DC Crisis Chronology
In 2010, with the New 52, Cosmic Teams ceased covering the DCU holistially. This section is archival only.
History of the Multiverse •
Map of the Multiverse
Why a Crisis?
Introduction inspired by Aaron Severson
The name, "Crisis on Infinite Earths," was DC's homage to the classic Justice League/Justice Society team-ups that began in the 1960s, whose story titles often began with "Crisis in/on..." By the 1980s, and after four decades of continuous publication, DC's flagship characters — Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman — were showing signs of fatigue. Despite attempts at reinvigoration and "new directions," the core titles boasted little excitement.
Perhaps, in light of this, the impetus for Crisis was not so much that the DC universe had become convoluted or confusing, but that there was a widespread sense of creative exhaustion. There were exceptions of course, such as New Teen Titans, Swamp Thing, and Levitz and Giffen's Legion, but many titles seemed to be going through the motions. Post-Crisis reinventions were a chance to inject some real, new excitement.
This chronology is assembled with information from all timelines and all continuities. It is meant to provide an overview of both publishing events, and fictional events that have shaped the continuity of the DC Universe.
Part 1: Crisis on Infinite Earths
In the beginning, there was only Monitor, a vast nothingness. Hidden deep within it was a "flaw"... the infinite multiverse. NOTE: The Monitor first appeared in New Teen Titans #21 (1984). His cosmic nature was revised in Final Crisis: Superman Beyond 3D #1-2.
Final Crisis: Superman Beyond 3D #1-2 (Oct 2008-3. 2009)
The Original Multiverse is Born
Dawn of Time: The time-travelling Anti-Monitor attempts to prevent birth of positive matter universe and ensure birth of anti-matter universe. An army of super-heroes tries to stop him. The Spectre, backed by other mystics, arm-wrestles the Anti-Monitor, allowing both positive matter and anti-matter universes to be created.
Crisis #10 (Jan. 1986)
19-6 Billion years ago: The
singular Source, whose consciousness spans all time, is split in
two by a trinity of Old Gods. Now yin and yang, there is the Source
and the Anti-Life. The Source is "injured" by the split. When
the universe is reordered following the first Crisis, the Source
finds it more difficult to locate (and potentially recombine
with) its lost half.
Death of the New Gods #5 (Mar. 2008)
The Old Gods war amongst themselves, developing terrifyingly powerful weapons. Eventually, the gods destroy themselves and their world in a final cataclysmic explosion. Afterward, two new worlds are formed from the ruins: New Genesis and Apokolips, populated by a race of New Gods. Note: Death of the New Gods #5 indicates that the Source itself brought about the destruction of the Old Gods and the creation of the new, although that account is at odds with both the text and philosophical underpinnings of Jack Kirby's original "Fourth World" stories." The destruction of the Old Gods, seen in New Gods #1, strongly alludes to the depiction of Ragnarok in Marvel Comics' Thor #127–128 (Apr./May 1966). That story not only has similar imagery, but also shows the rise of a new race of gods from the ashes of Asgard. The history of the New Gods originally took place on Earth-One (and after Infinite Crisis, Earth-0). After Monitor Nix Uotan recreated Earth-51 in Final Crisis, parallel or similar versions of the same events were retroactively added to Earth-51's history.
New Gods #1 (Feb./Mar. 1971)
Apokolips launches a surprise attack on New Genesis, killing Avia, wife of Izaya the Inheritor. The result is a cosmic war that eventually wipes out entire star systems. As each side works to develop ever more sophisticated technology and weapons, Himon, a technician on Apokolips, discovers the X-Element, which allows matter to be transported across the universe almost instantly, and uses it to create the "Boom Tube." Finally, Izaya, fearing that the New Gods will destroy themselves as the Old Gods did, renounces war and becomes Highfather, pacifist leader of New Genesis. Guided by the Source, he forges a pact with Darkseid, ruler of Apokolips, trading Izaya's young son for Darkseid's son Orion. Orion is raised on New Genesis while the son of Highfather grows up on Apokolips in the orphanage of Granny Goodness, receiving the ironic name Scott Free. Note: Darkseid first appeared in Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #134 (Dec. 1970), Highfather and Orion in New Gods #1 (Feb./Mar. 1971), Scott Free (Mr. Miracle) in Mister Miracle #1 (Mar./Apr. 1971), and Himon in Mister Miracle #9 (Jul./Aug. 1972).
New Gods #7 (Feb./Mar. 1972), Mister Miracle #9 (Jul./Aug. 1972).
4.4 billion years ago: Using his special
time-bending device, the mad scientist Krona gazes unto
the beginning of the universe. He unwittingly creates an anti-matter
Universe, home of the world Qward. Krona witnesses the creation
of the Shadowlands, also called the "Primordial Darkness," which
is actually the Anti-Monitor's hand, rising up from the chaoplasm
oceans of Hell. Krona's actions prompt the Guardians of the Universe to create the Manhunters and later, the Green Lantern Corps. NOTE: The "Hand of
Darkness" first appeared in Green Lantern v.2 #40,
first chronological in Crisis #10, and first explained in Swamp
Thing #50. In pre-Final Crisis continuity, this event
also sets in motion the birth of the Monitor and Anti-Monitor.
In current continuity, these entities were birthed by the first
Monitor's first entrance into the multiverse.
Green Lantern v.2 #40 (Oct. 1965)
3 billion years ago: The Anti-Monitor is born on the moon of Qward. The Anti-Monitor grows to conquer Qward and creates the Thunderers and Shadow Demons. The Monitor is born on Oa's moon. He and the Anti-Monitor sense each other's existence and fight for one million years. NOTES: The nature of the Monitors was expanded upon in Final Crisis and The Multiversity Guidebook.
Crisis #7 (Oct. 1985), The Multiversity Guidebook (Mar. 2015)
Millions of years ago: A scientist from Earth-6 — later known as Pariah — discovers parallel universes and attempts to view the creation of the universe. Instead he sets off an Anti-Matter wave that consumes his entire universe while he bears witness. It also frees the Anti-Monitor, whose realm expanded to fill that universe's void. It also frees the Monitor, who uses Pariah to guide him to each next universe targeted by the Anti-Monitor.
Crisis #7 (Oct. 1985)
20th Century
First appearance of Superman in Metropolis.
Action Comics #1 (June 1938)
In Gotham City, Bruce Wayne becomes the Batman.
Detective Comics #27 (May 1939)
Jay Garrick becomes the Flash.
Flash Comics #1 (Jan. 1940)
Alan Scott discovers a mystic railroad lantern and adopts the identity of Green Lantern.
All-American Comics #16 (July 1940)
Superman, Batman, and Robin appear on the same comic book cover together together for the first time (though not in the same story inside).
New York World's Fair #2 (1940)
DC breaks new ground, making a "universe" of their comic book heroes and assembling them in a team —the Justice Society of America: the Atom, Doctor Fate, the Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Hourman, the Sandman, and the Spectre. NOTES: Each character starred in a feature from another anthology title. Most of these characters in were published by All-American Comics, a separate company owned by National (DC). Although All-American books carried the DC logo, they were produced through separate editorial offices until the two companies fully merged in 1945.
All-Star Comics #3 (Winter 1940)
Princess Diana of Paradise Island journeys to America, where she battles evil as Wonder Woman.
All-Star Comics #8 (Dec. 1940 / Jan. 1941)
1941: DC sues Fawcett Comics for copyright infrigement (of Captain Marvel on Superman).
Superman and Batman appear with the Justice Society (becoming honorary members). NOTES: This tale was the first time Batman and Superman appeared together in the same story.
All-Star Comics #7 (Oct./Nov. 1941)
Last Golden Age appearance of the Justice Society.
All-Star Comics #57 (Feb./Mar. 1951)
1953: Fawcett Comics ceases publication of its super-hero titles, partly in response to its 12-year lawsuit with DC Comics.
