Created by Jerry Siegel, Leo Nowak and Paul Cassidy
Dr. Robert Crane, alias Paul Denni
All-Star Squadron
FIRST APPEARANCE: Star-Spangled Comics #7 (April 1942)
Robbie the Robot Dog: Star-Spangled Comics #25 (Oct. 1943)
The Original Robotman
Dr. Crane helps Pat Dugan with his exo-suit. From Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #8 (2000); art by Lee Moder and Dan Davis.
The character was inspired by Otto Binder's robot character from 1939, Adam Link, who was featured in the pulp series, Amazing Stories.
Robotman was originally Robert Crane; after his transformation, he adopted
the human alter ego of Paul Dennis. His brain was later transplanted into
body of Chuck Grayson. Grayson helped Pat Dugan (Stripesy) with modifications to his new exo-suit, S.T.R.I.P.E. (Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. #8)
Oddly, Robotman was one of few wartime heroes to survive DC's super-hero
purge of the early 1950s. DC continued to publish his adventures into the
'50s, in Detective Comics.
Robotman II
He is succeeded by Cliff Steele, the Robotman of the Doom