The heroes who would found the Ultramarines first debuted as government agents
under command of the deranged General
Wade Eiling(1st app. Captain Atom #1). These four: 4-D (Capt.
Lea Corbin), Flow (Major
Dan Stone), Pulse 8 (Capt. John Weather) and Warmaker One (Lt.
Col. Scott Sawyer) eventually realized
that Eiling was mad when he took over the body of the JLA's old enemy, the
Shaggy Man.
Warmaker One • 4-D • Jack O'Lantern • Pulse 8
Warmaker One: No longer possesses a human body, but uses his uniform
as a containment suit.
4-D: Can alter her body to become totally flat.
Glob: Made up of a viscous material that can process data and
interface with other systems.
Jack O'Lantern: Jack has mystical strength and agility derived from his lantern.
Pulse 8: Can manipulate reality with his quantum keyboard
They turned against Eiling and instead aided the JLA in defeating him. Afterwards,
they formed the sovereign state of Superbia and formally became the International
Ultramarine Corps(JLA
#24-26). This city originally hovered above the ruins of Montevideo,
(destroyed DC One Million #1, 11.98), but
is mobile. They
opened Superbia to any
who wished to immigrate and offered freelance heroes membership in the
Ultramarines. Several heroes joined them immediately, including Jack
O'Lantern IIIand Vixen as
well as newcomers Goraiko,
and the Knight IIand SquireIII.
NOTE: Goraiko (or someone like him) was also a member of an elder group
of Japanese heroes called Big Science Action.
(Final Crisis #2)
Not much is yet known about this group. Goraiko is an atomic-powered android
who is "piloted" by an unnamed Japanese woman. The Knight (formerly
the Squire II) is Cyril Sheldrake, the son
of the original Knight (Percy Sheldrake,
the Earl of Wordenshire, who was also the original Squire). The original
Knight was killed by his arch-enemy, Springheeled Jack. Cyril succeeded
him afterward, but it's been mentioned that he too spent some time in
a coma, perhaps from the same attack. Apparently, the Knight and his former
allies had some sort of camaraderie with Batman; he is referred
to as the "English Batman" and his helmet is modeled after Batman's cowl.
The new Squire is Beryl Hutchinson, a young girl talented with all forms
of communication.
Little was heard of the group after their formation, though Vixen and 4-D
aided Wonder Woman against Circe (Wonder
Woman #174-175). At some point, Flow has changed
his name to Glob, and several former members of the Global
Guardians joined on: Tasmanian Devil, Olympian, Fleur
de Lis and the new Little Mermaid II and
Kid Impala.
In what should have been their finest hour, however, the Ultramarines slipped
up. They were victims of a plan orchestrated by Neh-Buh-Loh,
the former Nebula Man who proclaimed himself the bringer of the end of the universe. Neh-Buh-Loh sent
an agent called Black
Death into the infant
universe of Qwewq(from
JLA #12) to lure away the JLA. Then he set Grodd to attack in Africa,
which drew the attention of the Ultramarines. They flew Superbia to the continent
and soon Pulse 8 discovered a cube bearing traces of cosmic emanations that
matched those of the the Nebula Man. Pulse 8 was subsequently drawn
into the cube and was overtaken by Neh-Buh-Loh.
Batman, the sole available JLA member, noticed the disturbances. With the
JLA gone, he recruited the Squire to help him. They used a Boom Tube and traveled
to Pluto where Qwewq was housed, on the former War World.
He set the Squire about contacting the JLA and activated a set of JLA androids
to battle Grodd.
But Batman was too late to stop the villains. Grodd slayed hundreds
of refugees on Superbia and Neh-Buh-Loh disabled Goraiko, which produced an
electromagnetic pulse that disabled Superbia. The floating city crashed to
the ground. The Squire eventually succeeded in retrieving the JLA, who stopped
Grodd and Neh-Buh-Loh, but were unable to capture the latter. Everyone was
freed from Neh-Buh-Loh's control.