The Monitor rescues a girl named Lyla (later known as Harbinger) from drowning at sea. He raises her and they commence to mapping the history of the multiverse, and planning for war against the Anti-Monitor by testing the mettle of its heroes.
Crisis #7 (Oct. 1985)
Silver Age
J'onn J'onzz comes to Earth from Mars. NOTE: He doesn't go public as the Martian Manhunter until Detective #273 (Nov. 1959)
Detective Comics #225 (Nov. 1955)
Debut of the all-new Flash, Barry Allen (the first hero to be updated from its Golden Age incarnation).
Showcase #4 (Oct. 1956)
Superboy meets the backwards Bizarro. NOTE: The "Bizarro World" first appeared in Action Comics #263 (Apr. 1960), and later became a backup feature in Adventure Comics #285-299 (June 1961–Aug. 1962). In the New 52 multiverse, Bizarro World is Earth-29.
Superboy #68 (Oct. 1958)
When Quality Comics ceases publishing, DC Comics is assigned its properties and continues publishing several of its titles — including the most successful, Blackhawk. NOTE: In general, pre-Crisis Quality heroes were said to hail from Earth-X—where the world was overrun by the Nazis. Most died in that war, as revealed in Justice League of America #107. Most DC-published Blackhawks stories pre-Crisis were set on Earth-One. One version of the Blackhawks began on Earth-Two and moved to Earth-X in 1942, as seen in All-Star Squadron #50. There were also Earth-One Blackhawks, whose early history was similar if not identical to the Earth-Two team's (and took place at the same time), but who never left their own world.
Blackhawk #108 (Jan. 1957)
New Green Lantern, Hal Jordan takes flight.
Showcase #22 (Oct. 1959)
The Justice League of America is formed, a modern day version of the Justice Society.
The Brave and the Bold #28 (Mar. 1960)
Katar and Shayera Hol come to Earth from Thanagar as Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
The Brave and the Bold #34 (Feb./Mar. 1960)
Barry Allen meets his Golden Age predecessor, Jay Garrick (from another Earth), for the first time. psychic impressions from Earth-Two. NOTES: This story introduced the Multiverse and the concept of the multiple Earths, although Earth-One, home of Barry Allen, and Earth-Two, the JSA's world, were not actually named until Justice League of America #21 (Aug. 1963).
The Flash v.1 #123 (Sept. 1961)
The new Atom, Ray Palmer, is all-different—he shrinks.
Showcase #34 (Oct. 1961)
The border between universes is breached when the Flash of Earth-Two (Jay Garrick) and the Flash of Earth-One (Barry Allen) join forces to rescue the JSA Atom, Dr. Mid-Nite, Green Lantern, Hawkman and Johnny Thunderfrom Vandal Savage. The JSA re-forms. NOTES: 1st Silver Age app. of Vandal Savage, Johnny Thunder and the original Wonder Woman. First actual Silver Age app. of the JSA (not in a flashback).
Flash v.1 #137 (June 1963)
The first cross-universe team-up between the Justice League and and the Justice Society. "Earth-One" and "Earth-Two" are named for the first time. They battle the Crime Champions, villains from both worlds. NOTE: First Silver Age appearance of the original Hawkman, Black Canary, Hourman, Green Lantern, Dr. Fate and Atom.
Justice League of America #21-22 (Aug./Sept. 1963)
The JLA and JSA encounter evil versions of themselves from Earth-Three: the Crime Syndicate of Amerika.
Justice League of America #29-30 (Aug.–Sept. 1964)
Robby Reed uses his H-Dial to become Plastic Man. NOTE: First DC appearance of Quality Comics' Plastic Man — their second most successful property.
House of Mystery #160 (July 1966)
The Flash travels to Earth-Prime, which is supposedly "our Earth," where super-heroes exist only in comic books.
The Flash #179 (May 1968)
The JSA battles the evil Earth-One Johnny Thunder IIand his Lawless League. NOTES: 1st Silver Age app. of Mister Terrific and Johnny's Thunderbolt. "Earth-A" was an alternate timeline of Earth-One; it was not a separate parallel world.
Justice League of America #37-38 (Aug.–Sept. 1965)
The JLA, JSA, and the Spectre prevent the Anti-Matter Man from causing the collision of Earth-One and Earth-Two. NOTE: First Silver Age appearance of Sandman I, who returns to his original costume.
Justice League of America #46-47 (Aug.–Sept. 1966)
The JLA and JSA battle four ordinary people possessed by the evil Black Spheres. Robin joins the JSA. NOTE: First Silver Age appearance of Earth-Two Robin. Earth-Two's Batman is said to be in semi-retirement.
Justice League of America #55-56 (Aug.–Sept. 1967)
The JLA and JSA battle Aquarius, a malevolent living star. Black Canary I and her husband Larry Lance are mortally wounded by Aquarius. Their daughter Dinah, still in the Thunderbolt dimension, is revived and given her mother's memories. Black Canary I's body is laid to rest in the Thunderbolt dimension; Dinah takes her mother's place and moves to Earth-One. NOTES: First Silver Age app. of the Earth-Two Superman. The substitution of Dinah Lance for her mother was explained in Justice League of America #220 (1983).
Justice League of America #73-74 (Aug.–Sept. 1969), Secret Origins #50 (Aug. 1990)
Black Canary II joins the JLA and discovers her "canary cry."
Justice League of America #75 (Oct. 1969), Justice League of America #220 (Nov. 1983)
The JLA and JSA battle Creator2. The Spectre defeats Creator2, but is apparently destroyed in the process. NOTE: First actual modern appearance of the Earth-Two Batman; he previously appeared in an imaginary story in Detective Comics #347 (1966).
Justice League of America #82-83 (Aug.–Sept. 1970)
Investigating a threat from space, the Justice League encounters the Justifiers of Angor — Silver Sorceress, Bluejay, Johnny Quick, and Wandjina. NOTES: These characters were knock-offs of Marvel's Avengers. In this appearance, they and their world were unnamed. In later continuities, Angor was situated on Earth-8, a universe that contained other Marvel knock-off characters.
Justice League of America #87 (Feb. 1971)
Darkseid sends his minions to Earth to construct the Evil Factory, a development center and proving grounds for super-weapons and biological warfare, and begin the search for the Anti-Life Equation (New Gods #2), a cosmic formula capable of destroying every vestige of free will in the universe except that of the wielder."
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #134, New Gods #1-2 (Jan./May 1971)
Scott Free escapes from Apokolips to Earth to become the escape artist Mister Miracle, inadvertently breaking the truce between Apokolips and New Genesis and restarting the cosmic war. Orion and a group of young people from New Genesis called the Forever People also visit Earth, where they learn that Darkseid is seeking the Anti-Life Equation.
Mister Miracle #1, 9; New Gods #1; Forever People #1 (Feb./Mar. 1971)
The JLA, JSA, and Robin battle a group of stranded alien children allied with Solomon Grundy. NOTES: First meeting of the Earth-One and Earth-Two Robins. The Earth-One Robin gets a new costume that is adopted by his Earth-Two counterpart in All-Star Comics #58 (1976).
Justice League of America #91-92 (Aug.–Sept. 1971)
The JLA and JSA rescue the Seven Soldiers of Victory, scattered throughout time after a battle with the Nebula Man that cost the life of Wing. The Red Tornado sacrifices himself to destroy the Iron Hand. NOTES: First modern appearances of the Seven Soldiers (Crimson Avenger, Green Arrow I, Shining Knight, Speedy I, Star-Spangled Kid, Stripsey, Vigilante I, and Wing). Their last Golden Age appearance was in Leading Comics #14 (1945). The Iron Hand first appeared (as the Hand) in Leading Comics #1 (1941). Stars and STRIPE #9 reveals that the Vigilante spent 20 years in the Old West before his return to the modern era, explaining his advanced age in other modern appearances.
