Mister Miracle II + Big Barda
New 52
Created by Jack Kirby

Mister Miracle II
Scott Free
Darkseid (father)
Earth 2 #11 (June 2013)
Historical: Mister Miracle vol. 1 #1 (Apr. 1971)
Mister Miracle (original)

Big Barda
Big Barda
Furies of Apokolips
Earth 2 #11 (June 2013)
Historical: Mister Miracle vol. 1 #4 (Oct. 1971)
Big Barda (pre-Crisis)

Little is known about the origins of Scott Free, one of the so-called "New Gods" of Apokolips (which exists in a parallel universe of Earth-51 and traverses the multiverse by use of "Boom Tubes"). Scott is the son of that world's brutal conqueror, Darkseid. He resisted his father's sinister influence and escaped to Earth-2, where he studied with a retired escape artist named Shilo Norman. Norman worked under the stage name Mister Miracle, and Scott remained on Earth, becoming Mister Miracle II. He adopted Norman's costume and imbued it with technology from his world. (Earth 2 #15)
On Apokolips, Big Barda oversaw the recruitment and training of Darkseid's Furies, female warriors forged by their time in Granny's Finishing School. One of Barda's protégés included the daughter of the New God Steppenwolf and Earth's hero, Wonder Woman. This girl was called Fury, and was kidnapped by Steppenwolf and raised on Apokolips. (Earth 2 #15)
Steppenwolf eventually sent Big Barda to retrieve Scott Free, and under unrevealed circumstances she was swayed by him to turn on her masters and ally with him. By the time Steppenwolf was preparing for Apokolips' invasion of Earth, he had captured the pair and branded them as traitors. (Earth 2: World's End #1) After Apokolips lost the the war with Earth, Barda and Scott escaped from Steppenwolf; they ran from him — and Earth's World Army — for five years before arriving in devastated Gotham City. (Earth 2 #11, 15)
Their alliance was tenuous. Barda was conflicted about the choice she had made, both present and past. And Scott and was never sure he could trust her. Steppenwolf finally located them and dispatched Fury to Gotham, (#11) where Miracle and Barda sought help from a rumored new Batman. (Earth 2 Annual #1)
Their fight was interrupted by the android Red Tornado, who brought Scott and Barda in for the World Army. (Earth 2 #15) When the Army's Arkham base was overrun by Apokolips' forces, Mister Miracle and Barda were enslaved by Bedlam and forced to help with building a transport device between worlds. (#21) They succeeded in this task, along with Terry Sloan and Mister Terrific, but soon after activating the portal, Earth's heroes deactivated the device. (#26-27)
Prior to World's End: Darkseid recruits his four Furies, all the last of their races. Pestilence of Czarnia-2 was a friend of Lobo. For revenge against the higher caste, she agreed to become filled with disease to kill them. Desaad offered her a new mission. On Warworld, Famine was Mongul's star gladiator, and even bested her master. War was K'li, a princess of Tamaran who crash landed on Apokolips and was trained by Barda. On Death was a nurturing mother from Mars. Her race was annihilated by Darkseid, who offered to give her a new child. NOTE: The Furies first appeared in Earth 2: Worlds' End #1 (Dec. 2014).
Earth 2 #28 (Jan. 2015)
Boom Tubes from Apokolips bring four Furies: War (K'Li), Pestilence, Famine,and Death. NOTE: In Convergence, writer Jeff King called Dick's son "Tommy" and clarified his name to Cosmic Teams via Twitter: "John Thomas Grayson." Earth 2: Worlds' End #1 (Dec. 2014)
Mister Miracle and Sloan venture into the mind of Bedlam, fight their demons, and disable him. The elemental Parliament Enclave rises to defend Earth. K'Li takes control of the women. First appearance of the Court of Apokolips: Paternus, insectoid Rectifier, diminutive Lowest, and gangly Arcanis. Earth 2: Worlds' End #2 (Dec. 2014)
Apokolips enters Earth's solar system. World's leaders decide to launch a nuclear attack. John Constantine arrives from Earth-0 in London. In Amazonia, Dr. Robert Crane (his brain now inside a robot body), Earth 2: Worlds' End #3 (Dec. 2014)
The Mother Box chooses Jimmy Olsen for a specific purpose. It also purges Bedlam's influence from the heroes. Fury finds new purpose in fighting against Apokolips. Barda recommends they open the Mobius Chamber at the heart of Apokolips. Earth 2: Worlds' End #4 (Dec. 2014)
Desaad transforms Huntress into the new Fury of Famine. The Helm of Nabu "seeks its mate"—the Mother Box. When they touch, Jimmy is elevated to godhood. John Constantine departs London for the Arkham base. Apokolips booms into Earth orbit, destroying the moon. Earth 2: Worlds' End #7 (Jan. 2015)
