Countdown 51 7 2007 )
Countdown 50 7 2007 Mary sees Madame Xanadu for help. She tells her there's power in her destiny but equal parts dark and light, to stay out of Gotham and seek a guide.
Countdown 49 7 2007 Mary Marvel runs in Gotham from muggers and is saved by Black Adam.
Countdown 47 8 2007 Black Adam raves at Mary who says she wants her old life back. He gives her all the power of his gods and is left in mortal form and tell her to seek out her brother.
Countdown 46 8 2007 Mary now has Adam and Isis' powers. She finds fragments of the Rock of Eternity in Gotham (where she was warned not to go). A group of women summon a demon Pharyngula, made of babies' bodies. A bolt of lightning knocks both of them out.
Countdown 44 8 2007 Mary visits the Rock and sees her brother transformed. He's now Cap and Shazam in one. He says Mary will be left without power and Freddy's on a quest. Mary and Billy fight when he learns she has Adam's powers.
Countdown 42 9 2007 Mary meets Riddler in Gotham on the same case and join forces. They follow Clayface's trail and are attacked . Mary shoots him into space. Riddler suggests Mary find a magical mentor.
Countdown 41 9 2007 Eclipso spies Mary.
Countdown 40 9 2007 mary seeks Zatanna on a cruise ship.
Countdown 38 10 2007 At sea, Mary investigates lightning coming from the depths and the last of the Deep Six, Slig, emerges. He begins transforming humans into mer people, to protect him.
Countdown 37 10 2007 Zatanna takes Mary to her father's old house, Shadowcrest, outside Gotham City, which is cloaked. She grew up there. She has magical servants.
Countdown 36 10 2007 Mary reads Zatanna's books, but gets frustrated and lashes out. She already possesses great magical ability. Eclipso gives her a lust for power.
Countdown 35 10 2007 Zatanna banishes Mary from her house.
Countdown 34 11 2007 Mary meets Klarion in Chung Ling Soo Square, China. He binds her.
Countdown 33 11 2007 Mary easily frees herself from Klarion. She then agrees to give him a portion of her power for his help. She reasons that she has plenty.
Countdown 32 11 2007 Klarion is unsuccessful in trying to steal Mary's power. She agrees, but he tries to take it all. In Ephesus, Turkey, mary meets Eclipso at the temple of Artemis. Origin of Eclipso.
Countdown 31 11 2007 At Ephesus, Mary turns guards to stone with her magic.
Countdown 29 12 2007 Mary and Eclipso torture Turkish locals with rains.
Countdown 28 12 2007 Mary travels the world, using her magic to kill criminals; she kills death row inmates. The Shadowpact ready to confront her.
Countdown 27 12 2007 Mary and Eclipso trounce everyone in the Oblivion Bar.
Countdown to Final Crisis 25 12 2007 Eclipso delivers Mary Marvel to Darkseid.
Countdown to Final Crisis 22 1 2008 Mary turns on Eclipso, taking the gem.
Countdown to Final Crisis 23 1 2008 In space, Mary and Eclipso are attacked,nearly vaporized by a Dominion armada. This fleet comes under attack from Monarch's troops, led by Lord Havoc and Ultraman.
Countdown to Final Crisis 24 1 2008 Darkseid watches Desaad as Firestorm. The Knights help against Desaad, using a device to separate him from the matrix. He tries to subjugate Mary, who denies him. Their battle is stopped by Desaad's return.
Countdown to Mystery 4 2 2008 Eclipso battles Mary and plunges to Earth. Bruce Gordon's project is scrapped after his former project wetn awry. Crispus finds Gordon, leads him to a facility to protect him from Eclipso, locks him in. Jean sinks into the ocean and the diamond takes off, finds Gordon and transforms him. This draws the Spectre. Sunlight drives him away. In Coast City, Rosario Corrotto brings Creeper, Plastic Man and Dove. He has a priest, Xu, a homo magiworking on Alex Montez' corpse, which contains the rest of the black diamond.
Countdown to Final Crisis 20 2 2008 Eclipso strands Mary in space.
Countdown to Final Crisis 17 3 2008 Mary and Eclipso plummet to Earth, landing off Themyscira.
Countdown to Final Crisis 18 2 2008 Eclipso returns for Mary, who brings the battle.
Countdown to Final Crisis 15 3 2008 Mary meets Hippolyta.
Countdown to Final Crisis 12 4 2008 Granny unveils the first four Female Fury Amazons. Mary rises to challenge her when she talks of conquest. Harley and Holly defend her but Hippolyta intercedes. She wounds Granny whose form is reveals and she retreats in a Boom Tube. The girls follow. Hippolyta is left with the rest of the Amazons.