In the end, the JLA reprimanded
the Ultramarines for their carelessness and challenged them to relocate to
Qwewq. You see, during the battle,
Neh-Buh-Loh had claimed to be the adult universe of Qwewq. The JLA
hoped that perhaps the Ultramarines' positive influence would prevent this
fate. (JLA
Classified #1-3)
Ultimately the Ultramarines were unable to change Qwewq's nature, or to rid the universe of the Black Death's stain. Instead, they secretly sowed the seeds to Neh-Buh-Loh's ultimate destruction and returned to Earth. Later Neh-Buh-Loh was confronted by the monster, Frankenstein, who used a weapon that exploited that flaw. (Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein #4)
A team of super-powered beings which traverses the universe helping worlds
who need them, the Vanguard arrived on Earth, battling and attempting
to capture Superman. Before they could abduct the Man of Steel, the New Teen
Titans intervened, but they quickly realized they were battling a robot. One
of the Vanguard, Black Nebula, was watching over the Man of Steel, was recuperating
after a battle with Brainiac.
The Titans joined the Vanguard and found Black Nebula dead and the Man of Steel
gone. Brainiac had attacked, killed the Vanguard member, and kidnapped Superman.
The combined might of the Titans and the Vanguard proved enough to overcome
Brainiac; they rescued Superman and Brainiac's energy was scattered across the
cosmos. The Titans and Superman returned to Earth and the Vanguard continued
its travels.
The members of the Vanguard are: Anti-Matterman, a living power battery
with infinite power from the anti-matter universe, Qward; Scanner, whose
mental powers reach across the vast abyss of space; White Dwarf, who
has the powers of directed gravity, density, and the ability to absorb explosions;
Solaar, who can utilize the heat and energy of the solar winds; and Black
Nebula, with the power to create darkness. In addition, the Vanguard has
a bond with a creature of living metal known as Drone, which acts as
their spaceship and their shield while also possessing incredible healing powers.
FIRST APPEARANCE: New Teen Titans v.2 Annual #1 (1985)
Villainy, Inc.
Eviless presides over the roll call of villainesses! From Wonder Woman #28 (1948); art by Harry Peter.Doctor Poison is unmasked as the Princess Maru. From Sensation Comics #2 (1942); art by Harry Peter. The two sides of Priscilla Rich, the Cheetah! From Wonder Woman #6 (Fall 1943); art by Harry Peter.Wonder Woman stops Zara. From Comic Cavalcade #5 (1943); art by Harry Peter. Top: Queen Clea presides over a tournament featuring "manling" Steve Trevor. Below: Wonder Woman and Eeras discover Princess Ptra has taken Clea's place as prisoner. From Wonder Woman #8 (1944); art by Harry Peter.Serva and her twin sister, Hypnota, perform their act. From Wonder Woman #11 (1944); art by Harry Peter.The Snow Man and her robots. From Sensation Comics #59 (1946); art by Harry Peter.
group, comprised of Wonder Woman's nemeses, first menaced her in the
1940s. Eight of her worst enemies were gathered by Eviless of Saturn (who first appeared, unnamed, in Wonder Woman #10). Eviless was being shipped off to the Amazons' Transformation Island but broke free and stole the magic lasso and freed all of Wonder Woman's foes from the corrective "Venus Girdles" they'd been fitted with. Seven of them joined Eviless to form Villainy Incorporated:
The Cheetah became Wonder Woman's arch-foe. She was débutante Priscilla Rich, who met the Amazon at a charity performance. Priscilla was jealous of the attention Wonder Woman garnered. She was mentally unbalanced and hallucinated that she saw a cheetah-woman in the mirror. She took a cheetah rug and made a costume, then framed Wonder Woman for stealing the proceeds. This "idle" girl gave Diana a wild, anarchic chase and escaped. She wiggled her way into a delegation to Paradise Island and stole Queen Hippolyte's magic girdle. In the end, she was bound by the magic lasso and confessed she had a dual personality. She asked Wonder Woman to help her tame the Cheetah's influence on her psyche. (Wonder Woman #6)
Giganta began as an ape in a zoo. One day a girl wandered into Giganta's cage and Wonder Woman moved to save her. Police wanted to put down the ape, but Professor Zool of Holliday College had a different idea. He'd been experimenting with technology to alter the evolutionary station of things. The process worked and Giganta became a tall, beautiful woman. Giganta tussled with Wonder Woman and the machine was destroyed, but Zool had a backup. When he activated the second machine, elderly Zool was transformed into a vigorous young man and Giganta gained human-level intelligence — but her wicked tendencies remained. (Wonder Woman v.1 #9) She made a cameo in Sensation Comics #36 (1944).