Justice League of America #100-102 (Aug.–Oct. 1972)
DC Comics licenses the properties of Fawcett Comics, including the Golden Age mega-hit, Captain Marvel. Because Marvel Comics had already created and trademarked their own hero by that name, DC was barred from using "Captain Marvel" as its title.
Shazam! #1 (Feb. 1973)
The JLA and JSA are drawn to Earth-X, where they help the Freedom Fighters (Uncle Sam, Black Condor, Doll Man, the Human Bomb, Phantom Lady, and the Ray) defeat the Nazis, who on Earth-X won World War II. NOTES: First reference to Earth-X and first modern and DC Comics appearances of these Quality Comics characters. The Freedom Fighters originally were from Earth-Two. Their last chronological appearance was in All-Star Squadron #50 (1985). The heroes in this story are the only survivors of the original group. In post-Infinite Crisis continuity, Uncle Sam remembers traveling to Earth-X, but its new incarnation, Earth-10, is still under Nazi control.
Justice League of America #107 (Sept.–Dec. 1973)
The Spectre reappears, this time bound to the Jim Corrigan of Earth-One.
Adventure Comics #431 (Feb. 1974)
The JLA and JSA battle Cary Bates of Earth-Prime, who gets super-powers when he travels to Earth-Two. NOTES: No similar events in post-Crisis continuity (for which we may all be grateful). First modern appearance of the Gambler and Injustice Society. Earth-Prime, and that world's Cary Bates and Julius Schwartz, first appeared in The Flash #179 (1968).
Justice League of America #123-124 (Oct.–Nov. 1975)
Power Girl, Superman's cousin, arrives on Earth-Two and joins the JSA. She becomes a part of Lois and Clark's family.
All-Star Comics #58 (Jan./Feb. 1976)
The Freedom Fighters migrate from Earth-X to Earth-One. They eventually return to Earth-X to help to rebuild that world.
Freedom Fighters #1-15 (Mar. 1976–July 1978)
The JLA, JSA, and the heroes of Earth-S battle King Kull. NOTES: After Infinite Crisis, Earth-S became Earth-5. First modern appearance of the Earth-Two Joker and the first modern and DC appearances of the Fawcett Comics characters Bulletgirl, Bulletman, Ibis, King Kull, Mister Scarlet, Pinky, and Spy Smasher. This was the only JLA/JSA team-up in which the Earth-Two Batman actively participated.
Justice League of America 135-137 (Oct.–Dec. 1976)
The JLA meet the Australian hero from Earth-Prime, Ultraa (alias Jack Grey). NOTE: Ultraa was recast as an alien in post-Crisis continuity, in Justice League Quarterly #13.
Justice League of America #153 (Apr. 1978)
Abra Kadabra takes the reigns of the Injustice Gang, running up against the JLA and Ultraa.
Justice League of America #158 (Sept. 1978)
The Secret Society of Super-Villains switches bodies with several JLAers. During this time, they learn the Leaguers' secrets. Having eluded capture, Zatanna frees the JLA and engineers the transfer back to their own bodies. Because the villains had gained dangerous knowledge, Zatanna uses her magic to wipe their memories of any secret identities. After this, Star Sapphire goes into a coma. NOTE: The memory wipe was revealed in Identity Crisis #3. This was also not the first time they had used this procedure.
Justice League of America #166-168 (May–July 1979)
1980: DC purchases the rights to the Fawcett Comics characters outright (though there is no new series until 1987: Shazam!: The New Beginning).
Highfather draws the JLA and JSA to New Genesis to join the New Gods against Darkseid.
Justice League of America #183-185 (Oct.–Dec. 1980)
The Earth-Two Superman and Robin help the Earth-One Superman and Batman defeat a revived Atom Man (spelled "Atoman" in this story).
World's Finest #271 (Sept. 1981)
The JLA and JSA battle the Ultra-Humanite, now in the body of a giant white ape, and a new Secret Society of Super-Villains: Brain Wave, Cheetah II, the Floronic Man, Killer Frost, the Mist, the Monocle, Psycho-Pirate II, Rag Doll and Signalman. NOTES: First modern appearance of the Monocle, who first appeared in Flash Comics #64 (1945).
Justice League of America #195-197 (Oct.–Dec. 1981)
Robin and Starman team up with Earth-One's Batman and Earth-Two's Batwoman to defeat Professor Hugo Strange, who has stolen Starman's Cosmic Rod. NOTES: First appearance of the Earth-Two Batwoman and the first modern appearance of the Earth-Two Hugo Strange, who debuted in Detective Comics #36 (1940).
Brave and Bold #182 (Jan. 1982)
Superman meets Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew! from Earth-C. NOTE: This was later designated as Earth-26.
New Teen Titans #16 (Feb. 1982)
Ultraa of Earth-Prime is coerced into battling the JLA.
Justice League of America #201 (Apr. 1982)
The JLA and JSA join forces with the All-Star Squadron to stop Per Degaton from conquering Earth-Two in 1942. Afterwards, all those involved lose their memories of these events.
Justice League of America #207-209, All-Star Squadron #14-15 (Oct.–Dec. 1982)
Superman of Earth-One teams with Superman of Earth-Two and Earth-Three's Alex Luthor (Earth-Three's first superhero) against Alexei Luthor, Lex Luthor, and Ultraman.
DC Comics Presents Annual #1 (1982)
When Alley-Kat-Abra and Green Lambkin (of Earths C and C-Minus) use their magic to transport themselves across a myriad of dimensions. On Earth-Two, they briefly encounter Power Girl, Green Lantern, Huntress and Doctor Fate.
Captain Carrot #15 (May 1983)
The JLA and JSA battle Earth-One's Johnny Thunder, who has again seized control of the Thunderbolt, and learn that Black Canary II was substituted for her mother after her mother's death. NOTES: This story expands upon the events of Justice League of America #74 (1969).
Justice League of America #219-220 (Oct.–Nov. 1983)
1983: DC acquires the "Action Hero" line of super-heroes from Charlton Comics. They first appear in Crisis on Infinite Earths, and were said to be from Earth-Four. The characters are first by DC in Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985).
Earth-Two: The JLA, JSA, and Supergirl battle the Commander, a conqueror from another dimension, and encounter the Crime Syndicate of Earth-Three. NOTES: This was the last appearance of the Crime Syndicate of America prior to their demise in the Crisis.
Justice League of America #231-232 (Oct.–Nov. 1984)
Following a battle with Hector Hammond, the League return to the satellite and discover it has been by breached by Dr. Light. Further, he has raped Sue Dibny. Instead of letting him go, they vote 4-to-3 to use Zatanna's powers to not only wipe his memories, but alter his personality. Batman arrives and discovers this; in order to save the League itself, they wipe his memories as well. Unknown to his fellow Leaguers, Batman eventually recovers his memory. They keep this information from Ralph, and use magic to hide the fact from J'onn. Green Arrow states that the League had been wiping memories for years. NOTES: This story explicitly does take place after the death of Iris Allen and Justice League of America #166-168. Superman's compliance with these events was revealed in Adventures of Superman #636 (Mar. 2005).
Identity Crisis #2, 6 (Sept. 2004, Jan. 2005)
Prompted by his distrust of his own comrades, Batman builds a satellite, MK-1 to monitor the activities of metahumans and to store detailed files on all metahumans. He is disturbed how easily powerful individuals are sometimes overtaken by evil forces, and reasons that the world needs a way to guard against it.
Crisis on Infinite Earths
The supreme consciousness/nothingness, the "mind of Monitor" first discovers a "flaw" in creation. This flaw is the multiverse, an infinitessimal sub-reality in which all (hi)stories are contained. Monitor constructs a structure to house this "flaw," later known as the Orrery. This first Monitor, called Dax Novu extends a probe into the multiverse and unleashed the first Crisis. This is his first contact with the concept of a "story." The trauma splits Dax Novu in two (Monitor and Anti-Monitor, the "angel of contamination"). NOTES: Prior to the Final Crisis, the Monitor and Anti-Monitor were said to have been birthed on Oa and Qward eons ago. This could remain valid, as it is a story created by Novu's first contact.
