Checklist: 1962 Topps Superman Tattoo Bubble Gum
The following are verified tattoos in this set. Many of these were reprinted in 1967 with different wrappers.

- *Aquaman on back of whale
- Batman and Robin in the Batmobile
- Batman and Robin running in the Batcave
- Batman climbing up building
- Batman and Robin looking up at bat-signal
- Batman and Robin swinging in on ropes
- Batman kicking criminal near fire hydrant
- Batman logo against yellow circle
- Batman tackling crook on rooftop
- Bizarro flying over crooked city
- Boy pointing at Superman flying over while dog jumps
- Cannon ball bouncing off Superman’s chest
- Caveman breaking club over Superman’s head
- Clark Kent changing into Superman
- Flash racing past a street lamp
- Flowerpot crashing down on Clark Kent’s head
- Gangster firing tommy gun against Superman’s chest
- Green Arrow shooting at bullseye hung on tree
- Green Lantern charging his ring
- Green Lantern flying
- Indian’s arrow breaking against Superman’ chest
- Knight’s lance bending against Superman’s chest
- Lex Luthor firing ray at Superman
- Lightning striking Superman’s chest
- Lois discovering Superman suit in closet
- *Martian Manhunter punching a crook
- Perry White and Clark Kent
- Robin throwing barrel at criminal
- Rocket flying away from exploding Krypton
- Strongman breaking a boulder over Superman’s head
- Superbaby lifing chair with dog
- Supergirl looking at dresses
- Superman against American flag
- Superman and Batman shaking hands
- Superman and giant hand
- Superman and Krypto flying together
- Superman and Lori Lemaris swimming
- Superman and Mr. Mxyzptlk dressed in green
- Superman and Mr. Mxyzptlk dressed in yellow
- Superman and Supergirl flying in space together
- Superman as baby, flying in rocket
- Superman bending a pipe
- Superman breaking chain with bicep
- Superman boring into mountainside
- Superman bursting through vault door
- Superman capturing crook holding a welding torch
- Superman carrying a bull on his back
- Superman carrying crook by neck of jacket while flying
- Superman catching a boy falling from building
- Superman crashing into flames with both fists
- Superman deflecting bazooka shot from soldier
- Superman deflecting bullet while protecting Lois Lane
- Superman emblem
- Superman fighting a dragon
- Superman fighting a robot
- Superman flying carrying a canoe and woman
- Superman flying over city against yellow sun
- Superman flying through open windows
- Superman flying while carrying a lion
- Superman flying while carrying an armored car
- Superman flying while carrying Lois Lane
- Superman hit by beam from a giant eye
- Superman hit by ray from a spaceship with planet nearby
- Superman hit in chest by ray beam from flying saucer
- Superman holding tail of airplane
- Superman knocking two crooks’ heads together
- Superman lifting barbells while yo-yoing
- Superman looking at the bottled city of Kandor
- Superman lying on yellow ground, weakened by gold kryptonite
- Superman pulling tree stump out of ground
- Superman punching gorilla
- Superman putting key into the Fortress of Solitude lock
- Superman putting out fire with large pan of water
- Superman racing a jet plane
- Superman racing a rocket
- Superman racing a space capsule
- Superman rescuing a Native person on ice
- Superman rescuing a woman tied to a cliff
- Superman rescuing baby from burning building
- Superman resucing Jimmy Olsen from quicksand
- Superman rescuing pilot from ocean
- Superman rescuing tied up Batman
- Superman shocked by electricity
- Superman standing in front of a dinosaur
- Superman standing in front of a funhouse mirror
- Superman stopping locomotive
- Superman stopping meteor
- Superman talking to Lex Luthor behind bars (own)
- Superman trapped in diamon-shaped crystal
- Superman using x-ray vision to spy safe cracker
- Superman with Lois Lane trapped in bubble (own)
- Superman with man in wheelchair (own)
- Woman Woman against yellow diamond
- Wonder Woman deflecting bullets with bracelet
- Wonder Woman lassoing crook by the feet (own)
- Wonder Woman with her invisible plane
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