Queen Clea was a relentless warrior from the lost continent of Atlantis, which had sunken below the ocean. Her city, Venturia, raided another, Aurania, and captured its queen, Eeras. Eeras escaped and secured help from Steve Trevor. Wonder Woman followed Trevor's plane to Atlantis and conspired with Eeras to defeat Clea. Clea turned her attentions to the surface world with the help of her daughter Ptra, but they were defeated by the ever timely intervention of Etta Candy and taken to the Amazons' Transformation Island. Eeras' daughter, Octavia sought out Wonder Woman to be her mentor and she helped Diana squash Clea's second coup attempt. (Wonder Woman #8)
Zara (ostensibly an Arab woman) was High Priestess of the Cult of the Crimson Flame. When Diana Prince and Steve Trevor began investigating the Cult, Prince was captured but it was Wonder Woman whom Zara received. At the Cult's temple, Zara admitted that her flames weren't magic, and that she was out for revenge on men because her father had sold her into slavery. (Comic Cavalcade #5)
Three of Wonder Woman's adversaries disguised themselves as men...
The Snow Man first terrorized Fair Weather Mountain with her blue freeze ray. Really the Snow Man was school teacher Byrna Brilyant, a nervous woman. For some reason, Brilyant created iron robot snow men and concocted a special freezing chemical. Once Wonder Woman got her lasso around the Snow Man, she learned that it wasn't a man at all, but Brilyant, who didn't explain why she'd dressed as a man. (Sensation Comics #59)
Doctor Poison was the Princess Maru, a skilled chemist who worked for the Germans. She kidnapped Captain Trevor and unleashed a chemical called Reverso that would compel soldiers to do the opposite of their orders. Wonder Woman got Trevor to safety then defrocked the Doctor. (Sensation Comics #2)
Hypnota "the great Oriental hypnotist" spoke with a phony French accent. This stage hypnotist was a woman dressed as a man. Somehow (perhaps from a gunshot to the head) she developed a powerful blue hypnotic ray and used it to enslave people and sell them to the Saturnian people. Hypnota's twin sister, Serva, was her assistant and her undoing. Serva recovered her memory once enveloped by the magic lasso, and she helped Wonder Woman unravel the web of deception. (Wonder Woman #11)
The evil women captured Diana with her own lasso and concocted a paralyzing gas to take out the rest of the Amazons. However, some of the Amazons' freed prisoners found that they had truly been reformed. They organized a rebellion and liberated Wonder Woman. Four of the villainesses escaped and Wonder Woman's friends, the Holliday Girls, helped round them up. (Wonder Woman, v.1 #28)
A post-Crisis tale of the Golden Age Villainy, Inc., now with a fully-female Hypnota. From Wonder Woman: Our Worlds at War (2001); art by Cliff Chiang.Clea's new Villainy, Inc. From Wonder Woman v.2 #180 (2002); art by Roy Allan Martinez. The ever-young Clea faces Diana in Skartaris. From Wonder Woman v.2 #180 (2002); art by Roy Allan Martinez.