11 Mary and the others fight the Furies.
4 The heroes return from Earth-51. Harley, Holly and Jason say they're finished and head for Gotham. Mary lies and says she wants to check on Themyscira, but goes home, where Darkseid is waiting. He reveals he has her former power. He says her new powers are diminished. She takes it from him and agrees to a favor. Hippolyta sense her deal. Mary stops the Challengers from taking Jimmy to the JLA and takes him herself.
1 Mary is spurned by Adam but her anger builds.
Final Crisis 3 9 2008 Replika has been killed by Mary Marvel. Marvel kills Marene. She infects Wonder Woman with the Anti-Life.
5 Shazam tries to save Mary from Adam's attack.
6 Shazam holds Mary while saying the magic word and they both revert to human.
Final Crisis Secret Files 1 2 2009 Sketches of Dark Mary Marvel
Power of Shazam! 48 3 2010 Blackest Night: Billy and Mary are in Fawcett in their own apartment.
Other Versions
Tangent: Superman's Reign 2 6 2008 The Lanterns and Flashes meet, but the lantern will not return them to New Earth. GL draws forth the spirit of Mary Marvel, one of the Jokers. She recalls time with the Secret Six, when they came up against Superman. He took Mary away and killed her, destroyed Plastic Man. Lori Lemaris attends community education. In Saudi Arabia, Superman puts the screws to oil producers, forcing them to give up their wealth. Spectre and Manhunters run up against Jade and Obsidian. Guy is nicknamed Detective Chimp. He tells of the Metal Men: Commandewr Marcus Moore, Sam Schwartz, John Holliday (Hawkman), Francis Powell (Black Lightning), Carl Walters (Gravedigger), Rey Quinones (Lobo). They took a red tornado bomb from Prague and met Martina Zelenka (Raven). Moore wanted to launch it at Moscow, but Schwartz and Raven killed him. They married and Schwartz later became U.S. president. Moore survived and joined Nightwing with Powll and Walters. Power Girl was a Chinese engineered hero still out there.
Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come (1996) by Mark Waid and Alex Ross was set in the future, at a time when most heroes were older and the next generation of heroes was active. Mary Bromfield and Freddy Freeman had taken the names Lady Marvel and King Marvel. Their son, Whiz, also inherited the power of Shazam.
Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam!
Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! 15 Freddy becomes Black Adam Junior as Black Adam zips off to Egypt in searsearch of off he scarab housing Shazams original powers. He lived he beyond regulars human Year�s and when scarab was made he withered and died. he wa son of Rameses II and received the power as a boy. Egyptian tomb, a woman he mentions� Blaze. Tawny and Mary fight Freddy. Adam returns thinking scarab is in museum. Freddy�s lunch harms Cap. 15
Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! 16 Freddy is hesitant to dip harm. Mary goes to Wizard fior help sees the scarab there then let�s slip to Adam its location, leading him there. He has less power because of Freddy and cannot access power in it or fight all the others at once. Freddy rejects Adams attitude, wont hurt people. Flies away unsure what to do next. Adam grabs wizard and the torch, causing them to disappear.