Mister Miracle descends into the Mobius Chamber. Earth 2: Worlds' End #9 (Feb. 2015)
Barda betrays Mister Miracle by encouraging him to use the boom spheres to kill Darkseid; insteasd it releases him from imprisonment. #10
Sloan secretly meets with Darkseid. He knows that Highfather has agreed to let Apokolips feed on Earth-2. Earth 2: Worlds' End #11 (Feb. 2015)
Barda is appointed Doyenne of the Furies. Earth 2: Worlds' End #12 (Feb. 2015)
Khan pilots Shackleton on a suicide trajectory with Darkseid's tower. Earth 2: Worlds' End #13 (Feb. 2015)
Darkseid destroys Khan's ship before it can do damage. Earth 2: World's End #14 (Mar. 2015)
The Mother Box leaves Jimmy's body and goes to the heroes on Apokolips. The original Superman hooks himself up to Desaad's machines to sacrifice himself to kill the clones of the Great Beast. Yolanda is freed. Earth 2: World's End #15 (Mar. 2015)
Deathspawn heads for the heart of the planet, and the Parliament. arth 2: World's End #17 (Mar. 2015)
Darkseid unleashes his terraformer on Earth. The elemental avatars crumble under Deathspawn's power. Earth 2: World's End #18 (Apr. 2015)
Fire pits are activated to link Earth to Apokolips. Earth 2: World's End #19 (Apr. 2015)
Red Arrow reveals the Batman's contingency plan: a codex with the encoded DNA of every plant, animal and organism on the planet plus history, culture, language and engineering. Sloan prepares his Endurance ship to retrieve the people from Haven. He was the first to saved his Earth from being devoured by Apokolips. Earth 2: World's End #21 (Apr. 2015)
Earth is totally engulfed by Apokolips. Jimmy opens Boom Tube and escapes with Dr. Crane, the other doctors and their owl. Barda jumps into their portal then conceals herself among the humans at Haven. Earth 2: World's End #23 (May 2015)
Val and Power Girl go up against Darkseid. Barda finds K'li (War) among survivors. Dick Grayson is denied passage onto the ship and entrusts his son with a stranger — Barda. Escape ships depart through a passage created by Green Lantern. Earth 2: World's End #24 (May 2015)
Darkseid defeats the Kryptonians. Mister Terrific activates a "lensing" installation to exchange mass with another universe combined. They can save everyone aboard a fleet of Sloan's ghost ships which are pulled through from other universes. Green Lantern finds new strength from the Green of other universes. Dr. Fate returns. Earth 2: World's End #25 (May 2015)
After escape ships narrowly avoid fire from Apokolips, Green Lantern provides the last boost of powers to save more people. In the Court of Apokolips, Darkseid gloats as Earth is consumed. Six heroes are left on Earth and believed dead. The others help refugees on the space ship, but have no destination. Red Arrow gives codex to Mister Terrific. Mister Miracle prepares to leave them.
Earth 2: World's End #26 (May 2015)
Earth 2: World's End
Bedlam kept control of Miracle and the others but Scott helped them break into Bedlam's own mind using a series of mental triggers. Inside Bedlam's mind, Miracle and Sloan fought their demons and disabled their foe. (Earth 2: World's End #1-2)
Now free from Bedlam's control, Mister Miracle accompanied the heroes to the World Army base in Amazonia, but despite his heroic efforts, he was detained by them as a potential threat from Apokolips. As Apokolips entered Earth's solar system for a second invasion, Scott tried to warn the world's leaders that its nuclear arsenal would have no effect. Meanwhile, Scott's Mother Box (a sentient god-computer) connected with young Jimmy Olsen, who could communicate with computers. Barda and Fury were also now free from Bedlam, and they arrived in Amazonia intent on rescuing Mister Miracle. (#3)
The Army called a truce and convinced the New Gods to help them try to destroy Apokolips. When Mister Miracle was reunited with his Mother Box, she purged the influence of Bedlam from their minds. (#4)
Note: The events of Earth 2: World's End and The New 52: Future's End are billed as a potential future. The history of these characters from that point forward may or may not ultimately remain in continuity.
The full extent of Mister Miracle's abilities is unknown. As a "god" of Apokolips, he is most likely much more resilient and powerful than an average human being. His true talent is
"mental gifts" (Earth 2: World's End #1)
Both "New Gods" are naturally more strong, resilient and impervious than humans. Big Barda has trained from a young age in the art of hand-to-hand combat, reaching a top commander's level in Darkseid's elite fighters, the Furies.