Final Crisis: Superman Beyond 3D #1-2 (Dec. 2008–Mar. 2009)
The Anti-Monitor begins destroying the parallel Earths of the positive-matter universe with waves of anti-matter. As Pariah watches helplessly, the Crime Syndicate of America perishes in a futile attempt to defend their homeworld, Earth-Three. Earth-Three's Alexander Luthor and Lois Lane send their infant son, Alexander Luthor Jr., to Earth-One, where he appears aboard the now-abandoned JLA satellite. The surviving Earths experience mysterious red skies and bizarre weather. The Monitor's servant, Harbinger, gathers an army of super-heroes and -villains. POST-CRISIS: People who survive the Crisis will remember this event will recall only the Anti-Monitor's attack, and the red skies, not alternate Earths. NOTES: First DC Comics app. of Blue Beetle, who debuted in Charlton Comics' Captain Atom #83 (Nov. 1966), and the first costumed appearance of Harbinger. Her first appearance, as Lyla was in New Teen Titans v.1 Annual #2 (1983). Her first chronological appearance as Harbinger was Tales of the Teen Titans #58 (Oct. 1985). First appearance of Pariah and the first full-panel appearance of the Monitor, whose 1st app. in print (hidden) was New Teen Titans #21 (1984).
Crisis #1 (Apr. 1985)
The Monitor sends his army of heroes to various points throughout time to defend his vibrational tuning forks, which are intended to protect the universe from the Anti-Monitor's assaults. Alex Luthor begins to age rapidly. In Gotham City, Batman sees an image of the Flash, moving backwards in time. NOTE: In the unified post-Crisis universe, where there were originally no alternate Earths, these events still happened, but, according to JLA: Incarnations #4 (Nov. 2001), involved the Anti-Monitor attacking alternate timelines rather than alternate Earths. According to Harbinger, he planned to collapse all eras of the positive matter universe into "a single point of time" that could be destroyed by his antimatter cannon. The different eras of history were said to be separated by "vibrational walls" similar to the vibrational barriers between pre-Crisis Earths.
Crisis #2 (May 1985)
As the heroes battle the Anti-Monitor's Shadow Demons, Batman, Superman, the Outsiders, and the Teen Titans see the Flash, still lost in time. He abruptly vanishes, snatched away by the Anti-Monitor.
Crisis #3 (June 1985)
Pariah saves Lady Quark from the destruction of Earth-6. The Anti-Monitor kidnaps the Red Tornado while the Monitor brings about the creation of Dr. Light IV (Kimiyo Hoshi). Harbinger, under the mental domination of the Anti-Monitor, kills the Monitor. Upon the Monitor's death, Earths 1 and 2 are drawn into a mysterious netherverse.
Crisis #4 (July 1985)
Traveling back in time to find the JLA, the Flash is transported to Earth-D. With the help of Pariah and Lady Quark, he brings members of Earth-One to help Earth-D's Justice Alliance of America in a vain attempt to save their world from destruction. NOTES: This story is concurrent to events in Crisis #3 and #4, but before the end of Crisis #4.
Legends of the DCU Crisis Special (Feb. 1999)
Earths 1 and 2 (protected from oblivion by the Monitor) partially merge, causing time and space to overlap. On Oa, the Green Lantern Corps finds that the Guardians have been decimated by the Anti-Monitor's forces. The JLA, Outsiders, Infinity, Inc., All-Star Squadron, and Legion join forces to battle the Red Tornado, who is being used by the Anti-Monitor to cause chaos across the surviving Earths. In the anti-matter universe, the Flash and the Psycho-Pirate come face-to-face with the Anti-Monitor. NOTES: This was the first actual appearance of the Anti-Monitor.
Crisis #5 (Aug. 1985)
Harbinger links Earths-4, S and X to Earths One and Two, protecting them from annihilation, but causing them to slowly merge. The Psycho-Pirate uses his powers to cause chaos on the surviving Earths. On Earth-Two, Yolanda Montez becomes Wildcat II. NOTES: First DC Comics appearances of the former Charlton Comics characters Captain Atom, Judomaster, Nightshade, Peacemaker, Peter Cannon Thunderbolt, and the Question. Captain Atom first appeared in Space Adventures #33 (Mar. 1960); Judomaster in Special War Series #4 (Nov. 1965); Nightshade in Captain Atom #82 (Sept. 1966); Peacemaker in Fightin' 5 #40 (Dec. 1966); Peter Cannon in Thunderbolt #1 (Jan. 1966); and the Question in Blue Beetle #1 (June 1967). Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt, is not owned by DC Comics, but by Pete A. Morisi.
Crisis #6 (Sept. 1985)
Harbinger explains the birth of the multiverse and the roots of the Crisis, including the origins of the Guardians of the Universe and the Monitor and Anti-Monitor, and reveals how Pariah inadvertantly awakened the Anti-Monitor. An army of the most powerful surviving heroes takes the battle to the anti-matter universe, where Supergirl perishes destroying the Anti-Monitor's body, saving the five surviving Earths from destruction.
Crisis #7 (Oct. 1985)
The Atom, Firestorm, Firehawk, and Vixen recruit T.O. Morrow to attempt to repair the Red Tornado. In the anti-matter universe, the Anti-Monitor constructs a new body for himself and prepares to use a massive anti-matter cannon. On Qward, Flash II (Barry Allen) manages to destroy the cannon at the cost of his own life. Straining his speed to its limits, he ricochets backwards through time before he dies. NOTE: Because of this, Allen is seen by this friends repeatedly in the years to come.
Crisis #8 (Nov. 1985)
A vast army of super-villains, led by Earth-One's Lex Luthor and Brainiac, attempts to seize power on the five partially merged surviving Earths. Hawkman I is severely wounded by Dr. Phosphorus.
Crisis #9 (Dec. 1985)
The villain war is ended by the Spectre, who unites all of the surviving heroes and villains in a last-ditch effort to stop the Anti-Monitor from changing history to eliminate the positive-matter universe from existence. The Spectre and the Anti-Monitor clash at the Dawn of Time, apparently destroying all of creation. The universe fades to white. This originally was intended to be the end of the Crisis storyline. NOTES: The Anti-Montitor's hand in these events is actually the power source of several DCU characters including Obsidian, Ian Karkull, the Shade, Shadow Thief, Eclipso and others. The giant shadow hand in Swamp Thing #50 is called "the Shadowlands" and "the Primordial Darkness." Morpheus trapped Brute and Glob in "The Darkness" to punish them for empowering Garrett Sanford and Hector Hall (Sandman #12).
Crisis #10 (Jan. 1986)
New Earth is Formed
The survivors of the battle at the Dawn of Time awaken on Earth, which has been unified to include aspects of Earth-One, -Two, -4, -S, and -X (only those who were present at the Dawn of Time remember the multiverse). Earth-Two heroes including Superman, Robin and the Huntress, discover that they were never born in the reformed universe. Earth is then drawn into the anti-matter universe, where the Anti-Monitor prepares to destroy the Earth once and for all. NOTES: This issue began an "interregnum" period in which the previous multiverse had been united into a single world, but during which most of the changes later attributed to the Crisis (such as the extensively revised histories of Superman and Wonder Woman) had not yet appeared and those who were present at the Dawn of Time still remembered the multiverse.
Crisis #11 (Feb. 1986)
A handful of survivors "slips through" the collapse of the original multiverse, to find that they have no real place in the new order. They include: Superman and Power Girl from Earth-Two; Dark Angel (Donna Troy) of Earth-7; Alexander Luthor and Ultraman of Earth-Three; Superboy of Earth-Prime; and Saturn Queen of the "imaginary story" Earth.
