Mordru I
Wrynn, Mordru the Merciless, the Dark Lord
Lord Topaz and Lady Turquoise (parents), Donal (brother, deceased), Amber (sister), Mysa Nal (the White Witch, wife), unnamed wives
Lords of Chaos, Legion of Super-Villains
As Mordru: Adventure Comics #369 (June 1968)
As Wrynn: Amethyst vol. 3 #1 (Nov. 1987)
Original Mordru (pre- and post-Crisis)

Origins: Wrynn of Gemworld
Mordru debuted in 1968 as a 30th century Legion character, but he was ages old. The first look at Mordru's origins came in 1987, in the post-Crisis era on the world of Amethyst, a princess of Gemworld.
In a magical dimension known as Gemworld lived the human princess called Amethyst, who was appointed to be Gemworld's Lord of Order. This was one of many dimensions that were battlegrounds for the never-ending war between the Lords of Order and the Lords of Chaos. To oppose Amethyst, Chaos chose a human host with high magical potential, the boy named Wrynn.
Wrynn was a prince, the son of Lord Topaz and Lady Turquoise of Gemworld. While his twin, Donal, was a child of light, his mother worried about Wrynn's penchant for darkness. Wrynn appealed to dark magical forces for power and his spells summoned Flaw, an agent of Chaos who recognized the benefit of having agent on Gemworld. Flaw granted Wrynn's 'deal with the devil' and the young man was overtaken by a powerful agent of Chaos, Mordru the Merciless. (Amethyst vol. 3 #1)
Mordru's first encounter with Amethyst was humbling, but he killed his own twin brother, Donal, on the rebound. (#2–3) For his crimes, Mordru was sentenced to exile in the outer realms of Gemworld but Amethyst decided unilaterally that he deserved a harsher fate. She visited him and, though Wrynn still exhibited come control over Mordru's consciousness, Amethyst showed no mercy. She entombed Mordru alive, incorporating his body into the ground of Gemworld. It was said that he would not breathe air again for a thousand years, over which time Amethyst became the very heart of Gemworld.
Gemworld prospered and at some point between the 20th and 30th centuries, circumstances led its sorcerers to relocate the realm into Earth's dimension. It became known as the planet Zerox, aka "the Sorcerer's World." (#2–4)
Mordru's origin story in the 20th century is technically a post-Crisis tale, but it is treated as pre-Crisis canon because at the time of its publication, the continuity of the Original Legion was still (relatively) still in effect.
Zerox first appeared years before Mordru, in Action Comics #301 (June 1963). In this story (which does not fit in post-Crisis continuity), Superman asked Comet the Super-Horse to visit Zerox, where he met the sorcerer Prince Endor. He cast a spell that enabled Comet to become human as long as he was in sight of a passing comet. Zerox orbited a red sun.
The Lords of Order and Chaos were introduced as a part of the Doctor Fate mythos, first appearing in 1st Issue Special #9 (Dec. 1975) and DC Special Series #10 (Feb. 1978), respectively.
Amethyst debuted in a preview story in Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 2 #298 (April 1983), which was unrelated to the Legion.
30th Century: The Original Mordru

