The Power of Shazam!

Captain Marvel in the Post-Crisis Era

Different Versions: Pre-Crisis Post-Crisis New 52 Elseworlds

William "Billy" Batson, Captain Marvel I, Marvel

Charles Clarence Batson (father, deceased), Marilyn Batson (mother, deceased), Mary Batson Bromfield (sister), Ebenezer Batson (uncle, deceased), Sinclair Batson (cousin)

Justice League International, Justice Society of America

Post-Crisis: Power of Shazam Graphic Novel (1994)

During the great Crisis caused by the Anti-Monitor, the Marvel Family appeared when Earth-S was succumbing to the anitmatter wave. (Crisis on Infinite Earths #6) Harbinger spent her power to save it, then Earth-S began the process of merging with Earths-One, -Two, -X, and -4. Captain Marvel was a key soldier in the final battle against the super-villain army (#10) Eventually discovered that he could no longer return to Earth-S. (#11)

Shazam: A New Beginning (1986)

Young William Batson in a custody battle between his two uncles, Dudley Batson and Dr. Thaddeus Sivana. From Shazam: The New Beginning #1 (1987); art by Tom Mandrake.
How the wizard Shazam created his first champion, Teth-Adam. From Shazam: The New Beginning #3 (1987); art by Tom Mandrake.
Profile illustration from Who's Who Update 1987 #1 (Aug. 1987); art by Tom Mandrake.

After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the DC universe was collapsed into a single universe. Earth-S was gone and so the Fawcett characters were left in limbo. In Secret Origins v.2 #3 (June 1986), the creative team of Roy Thomas Jerry Bingham faithfully reproduced Captain Marvel's origin.

At about the same time, the character reappeared in the pages of Legends. This 1986 series reintroduced both Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman for the post-Crisis era, and led directly into the relaunch of Justice League — whose membership included Captain Marvel. Cap looked and acted much the same, but this post-Crisis incarnation had a much more contemporary origin story.

Roy Thomas and Tom Mandrake crafted Cap's new origin in a 4-issue mini-series, Shazam: The New Beginning. In the editorial notes, Thomas confessed that the original Captain Marvel concept simply didn't work in the modern comics marketplace (a sentiment seconded by many contemporary creators). Much like Plastic Man, Captain Marvel's Golden Age magic was difficult to recapture, and the results could read as an unintended joke. Thomas wrote, "Modern-day comics readers, we've found, tend to respond best to more realistic renderings of Cap" (this probably refers to Bridwell and Newton's run in World's Finest, which moved forward without attempting to mimic the Fawcett era).

The new Billy Batson was 15 years old and lived in San Francisco. While staying with his (real) Uncle Dudley, his parents were killed in a car accident. Dudley was a stage magician and even had a pet rabbit named Hoppy. At his parents' funeral Billy met Dr. Thaddeus Sivana, Billy's mother's older step-brother. A custody battle ensued, which Sivana won and Billy went to live at his house. He met his cousins Beautia and Magnificus, who might have been tolerable enough except that Sivana turned out to be abusive towards him.

Billy overheard Sivana talking about inheriting money from the Batsons' deaths, and so he ran away. At an abandoned subway station, a dark figure bade him to come with him into the subway. They passed statues of the Seven Deadly Enemies, and he encountered the wizard Shazam. As in pre-Crisis times, he met Shazam, was transforme by lightning, and sent blindly into the world as Captain Marvel. Back home, Sivana succeeded in contacting Black Adam, who was trapped in another dimension. Note: This origin story is nearly the same as the one from Whiz Comics #2. (Shazam: The New Beginning #1)

Billy ran away from the Sivana home. Sivana coaxes Black Adam into finding Billy and the two did battle. Adam drove Cap off by threatenting to down an airplane. (#2) Billy returned to the subway cavern and summoned the spirit of Shazam for information about Black Adam. He then realized that Sivana was been behind Adam's return. (#3)