New Earth is drawn into the antimatter universe for a final confrontation with the Anti-Monitor, whose shadow demons ravage the Earth. Earth-Two's Green Arrow, Huntress, and Robin are slain and Earth-One's Wonder Woman is reverted to clay. The Anti-Monitor is staggered by an attack by Darkseid and finally destroyed by the Earth-Two Superman. Earth is returned to the positive matter universe. The Earth-Two Superman, Lois Lane, and Earth-Prime's Superboy and Alexander Luthor Jr. are left in the rapidly disintegrating antimatter universe, where the Earth-Two Superman destroys the Anti-Monitor once and for all. Earth-Two's Wonder Woman and her mortal husband, Steve Trevor, are taken to Olympus to dwell with the gods. Kid Flash (Wally West) discovers that his terminal disease has gone into remission and becomes Flash III. Psycho-Pirate II, who remembers the full history of the multiverse, is committed to Arkham Asylum. NOTE: Harbinger retains a history of the multiverse.
Crisis #12 (Mar. 1986)
Alex Luthor receives visions of a "paradise" and a "hell" which are his only two options to escape the disintegrating antimatter universe. He does not realize that the hell is Apokolips, and his vision is linked to Darkseid's. He decides upon the extra-dimensional "heaven," but is left much weaker he does not have enough power to escape it. As they adjust to life there, Alex regrets not choosing to Apokolips, because they could have returned to Earth. He also resents having grown to adulthood in a matter of days, wishing that Superman had saved the world instead and allowed him a normal life. Ultimately, Alex's bitterness overcomes him and he begins coercing Superboy into pummeling their crystalline barrier. He finds that the unified Earth has not settled into its proper place and each blow alters its history. Alex is convinced he can create the perfect Earth and begins an elaborate plan. NOTES: Superboy Prime's blows ultimately create a new Legion, a new Doom Patrol, brings Jason Todd back to life, reboots the Metal Men, and alters the histories of Superman, Hawkman, Donna Troy, Gentleman Ghost, Power Girl, Maxwell Lord, the Challengers, Hector Hammond and the Fury.
Crisis #12 (Mar. 1986), Infinite Crisis Secret Files (Apr. 2006)
Monitor Dax Novu withdraws from the multiverse, back to the Bleed. Novu retreats into the Sepulchre of Mandrakk, to chain the darkness. A "thought-robot" modeled on Superman stands as sentinel, his final legacy of that first contact. His contact with the multiverse births a society of Monitors. Their story takes shape, extending for eons as they watch over the multiverse (which they call the "germ" worlds). Eventually, fear of the robot will drive the Monitors to take action in the multiverse.
Final Crisis: Superman Beyond 3D #1-2 (Oct. 2008-Mar. 2009)
Michael Jon Carter arrives in the 20th century after traveling back in time from the year 2462 with equipment stolen from the Space Museum.
Booster Gold #8-9 (Sept.–Oct. 1986)
Booster Gold establishes himself as a major hero in Metropolis, parlaying his fame into a vast fortune by doing personal endorsements and using his knowledge of the future to invest in the stock market. Despite these aims, he later claims to retain no knowledge of JLA's history.
Booster Gold #1 (Feb. 1986)
The Watchmen takes the comics industry by storm. NOTES: The series was set outside mainstream DC continuity. These characters developed from Alan Moore's original plan to use the heroes of Charlton Comics/Earth-Four. In later continuities, Earth-4 is in turn modeled on the Watchmen's world (see The Multiversity: Pax Americana, 2014).
The Watchmen #1-12 (Sept. 1986)
Frank Miller presents a revolutionary dark future for the Batman. NOTES: In post-Infinite Crisis continuity, this world was assigned to Earth-31 The series became an early template for so-called "Elseworlds" stories, which gave creators free reign with a character, unencumbered by continuity.
Batman: The Dark Knight #1-4 (1986)
Arion of Atlantis tells Power Girl a false story about her origins: that she is his granddaughter, a survivor of ancient Atlantis, not a Kryptonian. This was a lie in order to protect Kara, at the behest of her mother. NOTE: The identity of this "mother" was never revealed.
Secret Origins #11 (Feb. 1987)
The Rise of Maxwell Lord
The new Justice League holds its first official meeting in the Secret Sanctuary. Present are Batman, Black Canary, Blue Beetle, Captain Marvel, Dr. Fate, Guy Gardner, J'onn J'onzz, and Mister Miracle (accompanied by Oberon). Batman takes over leadership. Maxwell Lord IV, head of Innovative Concepts, gives Kimiyo Hoshi (Dr. Light IV) a Justice League signal device in hopes of persuading her to join the League. Later, he secretly organizes a terrorist attack on the United Nations, which the Justice League thwarts. The terrorist leader commits suicide when his bomb fails to detonate, not realizing that Lord had surreptitiously removed the bomb's firing pin. The League is unaware of Lord's involvement.
Justice League #1 (May 1987)
Maxwell Lord invites Booster Gold to join the Justice League.
Booster Gold #16 (May 1987)
Lord and his "sentient" computer (formerly Metron's) stage a bogus alien attack to improve the League's image in the international community, enabling him (with a little help from Superman) to persuade the United Nations to sanction the new League as the Justice League International.
JLA #7 (Nov. 1987)
Harry Stein forms Checkmate, a covert action group formed by from its looser-knit predecessor, "The Agency" (which was formed by Amanda Waller to serve as a small, quasi-independent branch of Task Force X). It performs global operations which are vital to the security of American interests.
Action #598 (Mar. 1988)
Robin II, Jason Todd dies at the hands of the Joker. NOTE: The pre-Crisis Jason Todd, who was a circus acrobat like Dick Grayson, first appeared in Batman #357 (Mar. 1983) and first became Robin in Batman #366 (Dec. 1983). However, his origin, history, and personality were completely altered by the Crisis. His new post-Crisis origin was established in Batman #408–411 (June–Sept. 1987).
Batman #428 (Winter 1988)
Shortly after Jason Todd's burial, one of Superboy Prime's blows brings Jason back to life — while he is still inside his grave. Jason is hospitalized but amnesiac. His fingerprints were never on file and authorities placed him in convalescent care. Eventually, he sets out in search of Batman, but comes to the attention to Ra's and Talia al Ghul. Talia takes him under wing until Ra's orders the boy to be sent away. Talia defies him and pushes the boy into a Lazarus Pit where his memories and strength return. He is freed and begins investigating the events following his death, choosing not to contact Batman. He grows increasingly angry that the Dark Knight never took revenge on the Joker. He allied with the first Hush in order to confront Batman and gauge Bruce's shock. He then slipped away, leaving Batman to believe it had been Clayface he'd fought. He began his own crusade then of vigilante justice.
Batman Annual #25 (2006), Infinite Crisis Secret Files (Apr. 2006)
Max is critically affected by the Dominator's gene-bomb, which affects metahumans. This reveals his metahuman status to everyone.
Invasion! #3 (1989)
The Batman of Victorian times. NOTE: This reality was another precursor to the "Elseworlds" line, and later designated as Earth-19.
Gotham by Gaslight (Feb. 1989)
Animal Man: Deus Ex Machina (aka "The Second Crisis")
As Animal Man struggles to regain control of his powers in the wake of the Dominators' gene bomb, the unnamed aliens responsible for giving him his powers are puzzled to realize that he and his history have been altered by the Crisis. NOTE: The pre-Crisis Animal Man (and the mysterious aliens) first appeared in Strange Adventures #180 (Sep. 1965), as recapped in this story.
Secret Origins v.2 #39 (Apr. 1989)
Animal Man's alien creators inform him that the Crisis has left "pockets of contradiction" in the recreated universe, including Buddy Baker himself. The mere fact that Animal Man still exists when he should not, they warn, is creating a potentially universe-ending paradox.