In the 30th century, the planet Zerox (commonly called "the Sorcerers' World") had become the seat of magic in the universe. Here, the great and terrible sorcerer named Mordru the Dark Lord had been imprisoned for centuries. As Zerox's magical influence began to depart and spread, the bonds that held Mordru were loosened and he re-emerged. This was a new age; the Dark Lord was unknown to them and he played things cautiously, pretending to be a student of the mystic arts.
While plotting to take over Zerox, he met a powerful young mystic, Mysa Nal, known as the White Witch. He transformed Mysa into a crone called Xola Aq and convinced the Council of Teachers that she was evil. She was banished from the Sorcerers' World, and joined Prince Evillo's group, the Devil's Dozen, as "the Hag." With Mysa out of the way, Mordru overthrew the Council and assumed dictatorial control of Zerox. (Legion vol. 2 #315-316, Who's Who #9)
By 2973, Mordru had amassed a mystically-powered army and his wars of conquest earned him a reputation as the single greatest threat to the United Planets. The Legion of Super-Heroes knew they would eventually have to stop Mordru, monitoring his army's advance. In 2976, he attacked Earth and the Legion was powerful enough to stop him. Mon-El and Superboy managed to imprison him in an airless underground vault, where he was psychologically paralyzed from the trauma of his past burial.
Mordru was freed in 2978, when the new Legionnaire Shadow Lass unwittingly tampered with that vault. This led to a chase through time in which she, Superboy, Mon-El and Duo Damsel hid in 20th century Smallville — even going so far as to erase their own memories so that they could not reveal their whereabouts to him. (Adventure Comics #369)
Mordru transported his armies from the 30th century, enveloped Smallville in a forcefield and uprooted the town into orbit. This flushed out Clark Kent's friends, Lana Lang and Pete Ross (both unofficial Legionnaires), who helped restore the Legionnaires' memories. Mordru still overpowered them and subjected them to a trial whose jury was made of notorious criminals. One of them, Wraithor, was actually a good wizard from Zerox who had been subjugated by Mordru. He freed the Legionnaires and was killed by Mordru for this betrayal. Mordru was poised to kill the Legionnaires as well, but the force of his own power caused the walls of a cave to collapse and he was buried once again.
Back in the future, they learned that the rest of the Legion had worked with White Witch (who was also the sister of the Legionnaire called Dream Girl), to trick Mordru into thinking they had been destroyed. (#370)
Even while imprisoned, he attacked by trying to place a magical double of Cosmic Boy in the Legion (Superboy #173), and again in Superboy's time by creating "blood crystals" to incite hatred toward the Boy of Steel. (#188)
Mordru's ultimate goal was to regain his powers and return to power on Zerox. He sent an astral form to secure a trio of powerful mystical artifacts — a bell, jar and wheel — that belonged to the "demons three," Abnegazar, Rath and Ghast. He failed twice; first he blackmailed a group of Legionnaires into fetching these from the past and second, he tried to snatch them himself from their last known location: the satellite headquarters of the Justice League of America. What he snared instead were members of the JLA and the Justice Society. Mordru's final attempt only unleashed the power of the demons upon himself. (Justice League of America #147) During the heroes' battle with the demons, Mordru's spirit self was reunited/reimprisoned with his physical body. (#148)
Mordru was freed later that same year by the Dark Circle, who had hoped to control him. He turned the tables and took over the Circle, commanding its generals and staging an invasion of Earth. Mordru disguised himself as the United Planets Ambassador Relnic and observed events as they played out. His Dark Circle used the proxy armies of the Resource Raiders and the Khunds to wage a bloody Earthwar which resulted in the capture of all but a handful of Legionnaires. These few confronted Mordru directly and freed the others in outer space. There, Element Lad managed to turn free-floating hydrogen atoms into a mass of soil, enough for the Legion to surround Mordru, effectively burying him. (Superboy & the Legion #241–245)
Somehow, Mordru found his way to an underdeveloped world called Avalon. Using the anagram "Romdur" he took over the populace before once again being brought down by the Legion. (Legion vol. 2 #276) His body was drained of magical energy by Darkseid the following year. (#290–291)
In 2985, a group of devotees on the Sorcerer's World stole Mordru's body from Avalon and brought it back to Zerox. They attempted to use the shadow powers of Shadow Lass and Shadow Kid to revive their Lord. Legionnaires converged on Zerox and deterred the completion of their spell; Mordru remained imprisoned there. (Legion vol. 2 Annual #3)
In 2986, the leading Teachers chose to show mercy on Mordru, allowing him to return to life but stripping him of his magical powers and his memories. (Legion vol. 3 #27)
The Sorcerer's World became the epicenter of a galaxywide crisis where science failed in unexpected ways. The Teachers knew something was amiss and sent a fledgling wizard named Sarvisa to deliver a warning to the Legion's leader, Sensor Girl. (#60) The threat was called the Archmage who, like Mordru, was an embodiment of evil, long imprisoned inside of Zerox. The Archmage's bonds were loosened by the gradual departure of the planet's magical powers. None of the Legionnaires could affect this entity and the White Witch confirmed that there was no path to success. The sorcerer's (with Mordru) decided to abandon Zerox. They allowed the Archmage destroy the planet — because in doing so, they knew he would lose all tethers to power and thus be destroyed himself. (#61-63)
"The Magic Wars" was the final story arc before the Legion title was shaken up. The chaos left in the wake of these events set the stage for Mordru's return to power.
Adult Legion
Mordru also appeared in a story of the "Adult Legion," of Superman's time. These stories were eventually deemed noncanonical. When Superman was trapped by Mordru, Supergirl and the adult Brainiac 5 tricked Lex Luthor into freeing him. (Superman #213)
Glorith Reality