In their rematch, Marvel led Black Adam back to Sivana's lab and tricked him into activating the machine to send him back to the "nether realm." In a desert dive, Sivana drank tequila and wished for a partner. The bottle housed a familiar-looking worm. Billy was offered a job at TV station K-WHZ where he interviewed G. Gordon Godfrey, anti-metahuman crusader. (#4)

Thomas spoke about the reason this version of Cap stalled out:

"Dick Giordano, the managing editor at the time, told me it had done well, but there were a lot of false starts with artists. A number of great artists showed interest, but stories never materialized. It kind of got passed around and played out until my contractual obligation to the character ran out, and then they went to Jerry Ordway instead – not that I bear Jerry any grudge."

» SEE ALSO: An Oral History of Captain Marvel: The New Beginning Years

The Power of Shazam!

While Cap made appearances in Justice League, little else was done with the character until Jerry Ordway's Power of Shazam! graphic novel (1994). Ordway said,

"When I did the series, my idea was that Captain Marvel had been around for a while, and that included the Justice League stories of the 1980s, which had been popular. I tried adopting the 1960s Marvel Comics model for the stories. It was still retro, but I think it was moving away from the 1940s era, into something I thought the fans would still enjoy." ("An Oral History of Captain Marvel")

Years ago, at Abu Simbel in Egypt, funded by the Sivana Expedition before the site will be engulfed by the waters of the Aswan dam project (relocated in 1968). C.C.(Charles Clarence) Batson, Marilyn Batson, Theo Adam and guide Saied explore the site. Adam is only interested in the riches possible. They discover the remains of previous robbers, hieroglyphs of Isis, Atum. Sivana wants artifacts for the Fawcett City World's Fair. Adam is jolted by electricity when touching it. C.C. deciphers a phrase and speaks it: Shazam, which generates more energy, opens the tomb. Adam grabs the scarab necklace from the mummy inside, Marilyn tries to stop him and it breaks. Lyn runs with the idol as the men fight. In a moment of faux peace, Adam stabs C.C. in the back. The temple crumbles on C.C. and Adam escapes, killing Saied and after Maryiln, who in Cairo puts the necklace inside her daugher Mary's tiger stuffed animal. Mary with her tutor, who stumbles on Adam murdering Marilyn and she's killed too. Mary recognizes Adam and he takes her saying the women have asked him to. In Fawcett City, Billy Batson is a newsboy on Binder Blvd. He encounters Sivana in his car. He's approache by a man in hat and trenchcoat who takes him into the subway and a special train. At the end, Billiy sees a gallery of the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man, past them to an old man : Shazam.He reveals the six sources of his power. His Historama reveals how Billy's guardian, uncle Ebenezer Batson (half brother to C.C.) threw him out. Billy doesn't know if Mary is alive. He sleeps on the street. Bid to speak his name, Billy is transformed into Captain Marvel ("old"). Billy is angered and confused by voices in his head. Shazam counsels him to calm himself lest he be led toward evil. Billy learsn his parents were murdered, wasn't in Cairo because his grades were suffering. The manb steps in again, calms him. As he transformes back to a boy, the block of stone above Shazam crushes him, apparently. Sivana is told the Batsons were murdered by Adam, who is staying with Sivana. Billy is sleeping on the roof of WHIZ radio when Adam and men come to set a bomb. Adam throws him over and he shouts Shazam again, an adult body with Billy's thoughts. Adam recognizes him, thinks he's C.C. Batson. Cap tosses the bom away, it strikes at the World's fair grounds. Sterling Morris notices it all. More Shazam bolts destroy Sivana's blimp. He tries to access Shazam's temple again but can'. He's approached by his schools' custodian, Dudley just as the Wizard contacts him on another plane. Dudely concerned with keeping Billy on track in school. There, Miss Wormwood is also concerned. Sivana and Adam fight, Adam swiping the scarab necklace remembers the name and speaking it transforms into Black Adam, instinctively knows past knowledge. Adam finds Billy's 'nest', the hidden amulet piece in the tiger doll, is soon found by Cap himself. Their fight puts the Sivana building ablaze. Crowd shot has a boy that looks like Freddy Freeman. When cap removes the amulet, his powers are gone, saves him from the crumbling building. He calls to Shazam who strikes Adam mute with a wound at the throat, now to face justice. Back with Shazam, Billy meets the spectre learns it's his father, learns Mary is alive. Billy visits Wormwood as adult, though he appears as a relatively young adult. (Power of Shazam! graphic novel)