Animal Man #12 (June 1989)
Accompanied by physicist James Highwater, Buddy Baker has a peyote-induced vision of an impending "second Crisis," sees his own entry in Who's Who in the DC Universe, and encounters his pre-Crisis counterpart, who is furious at having been written out of history.
Animal Man #19–20 (Dec. 1989-Jan. 1990)
The aliens warn James Highwater that the crisis is at hand. In Arkham Asylum, the Psycho-Pirate begins to manifest artifacts of the destroyed worlds of the multiverse.
Animal Man #22 (Apr. 1990)
The Medusa Mask reappears to the Psycho-Pirate, followed by Earth-Three's Ultraman and Power Ring, Streaky the Super-Cat, Psimon, and other heroes and villains who either died or ceased to exist due to the Crisis. To the Psycho-Pirate's dismay, they are followed by Overman, a psychotic counterpart of Superman armed with a doomsday bomb with which he had intended to destroy his own world. NOTE: This story's horrific glimpses of the maddened Overman's genocidal rampage on his (unnamed) alternate Earth, presented as a critique of the sometimes gratuitous darkness of comics of the late '80s, may be an allusion to Rick Veitch's The One (originally published by Marvel's Epic imprint in 1985), in which government-created superheroes devastate the Earth, or an even ghastlier sequence in Alan Moore and John Totleben's Miracleman #15 (Nov. 1988), in which the former Kid Miracleman destroys London in a fit of super-powered sadism.
Animal Man #23 (May 1990)
Animal Man is transported to Arkham Asylum as Overman struggles with Ultraman, Streaky, and Bizarro #1. As reality breaks down, Animal Man is able to literally drag Overman off the page into a white void beyond, where the madman ceases to exist. Animal Man disarms the doomsday bomb as Highwater explains that they are all comic book characters. Highwater agrees to accept the Medusa Mask, which the aliens say is the source of the anomalies, and the Psycho-Pirate fades out of existence. The aliens then transport Animal Man to Limbo for his "last adventure." NOTE: This story strongly implies that this is the end of Psycho-Pirate II, although he later reappeared prior to Infinite Crisis. The Psycho-Pirate speculates that the comic book in which they are appearing is from Earth-Prime, which he believes was destroyed by nuclear war. There was an alternate timeline in which Earth-Prime suffered a nuclear war in 1962 thanks to the meddling of Per Degaton and Earth-Three's Crime Syndicate, but its history was restored after the villains were defeated by the JLA and JSA (Justice League of America #207-209, Nov. 1982-Jan. 1983). Earth-Prime was subsequently destroyed during the Crisis, shortly after the emergence of Superboy-Prime (DC Comics Presents #87, Nov. 1985, and Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, Jan. 1986). Considering the Psycho-Pirate's fragile state of mind in this story, it seems likely that he was mistaken about Earth-Prime's fate.
Animal Man #24 (June 1990)
In Limbo, Animal Man encounters Merryman, the Inferior Five, Captain Carrot, the Red Bee, and a host of other forgotten characters. He also encounters a mysterious monkey with a typewriter who, after randomly the complete works of Shakespeare, has produced a final piece Buddy realizes is the script for the current issue of his comic book. Buddy follows the script's directions to the door of writer Grant Morrison. NOTE: This version of Limbo (including the now-dead monkey) reappears in Final Crisis: Superman Beyond 3D #1 (Oct. 2008).
Animal Man #25 (July 1990)
Animal Man comes face to face with Grant Morrison, the current writer of the Animal Manseries, who philosophizes on the nature of Animal Man's reality. Noting that this is his final issue of Animal Man, Morrison then returns Buddy to his normal life, restores his family, and removes his memory of everything that's just transpired. NOTE: The idea that under some circumstances the people of the DC universe can actually perceive that they are characters in a comic book is one to which Grant Morrison has returned repeatedly over the years. One of the most explicit subsequent examples is Seven Soldiers: Zatanna #4 (Dec. 2005), in which Zatanna perceives the panel borders of her own story before literally breaking the fourth wall.
Animal Man #26 (Aug. 1990)
The disembodied Dreamslayer (of Angor, later Earth-8) possesses Max and reclaims the Extremist androids. NOTE: This is Max's first contact with the androids, which include Lord Havoc.
Justice League Europe #32 (Nov. 1991)
Batman is a vampire. NOTE: This reality was another precursor to the "Elseworlds" line, and later designated as Earth-43.
Batman and Dracula: Red Rain (1992), Batman: Bloodstorm (1994), Batman: Crimson Mist (1998)
At Maxwell Lord's urging, the U.N. forms the League Busters to stop Captain Atom's JLA team from attacking the Overmaster.
Justice League Europe #65 (June 1994)
Emerald Twilight, Part 1: Hal Jordan tries to recreate Coast City with Emerald energy from his ring. In his emotional weakness, he falls prey to an ancient yellow being called Parallax: the living embodiment of fear which resides in the Guardians central power battery and created the GLs' weakness to yellow/fear. NOTE: First appearance of Kyle Rayner.
Green Lantern v.2 #48 (Jan. 1994); Green Lantern: Rebirth #?? (2005)
Emerald Twilight, Part 2: Parallax's evil consumes Hal, who shreds through many members of the Green Lantern Corps on his way to Oa, taking their rings and leaving them stranded in space if not outright killing them.
Green Lantern v.2 #49 (Feb. 1994)
Emerald Twilight, Part 3: Possessed by Parallax, Hal Jordan kills Sinestro, Kilowog, and all of the Guardians of the Universe except for Ganthet. He assumes the Guardians' former power. Ganthet gives Kyle Rayner (Green Lantern V) the last Green Lantern ring in an alleyway. NOTE: Because the Parallax entity — which caused the Lanters' vulnerability to yellow — now resides in Jordan, Rayner's ring is not vulnerable to the color yellow.
Green Lantern v.2 #50 (Mar. 1994)
Parallax begins a campaign to reshape the universe in his own image, starting a wave of temporal distortion that begins to unravel time from the end of the universe backwards. As Waverider and the Linear Men move to warn Earth's heroes, the villain Monarch, now calling himself Extant, tries to exploit the crisis for his own ends. Superman, using the help of Metron and Kyle Rayner, recruits Earth's heroes and alerts them to the time crisis.
Zero Hour #4 (Sept. 1994)
The Justice Society engages Extant, who uses his time manipulation powers to kill the Atom and Hourman, mortally wound Dr. Mid-Nite, drain the power from Green Lantern's power ring, and split Dr. Fate into Kent and Inza Nelson, stripping them of their power and returning them to their chronological ages. NOTE: It is later revealed that this Hourman was the android, who switched places with Rex Tyler just before Extant's blow (JSA #66).
Zero Hour #3 (Sept. 1994)
The Justice Society disbands; the original Dr. Mid-Nite presumably dies in the hospital. Alan Scott vows to retire, throwing away his power ring, which is later destroyed by Parallax.
Zero Hour #2 (Sept. 1994)
Atom II is de-aged to 18. Realizing that his superhero career is over, Ted Knight passes his Cosmic Rod on to his son David, who becomes Starman VI. 1st app. of his other son, Jack Knight (who becomes Starman VII in Starman #0, 10. 1994). The Flash appeals to the Spectre for assistance in combating the crisis in time. The temporal devastation escalates, destroying all of time except for a handful of heroes at Vanishing Point, who learn that their foe is Hal Jordan, now calling himself Parallax.
