Humor Fill-Ins








Burp the Twerp

Written by Rich Meyer

Burp the Twerp (the Super Son of a Gun) was a man to watch out for...when last seen, he had Plastic Man shaking in his boots!

Well, kinda anyway. Burp the Twerp was a one-page humor feature that ran in several Quality Comics publications in the forties, including BLACKHAWK and POLICE COMICS. His shtick was that he had every power of every super-hero...but unfortunately he was a considerable klutz and things didn't quite go the right way for him most of the time.

The strip was "signed" by Ralph Johns, but this was just another pseudonym for the legendary Jack Cole, creator of Firebrand, Midnight, Woozy Winks and, of course, Plastic Man. Burp premiered in the second issue of POLICE COMICS, co-inciding with the second adventures of Plastic Man, Midnight, Firebrand and several other popular Quality features.

Naturally for a humor strip, there wasn't a whole lot of continuity to be concerned with. The strips that I have read are all fairly funny, in a Basil Wolverton-Powerhouse Pepper way. I think the one episode of any real noteworthiness is the page in POLICE COMICS #23 (December, 1943), in which Jack Cole's star, Plastic Man, makes a brief cameo appearance (which was reprinted in Ron Goulart's Focus on Jack Cole).

After the demise of Quality Comics, Burp the Twerp made only one more appearance. DC Comics' SECRET ORIGINS #30 (Volume 2), featured the secret origin of Plastic Man. Roy Thomas, Stephen DeStefano and Paul Fricke. Thomas and DeStefano put Burp the Twerp in the background, and had the little guy meet Woozy Winks and Plas at the end of the story. After Burp left, Plas told Woozy who it was, and warned "If you ever get him mad at us, he'll come back and take over, and then we're all out of business!"

Well, that hasn't exactly happened yet...but there are still those of us who are waiting...