The young boy named Jebediah who would one day be known as the wizard Shazam was born in ancient Canaan. When his family was murdered, he called upon seven gods for power. This power was granted, and he became a god in his own right. He weilded aspects of Marzosh, Arel, Ribalvei, Voldar, Elbiam and Lumiun (whose initials spelled "Marvel). He became an immortal defender of several ancient kingdoms. One day Jebediah he was tempted by a demon who bore him two children, Blaze and Satanus. The gods were so angered that they banished the children to the netherworld. Later, the Rock of Eternity was formed to trap the Three Faces of Evil and the gods decreed Shazam must watch over it. (Power of Shazam! #10)

Shazam moved to Fawcett City in the winter of 1940, bearing the Egyptian mummy of Ibis, and secreted himself away. Soon, however, the Axis threat forced Shazam to awaken Ibis and to gather all Fawcett City's heroes to fight. They would team repeatedly throughout the war. (#12)

When Shazam lived in ancient Egypt, he granted power to a hero called Teth-Adam. At one point, Adam apparently went berserk and Shazam was forced to entomb his acolyte along with the scarab that powered him. There Adam rested until the 20th century, when his sarcophagus was disturbed by an expedition from the Sivana Foundation. This expedition was led by Marilyn and C.C. Batson. The Batson's were betrayed and killed by their expedition partner Theo Adam, who sought to obtain the scarab. Adam absconded with the treasure and the Batsons' infant twin children were separated and returned to the States. Young Billy was placed with his uncle, Ebenezer in Fawcett City and Mary was adopted by the Bromfield family in the Fawcett suburb of Fairfield.

Billy eventually stumbled upon Shazam's longtime secret lair and the wizard gave him access to his own ancient powers. By saying the wizard's name, Billy became Captain Marvel and was powered by the the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, stamina of Atlas, power of Zeus, courage of Achilles and speed of Mercury. Theo Adam returned as well as Black Adam, Captain Marvel's arch nemesis. (Power of Shazam Graphic Novel)


Some time later. Bily on way to school, his cousin Sinclair Batson is debuting a new WayneTech facility, attacked by Ibac, an agent of Blaze. A bomb takes down the building, he's only able to save one of two men. "Uncle" Dudley comes to see Billy where he's listed to live. He catches Billy at school, not in time to be scolded. Ibac reports back to a woman who pays him. Sinclair visits father Ebenezer, who's near his end in hospital. After school Billy rushes Dudley to hospital for heart Aattack; Dudley knows his ID. Cap goes to Sinclair's fundraiser in a red tuxedo. He meets Beautia Sivana again. Shazam is angered at Billy's "misuse" of powers and calls him to the Rock (like an astral plane), he's not taking his mission seriously. Billy blames Shazam for not finding Mary. Shazam rescinds his powers. Sinclair is threatened by the Arson Fiend who blows the gathering. (Power of Shazam #1)

Billy hallucinates while figuring a way out of the inferno. TV captures Billy's heroics, Sterling Morris sees and wants Billy "back on" WHIZ radio. Billy notices the flame-weilding Arson Fiend terrorizing Ebenezer, is able to transform. Beautia kisses him to his embarrassment. Ebenezer admits to Sinclair he hired the Arson Fiend to start a small fire. Cap remembers him as George Tweedle, from before. (#2)