Zero Hour #1 (Sept. 1994)
With the help of the Spectre, Parallax is stopped from remaking the universe in his own image. The universe is restarted at the Dawn of Time, causing historical changes and anomalies. Power Girl gives birth to a boy. NOTE: In general, however, changes were minor to other characters' continuity. Over time, after the Crisis, almost all characters' continuities continued to change. This was later explained in the Infinite Crisis as having either been a result of Superboy Prime's blows, or because the universe hadn't yet "settled" into its proper place. Examples of this are the ever-changing histories of Power Girl and Hawkman and the redefining of the Justice League's early days. The most significant change to continuity from Zero Hour was the complete reboot of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Zero Hour #0 (Sept. 1994)
Bruce Wayne is chosen as Earth's Green Lantern. NOTE: In post-Infinite Crisis continuity, this reality was designated Earth-32.
Batman: In Darkest Knight (1994)
After an unsuccessful attempt to commandeer the League, Max collapses. (#93) He learns that he has brain cancer, and it's revealed he is a member of the Arcana. (#94) The Kilg%re grants Max a second chance at life, which he accepts, leaving his body to die. (#95) NOTE: The Kilg%re first appeared in Flash v.2 #3.
Justice League America #93-95 (Nov. 1994–Jan. 1995)
With the power of the Kilg%re, Max Lord becomes Lord Havoc II. NOTE: It has been suggested that this phase of Max's existence was wiped away by Superboy Prime's reality-altering blows. (Infinite Crisis Secret Files) When Max reappears in Formerly Known as the Justice League, no mention is made of it. However, his close ties to the OMAC technology might be explained by his own biomechanical nature.
Justice League America #99 (May 1995)
Lord Havok and Judgment destroy the Aracana's "four Aces." NOTE: Max's activities following this have not been revealed.
Justice League America #113 (Aug. 1996)
Robin and Batgirl are vigilantes hunted by the Batman. This reality was originally designated as Earth-37.
Thrillkiller #1-3 (Jan.–Mar. 1997), Thrillkiller '62 (1998)
Princess Diana comes of age in Victorian England. This reality was originally designated as Earth-34.
Wonder Woman: Amazonia (1997)
The Justice Riders — an Old West version of the Justice League. This reality was designated as Earth-18.
The Justice Riders (1997)
Years in the future, DC's core super-heroes fight to reclaim their legacy from the chaos wrought by their successors. NOTE: This popular series spawned a follow up events that were in-continuity even though this was an alternate reality. These were "The Kingdom" (1999), and "Thy Kingdom Come" (2009). After the Infinite Crisis, this reality was assigned to Earth-22.
Kingdom Come #1-4 (1997)
In another reality, the DC heroes are the same in name only. NOTE: The concept for this series of one-shots was to mimic the reinvention of DC's Silver Age heroes—appropriating the name but creating a new character. The first event included nine one-shots, and a follow-up event in 1998 consisted of nine more. After the Infinite Crisis, this reality was assigned to Earth-9. It was revived in 2008 for Tangent: Superman's Reign, a 12-issue limited series.
Tangent one-shots (Dec. 1997)
Bruce Wayne and his bodyguard, Sasha Bordeaux, are framed for the murder of Vesper Fairchild in Wayne Manor. Sasha is wrongly convicted and sent to prison. Before she can be freed, she is reported killed by another inmate. In truth, she is taken by Checkmate, undergoes plastic surgery, and is given a new identity and a position in Checkmate. She is recruited by Jessica Midnight, who had in the past recruited other women acquainted with the Dark Knight. Bordeaux quickly ascends the ranks of Checkmate, becoming the Black Knight for the organization's new Black King: Maxwell Lord.
Detective #766-775 (Mar.–Dec. 2002) and others
The Hourman virus invades the entire planet. At vanishing point, Waverider hears Matt Ryder utter something about the "Kingdom" and a "barrier."
DC One Million #2 (Nov. 1998)
In the future of Gotham City, Terry McGinnis becomes a new Batman. NOTE: In post-Infinite Crisis continuity, this reality was designated Earth-12. It grew to include many other future versions of DC characters. The first comic book was a companion 6-issue limited series beginning March 1999. There have been numerous revivals.
Batman Beyond animated series (19 January 1999)
The Earth-Two Superman reappears, struggling against an impenetrable barrier.
The Kingdom #2 (Feb. 1999)
Jan. 1999: DC acquires Wildstorm Productions (originally called Homage Studios), an imprint under Image Comics. Its first title was WildC.A.T.S. (1992).The post-Infinite Crisis universe designated Wildstorm as Earth-50, but the New 52 multiverse simply incorporates Wildstorm characters into Earth-0 continuity.
Wildcats v.2 #1 (Mar. 1999), Planetary #1 (Apr. 1999), The Authority #1 (May 1999)
Amid fluctuations in the timestream, the original Star-Spangled Kid returns! NOTE: This Kid is from the pre-Crisis JSA; he mentions the Huntress.
JSA #11 (June 2000)
Talia breaks into the Watchtower and steals Batman's secret protocols for defeating the JLA. She delivers them to her father, Ra's Al Ghul. Using the Batman's computer files, Ra's Al Ghul handily cripples the team and robs Batman's parents' graves. Batman leads the recovering and mistrustful League to Ra's Al Ghul's Antarctic lair. Upon Al Ghul's defeat, the JLA votes to expel Batman from the team (Flash, J'onn and GL vote in his favor). NOTE: Batman is depicted as having begun compiling the protocols before the original JLA disbanded. Backgrounds depict imagery from before the deaths of Barry Allen and Oliver Queen and before Black Canary lost her sonic cry.
JLA Secret Files #3 (Nov. 2000), JLA2 #43-46 (July–Oct. 2000)
Stan Lee recreates the heroes of the DC Universe. The first of these was Just Imagine Stan Lee with Joe Kubert Creating Batman, published in fall 2001. The Just Imagine universe is now designated as Earth-6.
Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating… 12 one-shots (2001-02)
Darkseid and Desaad succeed in harnessing the Anti-Life Equation by cloning the late "Billion Dollar" Bates, a human whose mind had contained the Equation prior to his death. Orion destroys the clones, but subsequently discovers that he himself now possesses the Anti-Life Equation. After attempting unsuccessfully to use it for good, Orion learns that his possession of the Equation is the work of the consciousness of the Bates clones, who were not as mindless as Desaad had supposed. Orion eventually destroys the last vestiges of Bates' personality and frees himself of the Equation, although it is some time before he is able to ethically reconcile his use of it. NOTE: "Billion Dollar" Bates first appeared (and died) in Forever People #8 (Apr./May 1972). This story implies that the Anti-Life Equation was lost once Orion was freed of the clones' influence, although subsequent events imply that Darkseid was eventually able to harness it, perhaps by reconstructing Desaad's work with the Bates clones.
Orion #1–24 (June 2000–May 2002)
The post-Crisis Supergirl encounters her pre-Crisis counterpart, and the pre-Crisis Justice Society.
Supergirl v.4 #79-80 (Apr.–May 2003)
Kal-El's rocket lands in the Soviet Union instead of America. NOTE: In post-Infinite Crisis continuity, this reality was designated Earth-30.
Superman: Red Son #1-3 (June–Aug. 2003)
The DC universe follows a slightly different path after World War II. NOTE: In post-Infinite Crisis continuity, this reality was designated Earth-21.
DC: The New Frontier #1-6 (2004)
President Luthor shows his Vice President, Pete Ross, a file proving that Clark Kent is Superman.
Adv. of Superman #637 (Apr. 2005)
Donna Troy is killed by a Superman robot. She is laid to rest and goes on to a glorious afterlife with the Titans of myth, on New Cronus. The Titans and Young Justice disband.
Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #3 (Aug. 2003)
The Titans of Myth transport Donna Troy to New Cronus from the moment of her death. They do not tell her that she is crucial to their survival. They have received dire news about the fate of the universe, and seek to escape it by migrating to another universe. They also heed a prophesy from their late sister, Rhea, who said that one of their "seeds" would prove the key to their own future. They knew this seed was Donna. Troia is taken by Coeus as his new wife.