In Legion of Super-Heroes, volume 4, the villainess Glorith altered reality by taking the place/role of the Time Trapper. Mordru and the Legion's previous history remained much the same, except that Superboy and Supergirl were replaced in its continuity by the Legionnaires Valor (Mon-El), Ultra Boy and the new Laurel Gand.
In the 20th century of the Glorith Reality, Ultra Boy had correctly deduced that the Legion's formation had been manipulated by Glorith of Baaldur, specifically to handicap Mordru's amibitions. Glorith had hoped fighting the Legion would cause Mordru to expend his power and allow her to conquer the universe unchallenged. Ultra Boy secretly prevented the Legion from attacking Mordru, and then (in disguise) convinced Mordru that Glorith was the actual threat to him. Mordru attacked Glorith and the two battled to a draw, weakening them both considerably. (Legion vol. 4 Annual #1)
In the 30th century after the Magic Wars, Mordru and the inhabitants of the Sorcerers' World had moved to the planet Tharn. When the Khunds threatened Tharn, the United Planets was powerless to help and the leading sorcerers restored Mordru's full powers and appointed him Supreme Teacher. He repelled the Khunds and assumed the throne. The White Witch grew fond of this new Mordru and believed she could keep him on the right path. She resigned from the Legion and accepted his offer to marry him. The people hoped he would rule benevolently but once again, Mordru became a tyrant emperor and forbade all others from using magic. He tortured Mysa and her would-be rescuer, the Legion's ally, Rond Vidar. Mysa and Rond were finally rescued by Laurel Gand and a loose-knit group of Legionnaires led by the former Cosmic Boy, Rokk Krinn. Mordru remained the ruler of Tharn and bided his time. (Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 4 #6–7)
Mordru still coveted Mysa, and lured her to the remains of the Sorcerer's World with dreams of the ancient Amethyst. Mysa took the bait and became filled with rage, which made her vulnerable to his power. Her anger enabled himself to merge with Mysa and create a form that was more powerful than ever. The Legion called together Mysa's friends to channel their love and they disrupted his control. Mordru retaliated by reanimating the dead across the galaxy (including Legionnaires). (#43–47)
A blast reflected from the Legionnaire Devlin O'Ryan crippled Mordru and allowed the Legionnaires to pry Mysa apart from him. Amethyst had returned and she added her power to Mysa's to create a force equal to Mordru's. Mysa overpowered Mordru and made peace with her love for him. She chose not to kill him because past attempts had only multiplied his rage. Mysa stripped Mordru of his powers and his unconscious body was remanded to the teachers of Tharn. (#48)
End of an Era
In early 2996, Mordru agree to an alliance with Glorith; together, she hoped they could stop the Time Trapper from returning to power. Mordru was restored to his youth, but even their combined might did not prevent the calamity to come. (Legion vol. 4 #58) Their plan commenced with the kidnapping of Rokk Krinn (Legionnaires #17) and an attack on the Legion's headquarters on Talus.
They gained access to a time beacon to summon the Infinite Man and split his power between them. Together they wove a spell to change the past so that they had ruled the universe for the last several decades, but Mysa Nal separated them with a mystical bolt. Valor took out Glorith and fought Mordru to a stalemate. Brainiac 5 had the idea to give Mordru excess power, which overwhelmed him. The Legion succeeded in compelling Mordru to teleport himself into the core of a planet, but by then greater forces were taking effect. The Zero Hour, caused by the Parallax entity in the 20th century, caused the entire 30th century to be erased. (Legion vol. 4 #60, Legionnaires #18, Valor #23)

