Checklist: 1967 Topps Comic Book Tattoos
These were printed on 4 varieties of outer wrapper. Tattoos whose wrapper has been verififed are listed accordingly below. The artwork on these was all reprinted from the 1962 Superman set.
Set of 68(?). I estimate that there were at least 17 tattoos per wrapper type.
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Aquaman wrapper:
- Caveman breaking club over Superman’s head
- Flash racing past a street lamp
- Green Arrow makes a bullseye
- Martian Manhunter
- Superman bending an iron bar
- Superman boring into a mountainside
- Superman busting chain with his bicep
- Superman protecting Lois Lane from a bullet
- Superman racing a jet
- Superman racing a space capsule
- Superman standing in front of a funhouse mirror
- Superman stopping an airplane
- Superman with Lex Luthor behind bars
- Wonder Woman lassoing crook by the feet
Batman wrapper:
- Lightning striking Superman’s chest
- Superbaby lifting a chair
- Superman deflecting a cannonball
- Superman jousting a knight
- Superman flying over Metropolis with a yellow sun
- Superman flying through open windows
- Superman hit by ray from a spaceship with planet nearby
- Superman pulling tree stump out of ground
- Superman putting key into the Fortress of Solitude lock
- Superman putting out fire with large pan of water
- Superman saving baby from burning building
Superman wrapper:
- Aquaman riding a whale (some water damage)
- Batman and Robin in Batmobile
- Batman climbing up building
- Bizarro flying over crooked city
- Robin taking down a crook
- Superman and dinosaur
- Superman and Krypto
- Superman and Supergirl flying
- Superman attacked by a giant eye
- Superman busting through a wall to save Batman
- Superman carrying a bull
- Superman crashing into flames with both fists
- Superman deflecting bullets from a Tommy gun
- Superman emblem/logo
- Superman fighting Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Superman flying with a crook
- Superman punching gorilla
- Superman rescuing woman in a canoe
- Wonder Woman and Invisible Plane
- Wonder Woman deflecting bullets
- Woman Woman against yellow diamond
Wonder Woman wrapper:
- Clark Kent revealing his Superman uniform
- Batman and Robin and Bat-signal
- Green Lantern flying
- Rocket ship from Krypton
- Superman and a giant hand
- Superman busting through a steel door
- Superman deflecting an arrow
- Superman flying while carrying a lion
- Superman flying with Lois Lane
- Superman punching a robot
- Superman rescuing a drowning pilot (water damage)
- Superman rescuing Jimmy Olsen from quicksand
- Superman saving Lois from bubble trap
- Superman shaking hands with Batman
- Superman smashed by a strongman
- Superman stopping a locomotive
Undetermined wrapper:
- Batman logo
- Batman tackling a crook
- Batman tackling a yellow-masked crook
- Clark Kent and Perry White
- Lex Luthor using kryptonite gun on Superman
- Superbaby in rocket
- Supergirl shopping for dresses
- Superman and American flag
- Superman and dragon
- Superman and Lori Lemaris
- Superman flying with a school bus
- Superman knocking gangsters heads together
- Superman lifting a giant dumbbell
- Superman saving a hiker
- Superman saving someone falling out a window
- Superman with boy in wheelchair
- Superman with electricity