In post-Crisis continuity, the group was retooled with Hippolyta was Wonder Woman and the villains were assembled by Queen Clea, not Eviless. This Atlantean
monarch of the city Venturia enlisted the others as part of her effort to defeat her rival city,
Aurania. They were repeatedly
foiled by Hippolyta. (Wonder Woman: Our Worlds at War #1) Hippolyta's daughter
Diana once traveled back in time and happened upon them in battle. Clea was defeated
by Diana (who disguised herself as Miss America so her mother could not recognize her) and Clea's own daughter, Ptra. (Wonder Woman
v.2 #184-185)NOTES: The post-Crisis Golden Age group appeared in Wonder Woman: Our Worlds at War, and Hypnota was changed to "Hypnotic Woman" and lost the beard and mustache. Eviless and the Snow Man made no post-Crisis appearances. In post-Crisis continuity, Giganta did not debut until the modern era.
Clea resurfaced many years later with a host of other villains,
allied with King Kull against the Justice League and Justice Society. She and her subjects fought
alongside Blockbuster, but were easily defeated. (Justice League
of America #135)
When all of Atlantis was removed from the Earth (JLA: Our Worlds at War #1), Clea again
set out to conquer a land to rule. She assembled a new Villainy, Inc. — Trinity, Jinx, Cyborgirl, and Giganta — and
descended upon the other-dimensional Skartaris. She
used Cyborgirl to take control of the entire dimension. (Wonder Woman v.2 #179-181) Clea's entire plan,
however, was commandeered by Trinity. (#182) Trinity was in fact revealed to be a
virus, engineered by the founders of Skartaris. When the "Trinity Virus" was
reintroduced into Skartaris' governing computer system, the whole land began
to regress and "devolve"
to its origins. Wonder Woman managed to stop the process from becoming permanent,
but still, some of Skartaris' inhabitants (including Clea) were lost in the
de-evolution. (#183)
After the second great Crisis, Donna Troy became Wonder Woman and Clea briefly returned, allied with Osira and Doctor Poison. (Wonder Woman v.3 #2)
Golden Age: Wonder Woman v.1 #28 (Apr. 1948).
Post-Crisis: Wonder Woman: Our Worlds at War #1 (2001)
Woman v.1 #28 (Apr. 1948)
Wonder Woman, v.2 #179–185 (2002)
Woman Secret Files #3 (May 2002)
Wonder Woman: Our Worlds at War #1 (2001)
But Back to Giganta…
Prof. Zool transforms Giganta the female ape into a woman. From Wonder Woman #9 (1944); art by Harry Peter. The sort-of-new Giganta. From Wonder Woman v.1 #163 (1966); art by Ross Andru and Mike Esposito.
For a long time, Giganta was an obscure fan favorite, mostly due to her time as a member of the Legion of Doom on the 1979 television series "Challenge of the Super Friends." So what's the rest of her story?
In the 1966, writer Robert Kanigher penned a weird revival of the Golden Age Wonder Woman, more in line with William Moulton Marston's original style. He retold the origin of Giganta nearly the same. This time, Doctor Psycho goaded Professor Zool into transforming the gorilla into a woman (now blond not redhead). (Wonder Woman v.1 #163, 168) Kanigher tended to ignore the mainline DC continuity, so it's unclear whether this retcon was truly an Earth-Two wartime tale, or the first appearance of the Earth-One Giganta.
After that, Giganta appeared only in Super Friends #30 (Mar. 1980).
Post-Crisis, Giganta was ignored until John Byrne took the reigns of Wonder Woman in 1995. Byrne reintroduced Giganta as a lab gorilla. (Wonder Woman v.2 #126–127) This gorilla belonged to Doctor Doris Zuel, who attempted to transfer her own mind into Wonder Woman's dying body. Instead, Zuel and Diana both apparently died. But Zuel's mind was transferred into the gorilla's body. Zuel escaped to a circus, where she kidnapped and transferred her mind into a circus strong woman named Olga. Somehow, in this body, Zuel possessed the ability to grow to gargantuan heights. (Wonder Woman v.3 #1) She appeared once more (#175) and then joined the modern Villainy, Inc. (#179-181) NOTE:Wonder Woman: Our Worlds at War (2001) contains an "untold tale" of Villainy, Inc. which does not include Giganta.