After the "Zero Hour" (1996), the Legion's era was rebooted and a new version of Mordru fought this Legion (see below). But in the lead-up to Infinite Crisis (2007), the Original Legion was more-or-less restored. This is referred to as the "Retroboot," again with various anomalies in continuity.
Mordru had regained control of the Sorcerer's World (either restored in this timeline or Tharn, renamed) and captured the White Witch. A team of Legionnaires came to rescue her and Mordru invoked the power of three magicians whom he had killed: Glorith, Dragonmage and Evillo. Mysa mustered enough power for her and her friends to return to Earth. Meanwhile, Mordru was approached by Superboy-Prime and his massive new Legion of Super-Villains who killed the Legion's ally, Rond Vidar. (Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #2)
Mordru reluctantly joined the L.S.V. and after Superboy-Prime killed the Legionnaire Kinetix, the Dark Lord also absorbed her power. (Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #4) But the White Witch was paying attention. She used his own spell against him, uttering "aufero magus infusco," and absorbed him completely (along with others he'd absorbed, including Kinetix). This transformed Mysa into the Black Witch. (#5)
The Black Witch momentarily struggled to contain him when a malevolent force intervened, but she summoned power from other mages and beat Mordru back into submission. (Adventure Comics #525)
Appearances + References
- Adventure Comics #369–370
- Justice League of America #147–148
- Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 2 #276, 291, Annual #3
- Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 3 #27
- Superboy vol. 1 #173, 188, 213
- Superboy & the Legion of Super-Heroes #241–245
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #315–316
Glorith Reality
- Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 4 #3, 6, 7, 43–44, 46–48, 58, 60
- Legionnaires #17–18
- Valor #23
- Adventure Comics #525
- Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1
- Justice League of America vol. 2 #60
- Justice Society of America vol. 3 #34-35
- Amethyst vol. 3 #1–4
- Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #2–5

Mordru, the Dark Lord
Lords of Chaos, the "Princes of Darkness"
JSA Secret Files #1 (June 1999)
Post-Crisis: Mordru the Dark Lord (20th Century)