The Return of Donna Troy #1 (Aug. 2005)
Jason Todd allies with the villain called Hush in order to confront Batman and gauge Bruce's shock. He slips away, leaving Batman to believe it had been Clayface he'd fought. Jason begins his own vigilante's crusade as the Red Hood II.
Batman #617 (Sept. 2003), Batman Annual #25 (2006), Infinite Crisis Secret Files (Apr. 2006)
In his search for the origins of the universe, Krona destroys Qward (where the Crime Syndicate are battling the Weaponers). The JLA encounters Terminus, a being from another universe. Likewise, the Avengers stave off the Star Conqueror. The teams are told by the Grandmaster and Metron, respectively that they must assemble twelve items of power in order to prevent the collision of both universes. The JLA crosses over and obtains the Ultimate Nullifier, but they are pursued back by the Avengers. NOTE: These heroes have met before (DC/Marvel: All Access), but do not recall it.
JLA/Avengers #1 (Sept. 2003)
Once the heroes have obtained all the artifacts, Krona turns on the Grandmaster and summons Galactus who holds the knowledge of the origins of the universe. The Grandmaster, however, then uses the artifacts to twist reality to his whim.
JLA/Avengers #2 (Nov. 2003)
Krona attempts to merge the two universes and the heroes experience a plethora of alternate realities where they have met at different times in their careers. The Phantom Stranger ultimately leads them to the truth, where they witness all the tragedies of their real lives. Though difficult to imagine, the JLA and Avengers decide to put things back the right way.
JLA/Avengers #3 (Jan. 2004)
Krona imprisons both universes' avatars (Eternity and Kismet), but the teams combine efforts to break his stronghold and destroy his power sphere. His essence is condensed into a cosmic egg. The Spectre separates the two universes. The teams restore the realities that had been destroyed. NOTES: The JLA recalls these events, but not the Marvel universe. Later (JLA #111), they will begin to notice evidence of some cosmic changes, and that their universe is settling into "different patterns."
JLA/Avengers #4
Maxwell Lord tries his hand at fortune again by assembling a new team of heroes (named the Superbuddies in #2). He successfully recruits Captain Atom, Booster Gold, Fire, L-Ron, Elongated Man and Sue Dibny. When Captain Marvel (Billy) refuses his offer, his sister Mary accepts instead. With much persuasion, Blue Beetle is also convinced to join (despite his heart condition). The JLA steps in closer when things get sticky with Mange Khan. (#6) NOTE: Max alludes to the fact that he was an android.
Formerly Known as the Justice League #1-6 (Sept. 2003-Feb. 2004)
The Flash and his wife Linda lose their unborn twins to the evil of Zoom. He asks the Spectre to remove the public's knowledge of his secret identity. This trauma makes Wally more sensitive to the protection of heroes' identities.
Flash #200 (Sept. 2003)
Lex Luthor empowers himself with a mixture of Bane's serum and liquid kryptonite, and dons armor forged on Apokolips. He publicly accuses Superman of drawing a killer kryptonite asteroid towards Earth. Captain Atom sacrifices himself to destroy the asteroid and Luthor's madness is exposed to the world. Defeated, Luthor still drives on and foretells “a reckoning ... a crisis” Parts of this meteor still crash to Earth; one large chunk carries Kara Zor-El of Krypton (appears #13). Much of the kryptonite is recovered by Kord Industries and S.T.A.R. Labs, but Kord's is later stolen by Luthor (DC Countdown). CONTINUITY: Both Captain Atom and Lex Luthor's battlesuit meet their end in this issue — and both reappear in Identity Crisis #1.
Superman / Batman #6 (Mar. 2004)
Wildstorm Raging
Following the explosion, Captain Atom finds himself in a parallel universe (later known as Earth-50, the Wildstorm universe). He meets the Authority and Majestic (who recognizes him from Superman's Earth). Captain Atom causes the Wildstorm universe to reboot while he's there. Eventually he returns to his universe through a rift in space, but badly injured. NOTE: The events of this series "reboots" the Wildstorm universe in the same way the original Crisis rebooted the DC Universe.
Captain Atom: Armageddon #1-9 (Dec. 2005-Aug. 2006)
Superman arrives to the future of the FutureSmiths and discovers that the one responsible for that dark future is none other than a new Brainiac-12. His actions affect the past where Brainiac 13 left its mark and some time is rewritten. The FutureSmiths, Cir-El the Supergirl and all their timeline ceases to exist.
Superman v.2 #200 (Feb. 2004)
"Strange New Visitor" part 1: Superman's actions in the future cause a "time storm" above Metropolis and the city is cut off by a bubble. In his absence, the hero Mr. Majestic is pulled from a parallel Earth. Lois Lane seeks help from S.T.A.R. Labs and John Irons. He, Natasha Irons and Superboy retrieve the Eradicator robot from the Fortress of Solitude.
Action Comics #811 (Mar. 2004)
"Strange New Visitor" part 2: Mr. Majestic saves Metropolis from the ravages of the storm. He claims that Irons' plan to use a bomb against the storm will do no good. The takes this to mean opposition and incites a fight. The Eradicator temporarily banishes Majestic to the Phantom Zone. Lois brings him back. NOTE: Daily Planet employees look at newspaper articles that first appeared in Superman: Birthright. Majestic mentions a "multiverse."
Adventures. of Superman #624 (Mar. 2004)
"Strange New Visitor" part 3: Majestic vaporizes Irons' bomb, but he is vindicated when (as he claimed) Metropolis rights itself completely as the storm passes on its own. The city is reborn without the Brainiac 13 technology. Afterwards, the heroes make peace with Majestic , who is stranded on their Earth. NOTE: Continues in the 4-issue Majestic mini-series.
Superman v.2 #201 (Mar. 2004)
Mr. Majestic finally meets the Man of Steel. They discuss Majestic's device, which he hopes will harness residual energies from the time storm and get him home. (#1) When the Eradicator attacks Majestic again, Majestic rewrites its circuitry, leaving it more agreeable. They fight a Daemonite stowaway who opens a portal to the Bleed. (#4) Majestic foregoes passage into the Bleed, choosing to save the Eradicator instead. NOTE: This series bore the DC logo. The Bleed is an extra-dimensional “limbo” introduced by Warren Ellis in the Wildstorm universe in Stormwatch v.2 #7 (May 1998). Majestic #4 is the first DC mention of the Bleed.
Majestic v. 1 #1-4 (Aug.–Dec. 2004)
Majestic, Superman and the Eradicator travel through "ripple in the Bleed which only opens every 53 years" to the "Wildstorm " Earth (Earth-50). After making sure Majestic is squared away, Superman and Eradicator return home through the Bleed. NOTE: This series bore the Wildstorm logo.
Majestic v.2 #1 (Mar. 2005)
One of Superboy Prime's blows against the crystalline barrier temporarily changes the history of the Doom Patrol.
JLA #94-99 (May–July 2004), Infinite Crisis Secret Files (Apr. 2006)
Kara Zor-El crash lands in Gotham city inside her ship from Krypton. (#8) She trains under the Amazons and is introduced to the world as Superman's true cousin, Supergirl (IV). (#12) Occurs before Identity Crisis because in JSA #67, an Identity crossover, Power Girl comments on Supergirl's arrival.
Superman / Batman #8-13 (May–Oct. 2004)
Using stolen technology, including that of Booster Gold's robot assistant, Skeets, Maxwell Lord hijacks Batman's spy satellite, MK-1. He learns all the secrets that Batman has been compiling on Earth's super-powered people. NOTE: It's unclear exactly when Max took over the satellite.
Lois Lane becomes Max Lord's first target: he orders Sasha Bordeaux to shoot her while she is reporting on the war in the Middle Eastern country of Umec. NOTE: This story is evidence that the events leading up to Infinite Crisis were planned very far in advance. This story arc began almost a year before DC Countdown revealed Max's plans (May 2005).
Adv. of Superman #631 (Oct. 2004)