Appearances + References
- Captain Marvel Adventures #18, 19, 37,43, 65, 69, 78, 81, 90
- Master Comics #118 (1950)
- Whiz Comics #48 (1943)
- All-Star Squadron #36-37, 51-52 (1984–85)
- Adventure Comics #491-492 (1982)
- All-New Collectors' Edition #C-58 (1978)
- Crisis on Infinite Earths #6, 7, 10, 11 (1985–86)
- DC Comics Presents #33, 34, 49, Annual #3 (1981–82)
- Justice League of America #136–137 (1976)
- Who's Who in the DC Universe #14 (1986)
- Action Comics #768
- Countdown #51-46, 44, 42-40, 38
- Day of Vengeance: Infinite Crisis Special #1
- Final Night #1, 3
- Genesis #4 (1997)
- Green Lantern v.3 #81
- Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
- Hawkman v.4 #23-25
- Identity Crisis #1
- JLA #39, 41
- JLA: Classified #4 (2005)
- JLA: World Without Grown-Ups #1-2
- JLA/JSA: Virtue & Vice
- JSA #33-35, 37, 73
- OMAC Project #5, 6
- Outsiders v.3 #33
- Showcase '96 #7 (1996)
- Starman: The Mist #1 (1998)
- Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #3, 4, 8
- Supergirl Plus #1 (1997)
- Supergirl v.4 #68–74
- Titans #39 (2002)
- Titans Secret Files #2 (2000)
- Wonder Woman v.2 #174–175
- Young Justice: Sins of Youth #1
- Young Justice: Sins of Youth Secret Files #1
Post-Infinite Crisis:
- 52 #16, 25, 43, 45, 50 (2007)
- Infinite Crisis #5–7
- World War III #1 (2007)
- Whiz Comics, 155 issues (1940–1953)
- Special Edition Comics #1 (1940)
- Captain Marvel Adventures, 150 issues, (1941–1953)
- America's Greatest Comics #1-8 (1941–1943)
- Marvel Family, 89 issues (1945–1954)
- Mary Marvel, 28 issues (1945–1948)
- Wow Comics #9–58 (1943–1947)
- Shazam!, 35 issues (1973–78)
- World's Finest Comics #253–270, 273–282 (1978–81)
- The Power of Shazam! Graphic Novel (1994)
- The Power of Shazam!, 47 issues (1995–99)
- JLA/Titans, 3-issue limited series (1999)
- Formerly Known as the Justice League, 6-issue limited series (2004)
- Countdown to Infinite Crisis, 52-issue limited series (2007–08)

New 52
Mary Bromfield, Captain Marvel II
Unnamed parents, Victor and Rosa Vasquez (foster parents)
Justice League vol. 2 #8 (June 2012); empowered: Justice League vol. 2 #21 (Aug. 2013)
The New 52
Rebirth (2016)

Mary had a troubled home life, led her to run away and she was surrendered to CPS. Darla is very upset to see Mary off to college at Vassar, 8 hours by bus from Philadelphia. . Meets new roommates Cassidy and Bianca (who has a pet rabbit, Hoppy). She fears she's not cool enough and introduces herself as "Marina." Later she discovers Hoppy has stowed away in her pack and he can talk! He was enchanted by Billy to communicate with her, warning her of new threats. He has chosen her to be the new champion of Shazam on Earth while he's trapped in the Rock. She has a conversation out loud in an auditorium and everyone hears her and thinks she's crazy. The bunny opens a portal taking them back to Philly, can do minor spells. Right amid a robbery and hostage situation by the Disaster Master. She finds she's more powerful because the magic isn't split. When she returns to Vassar she's told the Vasquez's have gone missing. (The New Champion of Shazam! #1)
Mary is forced to transfer to Fawcett Community college near home, home of WHIZ radio. Hoppy stows away again. At FCC she runs into Eugene who wants t avoid her. Billy said there was no longer enough power for all six kids. Dr. G is her biology teacher but Mary has to dash out to see a car crash caused by a giant crocodile monster. Hoppy senses a connection between this and the Disaster Master. Three men appear who are behind both of them, fry Hoppy and disappear. She finds that many people have been disappearing (Brian Butler, Alan Armstrong, Susan Kent, Jack Weston, Chase Yale, Christopher "Kit", Ja-- B--. (#2)
Missing people posters continue: Stanley Printwhistle, Nyoka Meredith, George Tweedle, Stuart Black, Dora Keane, Scoop Smith, Mickey Malone, Amentep PrinceOswald Babs, Horace Hand, James Barr, (#3)
Mary finds a magical artifact at the site of the disappearances. Media references to Mary explode, trying to give her a name etc. She commands Darla from getting involved--too dangerous. Dr. G wants her to run a study for her. She sees in her someone who overcomes: Dr. G had come from Harvard, discovered major things from ancient Babylon, of Ishtar and goddesses. Personal issues led to her being defunded. She wants to prove herself again. Eugene recognizes a poster of the "Sunshine Man" from around campus, and another familiar woman usually seen by the train station... leads her to investigate the train tunnels near college. She realizes the area of interest is around the college and stations. She finds many homeless in the underground station. She meets Dudley, aka Uncle Marv, who made all the "missing" posters. ("Dudley's the name of that mean kid from the wizard book.") People reported seeing monsters. Police have ignored the matter because it was "just homeless people.' They are attacked by Babel, whose words become concrete objects; he can voice people's self doubts, delivers psychological impact. Mary hits him, uncovers another magical device empowering him. (#4)