In the era following Zero Hour, a new "Reboot Legion" was created; it had its own new incarnation of Mordru in the 30th century, introduced in Legionnaires #45 (Feb. 1997). Two years later, his 20th century self became a prominent villain in the JSA series. This Mordru was an instantiated Lord of Chaos (as established in his 1987 appearance, when he was entombed by Amethyst [Amethyst #4]). He was was exceptionally skilled at manipulating the power of super-beings and in acquiring their powers, magical or not.
JSA: Justice Be Done
Mordru's origins were not explicitly retold, so it's uncertain whether this version of Mordru was Wrynn of Gemworld. Hourman commented, however, that Mordru had "no beginning or end" — he was an eternal Lord of Chaos and was never truly born, nor would he die. (JSA #3) Mordru stated that he was "born of chaos" but he had learned how to integrate (read: "steal") a certain amount of the energies of Order. (#14)
Mordru targeted magic users and agents of both Order and Chaos, to steal their powers. (JSA Secret Files #1) He allied with the Justice Society's old foe, Ian Karkull in a bid to become an "archmage" by claiming the occult powers of a new Doctor Fate (a Lord of Order). Mordru slayed a host of metahumans, including Kid Eternity and the Scarab, and absorbed their powers, which brought him into conflict with the new Hawkgirl and the Justice Society. (JSA #1-4)
Both sides were in search of a newborn "Fate-child" who was destined to assume the mantle of Doctor Fate. Mordru was the architect of the child's birth. Years before he had managed to manipulate the former hero called Hawk (Hank Hall) into becoming the villain Extant. Then he compelled Extant to conceive a child with his partner, Dove, because the product of such a union would possess great power. (#14)
Mordru took the predestined baby to the Tower of Fate, where the ancient Helm of Nabu and Amulet of Anubis awaited a new host. This baby's soul turned out to be Hector Hall, the son of the original Hawkman and Hawkgirl. (#3) Upon contact with these talismans, Hector was aged to adulthood. Mordru cast a spell to siphon his power and separated Hall from the vestments of Fate. But Hall still had control over the talismans; he crushed Mordru's worldly form and trapped him inside the amulet. (#4)
JSA: Princes of Darkness
From within the amulet, Mordru later succeeded in corrupting the hero Obsidian and formed an alliance with Eclipso. With newly acquired power, Mordru managed to subsume Hector Hall's control, take control over Doctor Fate and attack the JSA. These three "princes of darkness" tried to usher in a new age of chaos. (#45–46) Their combined power, focused through Eclipso's black diamond, blotted out the sun. (#47) They were defeated by the 5th dimensional power of Johnny Thunderbolt, who took hold of Mordru and briefly imprisoned him inside Jakeen Thunder's magical talisman. (#50)
While imprisoned by Mordru, Hector Hall learned how to access the power to return to reality. He compelled Mordru to witness his own final fate, 1,000 years into the future, when the JSA's legacy would manifest as the Legion of Super-Heroes. Fate overpowered Mordru and subjected him to his greatest fear: burial. The Dark Lord was imprisoned inside the Rock of Eternity and his power siphoned by Shazam, the wizard, who swore that Mordru would remain powerless for 1,000 years. (#51)
Day of Vengeance

While imprisoned in the Rock, Mordru was able to occasionally taunt Shazam (JSA #73) But these were Shazam's last days. The Spectre was driven to madness and this spirit of vengeance began destroying all magic. Shazam was its last line of defense and he succeeded in crippling the Spectre, but he perished and left the Rock unguarded. Mordru wasted no time in escaping and struck back at the JSA. (#78, Day of Vengeance #6) In the Tower of Fate, he seized the Helm of Nabu but he was unprepared for the collateral effects of the Spectre's rampage. The very nature of magic had shifted, leaving Mordru sluggish and weak. (#79) Nabu (the Lord of Order who empowered Doctor Fate) spirited Mordru away to the Tower of Fate where he was finished off by Jakeem Thunder and the Thunderbolt. (#80)
This was now the "Tenth Age of Magic" and Mordru returned in a disembodied form to assess the changes. He easily possessed the new, inexperienced Dr. Fate (Kent V. Nelson). The JSA had set mystical defenses which forced Mordru to manifest himself fully. (Justice Society of America #34) Mordru was successful in picking most of the team off so that he could focus on fighting Green Lantern (Alan Scott). But he had underestimated the team once again; a barrage from the young hero called Lightning disoriented him so thoroughly that Doctor Fate was able to cast Mordru into a realm of terrible monsters. (#35)
Captain Atom and the Sorcerer's World
Mordru turned his attentions once again back to the Sorcerer's World which had come under the rule of Mirabai the Forlorn, a tyrant master sorceress. This woman had formed an alliance with General Sam Lane on Earth. (Action Comics #877) Mordru truly wanted a happy life for the inhabitants of this world, but he was not strong enough to fight Mirabai alone. He disguised himself as a brute called Aggaro and allied himself with rebels. (#889)
His band formed an alliance with Natasha Irons (Steel) on Earth and they managed to secure the help of Captain Atom, whose skin was impervious to magic. (#881–883) A group of mystics called the Shadowpact told him that the Sorcerer's World was the nexus of magical power for all other magic realms, including Gemworld and the 5th dimension (#884-886)
Once Captain Atom succeeded in deposing Mirabai (#888), Mordru/Aggaro finally revealed himself. He swore that his motives were noble and that he had fought for the freedom of Mirabai's subjects. He challenged Atom to return later and see that Mordru would build a better world there. (#889)
When the elder Green Lantern used the Starheart to create a magical city on the moon, this place quickly became a nexus for all magical beings and worlds. Scott signed a "nonaggression pact" with Mordru of Sorcerer's World. (Justice Society of America vol. 3 #43)
But not long after this, Mordru allied with Dark Opal in a bid to conquer Gemworld. The members of the Justice League drove him back. (Justice League of America vol. 2 #60) This was the last appearance of Mordru before the DC's line-wide reboot called "The New 52."
Appearances + References
- Action Comics #881–883, 887–889
- JSA #1-4, 14, 45–51, 73, 78–80
- JSA Secret Files #1–2
- Justice Society of America vol. 3 #34–35

Mordru II
Mysa (daughter), unnamed children and grandchildren
Legionnaires #45 (Feb. 1997)
Legion Reboot (30th Century)

After the "Zero Hour" event, the timeline of the 30th century was entirely rebooted. The "Reboot Legion" was all-new, and thus was this version of Mordru. Note that this is the same era in DC continuity as the appearance of the "Dark Lord" Mordru who battled the Justice Society (see above) but no connection was drawn between the two.
Over a century before the formation of the United Planets, in a distant part of the galaxy, a powerful mage called Mordru acquired the legendary Emerald Eye of Ekron and used it to conquer scores of planets. His subjects were treated as little more than slaves and he was ultimately overthrown by his former followers, other wizards who included his firstborn daughter, Mysa. Mysa was the only one to survive but she became a withered old crone. (Legionnaires #48) She entombed Mordru on a mining asteroid called Yuen and hid his talismans of power across the galaxy. News of Mordru's reign never spread beyond his dominion.
The Emerald Eye wandered and later bonded with the Legionnaire called Shrinking Violet. (Legion vol. 4 #74) It corrupted her innocent nature and she manipulated her fellow Legionnaires into voting her as Legion leader. (Legionnaires #38) They soon discovered the influence of the Eye and she retreated.
Elsewhere, on planet Yuen, Mordru was inadvertently freed by a reckless group of rejected Legion applicants. (#44) He wasted no time in reacquiring his powerful artifacts (#45); he recovered some of them on Binder-7, noting the absence of the Emerald Eye. Back on Yuen, a young mystic called Dragonmage investigated Mordru's empty tomb and was besieged by Mysa, who strong-armed the teen into helping her stop Mordru. (#46)
On Mordru's path to conquest, he sough out a family of his own descendants. He intended to conscript them and when they refused, he killed them instead. The Legion finally confronted Mordru on the planet Sklar, where he turned Element Lad into crystal and easily captured them all. He transported the Legionnaires away to send a warning to the galaxy, then proceeded to destroy the entire planet. (#48)
Mysa allied with the Legion as they recruited help from other super-groups. Their paths were destined to converge with Violet and the Emerald Eye, which had sensed Mordru's return. The Eye actually feared becoming his thrall once again.
The hero Atom'x was killed when he tried to intervene in Mordru's confrontation with the Eye. (#49) Violet and the Eye agreed to become his consort to assuage Mordru. The Legionnaires kept Mordru on the ropes and after Violet was forced into retreat, their forces wore him down and tricked him into submission. In the battle, Mysa's youth was restored and Mordru killed yet another young hero, Blast-Off. (#50)
Mordru was encased inside an impenetrable sphere and his objects of power were atomized by M'onel and Andromeda. Mysa renewed her search for the Emerald Eye. (#51)
Mordru's progeny all bore a unique facial mark.
Appearances + References
- Legionnaires #45–50
Mordru III
Xola Aq (the White Witch, daughter)
Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 8 #1 (Jan. 2020)
Legion Rebirth Era