Mary is besieged by crocodile monsters. She finds her parents tied up by Dr. G down below who reveals her realy name Georgia Sivana. Because of her father she lost everything. She vowed to use what brought her low, magic, to triumph, combining ancient magic with science finding a way to harvest magic from the Rock and create a "Circle of Endings." It drains latent magic in people into a battery. But after subjects are drained they transform into monsters. She activates several batteries on herself. Mary changes and her magic lightning strikes through Sivana, undoing her magic and restoring people. The whole school begins the crumble and Mary is able to lift the whole thing above her so people can get out. When a reporter interviews Darla, she calls Mary "Shazam." Leads into Lazarus Planet (#5)
Mary Marvel (direct from New Champion #4) meets Black Adam's new heir Malik, and they try to free Billy Batson from the Rock of Eternity. They reach Batson via magic lightning; the Rock is different after Lazarus effects. He still hasnt' captured all its prisoners and is bound there BUT also has access to all its magic. Billy is bound while Shazam takes spectral form. Black Adam sugests that the Rock could be trapped inside Billy instead, it works and they return to Earth. But this severed the wizard Shazam's connection to it and locked HIM out and he vows to reclaim all his power; he considers himself an equal to gods. (Lazarus Planet: We Once Were Gods 1)
Apollo strikes Billy with an arrow in Philadelphia, accusing him of forgetting to honor the gods. Sekhmet in Cairo. Wizard Shazam is with Hera on Mount Olympus (Zeus' corpse at her feet); they plot to make people love/fear them again. Washington, DC, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Etta Candy, Cheetah meet to plan how to fight the gods and mosters cropping up. Diana travels to Olympus. A mystery man (Ares) finds the golden hand of Eros. Hecate keeps Hippolyta from meeting with her daughter. Hera deifies Diana, binding her to Olympus continues WW #797 Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods 1
Hera binds Diana with her lasso, imprisoned on Olympus. Ares comes to free her and she makes her way back to Earth via the well of souls . Mary Marvel seeks Wonder Woman at the Amazon embassy in Boston, walks through the portal to Themyscira as monsters are attacking it; Hades is allowing zombies to attack after the island was weakend by Lazarus rains. She transforms and fights with them. Hoppy opens a portal to call her home to help Billy. Wonder Woman 797
Diana appears to Billy bidding him to meet up with Yara. Billy is shocked to find the wizard in Olympus and he takes his powers back. Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods 2
Hecate unexpectedly helps Billy escape a cell. He and Yara run across Hippolyta who gifts hiim power enough to continue their battle. Diana stands ready on Themyscira when the army of the gods arrives. Unexpectedly, Ares reveals himself as an ally Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods 3
Ares throws his lot in with Diana. In fighting Hera, Diana is knocked out; Mary bestows her powers onto her with a magic word, giving her what she needs to face Hera. Diana returns with gifts from the Amazons for Mary: Hermes sandals, helm of Victory/Nike, gauntlets of Atlas. When she takes to the air she shouts her name, "Mary Marvel!" Wonder Woman 798
Wonder Woman defeats Hera. Hera retreats but is barred from her throne by Shazam, Phobos and Deimos. On Themyscira, Hippolyta leads their patron goddesses help defend the Amazons. ON Earth Billy calls the wizard and pleads his case to remain his champion to protect people—and it should be Mary. Shazam explains after he was cut off from power in Lazarus, he thought Billy had become another Black Adam problem, so the wizard allied with Hera, convinved only those IN power should HANDLE the power. Shazam now feels unworthy of Billy and Marys' selflessness. He begins to grant both of them their powers back when Hippolyta intervenes. She grants Mary her own power, from herself, Artemis, Selene, Zephyrus, Minerva and Aurora. Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods 4
This was the era of the feature film, whose script used the New 52 version of the character as its basis. Shazam! the feature film starring Zachary Levi was released in 2019. And a sequel, Shazam!: Fury of the Gods, in 2023. Michael Uslan was not involved. Instead, they were directed by David F. Sandberg. While they were fun, the movies did not received widespread acclaim.
In comics, a new series by Geoff Johns launched (Shazam! volume 3) with a magical adventure involving all six kids. After a brief involvement with the Teen Titans Academy, Billy went to Hell (Shazam! volume 4), then retreated into the Rock of Eternity to guard some new evil prisoners there. Prior to this, in the "Lazarus Planet" event, Billy and Mary warred with the gods themselves. In the end, Hippolyta gifted Mary with her own set of powers, from Selene, Hippolyta, Artemis, Zephyrus, Aurora and Minerva. Mary starred in The New Champion of Shazam!, a limited series that followed her off to college.
Appearances + References
- Convergence: Shazam!, 2-issue limited series (2015)
- The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1 (Feb. 2015)
- The New Champion of Shazam!, 4-issue limited series (2022)
- Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods, 4-issue limited series (2023)