The continuity of the Rebirth Legion (aka the "Bendis Legion") is distinct from all other versions of the group. In this timeline, Mordru was a "demon gangster," a powerful ruler of Planet Gotham. He encountered Legionnaires who were on a mission to intercept the Trident of Poseidon. It was being delivered to Mordru by a group of alien Horraz. Wildfire's power incapacitated Mordru and he was taken into Science Police custody. (Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 8 #1) In Gotham's, Dini City, Saturn Girl tried unsuccessfully to trick Mordru into revealing the powers of the Trident. (#3)
Mordru escaped his confinement and sought out Rogol Zaar on Xanthu. Doctor Fate traced him there and the Legion followed. (#10) These new allies wasted no time in striking the Legion — Rogol Zaar on New Krypton and Mordru on Daxam. (#11) Mordru was defeated by Fate and the White Witch (who was his own daughter, Xola Aq) while Rogol Zaar was banished to the Phantom Zone. (#12)
Appearances + References
- Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 8 #1, 3, 10–12

Mordru, alias the Lord of Chaos, the Legionnaire
Lords of Chaos, Justice Society of America
Mentioned: Justice League Dark vol. 2 #6 (Feb. 2019)
Full appearance:
Justice League Dark vol. 2 #11 (July 2019)
Mentioned: Flashpoint Beyond #6 (Dec. 2022)
Full appearance:
Justice Society of America vol. 4 #8 (Feb. 2024)

DC's New 52 initiative rebooted its entire universe in 2010. After five years of that initiative, the publisher decided to (sort of) revert back to what had come before; this was "Rebirth," and the resulting continuity of the DC Universe incorporated events from multiple realities.
Mordru's first Rebirth appearance was in 2019, as his traditionally evil self. Then in 2022, the Justice Society reformed and a time-traveling teenage version of Mordru appeared.
Rebirth: Adult Mordru
Mordru's first mention in the rebooted DCU was during the time when the Lords of Order, led by Nabu, were plotting to take over the Earth and eliminate all of its existing magical power. Just before Nabu captured the Phantom Stranger and John Constantine, Constantine sent a missive to Zatanna: "find Mordru." (Justice League Dark vol. 2 #6)
She and Wonder Woman began the search for Mordru, whom they hoped would have sufficient power to challenge the Lords of Order. (#8–10) Their journey concluded at Justice League headquarters, inside the Hall of Justice, where Mordru was patiently waiting at a concealed magical tavern. The Dark Lord told them the origins of magic on Earth. He and his brethren had once made the goddess Hecate renounce her power, which they took for themselves. Mordru's kin decided that magic should be administrated jointly with agents of Order. They bound the power of magic into books, formulas, wands and other artifacts.
Mordru knew that he would live regardless of the outcome of the Justice League's fight. He flatly refused to help them, but left them with the Ruby of Life (Sargon's former talisman) which was imbued with a portion of Chaos magic. (Justice League Dark vol. 2 #11) By allowing this Chaos into themselves, Zatanna, Wonder Woman and their friends were transformed into a force capable of standing against the Lords of Order. Nabu was imprisoned inside his own helmet. (#12)

Rebirth: The Teen Mordru, Alias the Legionnaire
The existence of a "Golden Age Legionnaire" (later revealed to be the teenage Mordru) was first mentioned in Flashpoint Beyond #6 (Dec. 2022), where the Time Masters revealed that 13 individuals had been plucked out of the timeline and placed in some kind of stasis. Before the Time Masters could return them home, the pods were raided by a being called the Childminder, who stole the youngest and freed the others.
This Legionnaire/Mordru was 16 years old. While discovering his magical abilities, he glimpsed into his future and saw the monster he was fated to become. Somehow, he managed to travel through time and acquired a Legion flight ring. There were accounts of him assisting the Atom, the Red Tornado and the All-Star Squadron in the 1940s. (Justice Society of America vol. 4 #9)
Then Mordru decided to approach the Justice Society in this time period because the Huntress (Helena Wayne) was offering redemption to various villains and vigilantes. Mordru trailed the Green Lantern to Russia while he was attempting to recruit a vigilante called Ruby. (#8)
This Mordru was still "getting used to" his (substantial) magical powers. He surprised the JSA while they were searching for the Harlequin's Son, apprehending the vigilante and revealing himself to the heroes. Members of JSA recalled their first contact with him, as the evil Dark Lord who sought to steal the power of Doctor Fate. Meanwhile in the 31st century, members of the Legion of Substitute Heroes got wind of this teen Mordru's machinations and went to the 21st century to warn the new Doctor Fate (Khalid Nassour). (#9)
Mordru participated in a JSA mission along with other vigilantes to attempt to recruit the Gentleman Ghost. Their mission went horribly wrong; the demon Surtur was unleashed and Mordru (excited to prove himself) cast a spell that required the temporarily killing Hawkman (Carter Hall). This shocking judgment call caused many in the JSA to doubt his potential. Despite this, a majority formally voted Mordru into the Justice Society as a member. By this time, the Legion of Super-Heroes was aware of the JSA's actions. They arrived from the future en masse, demanding to take him into custody. (#10)
The Justice Society called in emergency help from its reserves to confront the Legion, who knew Mordru was destined to become nearly unstoppable. Mordru sensed that some other force was behind this scuffle and revealed the culprit, his former ally Eclipso. Mordru imbued a bolt from Huntress's crossbow with the power of Solaris, which shattered the villain's black diamond; Mordru took the black diamond with the intent of returning it to Gemworld. Afterwards, a new path was suggested for the teen sorcerer: he and the Huntress would join a 31st century Justice Society, where the Legion could monitor him more closely. (#11)

Mentions are made of the JSA's earlier battles against the evil, adult Mordru, which puts "the Legionnaire" in the same continuity as that pre-New 52 incarnation of Mordru. However, it remains unclear whether he was ever Wrynn of Gemworld — unless, the Legionnaire really is Wrynn, in his early years of experimentation, having discovered his fate prior to becoming possessed by a Lord of Chaos (see above).
Inspiration for "the Legionnaire" draws from several classic Legion characters. The full face mask resembles that of the villainous Mxyzptlk V, from Adventure Comics #310 (July 1963), who appeared under the alias of "Mask Man." It also recalls the hood worn by the Legionnaire Ferro Lad.
Mordru is a sorcerer with near-unlimited power — in all incarnations. His most powerful skill is to absorb power and steal it from others. He is especially vulnerable to being imprisoned in the ground.
Appearances + References
- Justice League Dark vol. 2 #11
- Justice Society of America vol. 4 #8–11
In Other Media
Legends of the Superheroes
2 episodes • 18 and 25 January 1979
Mordru appeared in two infamous television specials, Legends of the Superheroes, portrayed by Gabriel Dell. This version of the villain was the leader of the Legion of Doom. Mordru was never a member of the Legion of Doom in the comic books.
Justice League Unlimited
S01.E07 • 11 Sept. 2004
Mordru made a non-speaking appearance in the Justice League Unlimited, "The Greatest Story Never Told."
Legion of Super-Heroes animated series
"Trials" • S02.E10 • 15 Mar. 2008

In the Legion of Super Heroes, Mordru was voiced by Jim Ward. In "Trials," he was introduced as a wizard who was previously banished from the planet "Zarok" and stripped of his magic. He found a new power source, the amulet known as the Lamentation Pentacle.
The sorcerers send their mischievous apprentice, Zyx, to the Legion for help. Superman-X helped Zyx complete his trials with the aid of a virtual guide, the White Witch. When he regained his powers, Zyx was able to help the Legion defeat Mordru.
Legion of Super Heroes in the 31st Century
Issue #18 • Nov. 2008
Mordru later appeared in the animated series' companion comic book, Legion of Super Heroes in the 31st Century. In the story, Mordru returns and the White Witch (who has now joined the Legion) and Nemesis Kid are crucial in defeating him. White Witch theorizes that Nemesis Kid's powers are magically derived.