Billy takes a job at the docks using his powers. There the mob is killing Muscles McGinnis, toss him into the water. Billy wakes to the radio playing "Captain Billy's WhizBang Show", he's late for school. Mr. Briscoe is a teacher. He finds Sterling Morris meeting with Wormwood agreeing that if he'll go back on the radio, he can have a tutor. Shazam begins search for mary Baston in the book of Hell. He goes there runs into Satanus, who banishes him without answers. Something disturbs the statue of the Deadly Sins. Elsewhere Mary Bromfield is withl nanny Miss Sarah Primm. Sinclair Batson has found her to go to WHIZ radio. They're crashed by mobsters. Billy has his first broadcast, a spelling bee with Mary and Freddy Freeman and Percival Pill, who wins. After Billy is to take them all to pizza, with Freddy's grandfather. Freddy likes Mary and she thinks he's cute too. Sinclair prevents them getting together. They notice Sinclair's chauffeur has been roughed up and follows the limo with Mary inside--hijacked by Ibac. Cap toussles with him (he's "beaten him so many times"). He forces him to say his name, change back to Stinky Printwhistle. After Mary gushes at Cap, later asks Primm about her real dad... sees resemblance in Cap though vague. (#3)

Captain Marvel is helping McGinnis expose the mob. Billy gets Mary's adoptions papers which read "Smyth" from 4 years prior, concludes it's his sister. At Bromfield's house, Mary talks with therapist about a dream, can't see faces, remembers parents and brother and a Tawky Tawny doll (popular "ten years back"). Primm gets a call about someone asking about Mary's records. When Billy gets home he's greeted by a live Tawky Tawny! When Dudley arrives with groceris, he sees only the doll. Billy calls him out about his knowing about Cap, but he's wrong, it's a surprise. He's only been covering for him because he was homeless. Billy heads for mary's home town of Fairfield. When he comes to the house Primm's associate knocks him out. There are kidnappers there. Mary nabs Billy's package with the doll inside and he appears to her too tells her to say Shazam. She does is markedly taller. In the fight, Primm is shot, confesses her brother is Theo Adam, she wanted to atone for him. 5 7 1995 Mary finds Theo Adam in Crowley Penitentiary wanting to punish him. She's calmed by voices in her head. She runs across a supervillain, Madame Libertine. Mary responds to her with her name: 'Capatin Marvel." but Mary continues past her to Primm's funeral where the Nick and ?? Bromfield are (1st app.) defend against news reporters. Primm is welcomed to Hell by Blaze. Elsewhere a scientists tends a chamber to restore Captain Nazi. His granddaughter is Libertine, Katrina. Nazi, his brother, is kept alive with Eandorium gas. Tawny counsels Mary again. Mary comes across Libertine again then is summoned by Shazam and Cap. She's angry Billy left her hanging without guidance. Shazam says they must remain apart. Billy says she should get her own name. Shazam pulled that name from his subconscious and Mary can call herself whatever--Mary Marvel. She says "what about 'Lieutenant Marvel?" When they both use the power, they only have half it's measure. Captain Nazi emerges. 6 8 1995 Freddy Freeman is pitcher for the Binder Marvels. Billy comes to cover the game, meets his grandfather, he's jealous of Freddy. McGinnis meets with the woman who ordered the Wayne-Tech bombing, actually Blaze. Sinclair Batson meets with Native Americans about having a casino on the World's Fair grounds. The bank took property from Sivana. When Billy goes to the bank as an 'adult' (Eben Batson) Captain Nazi arrives to rob it. Instead of coming out as Marvel, he traps Nazi in the vault stealthily. Cap returns in a bit to reengage their battle goes over the water where Freddy Freeman and his grandpa are fishing. He flings them both far into the air. Cap stresses about how to catch Freddy so as not to snap his spine. his leg is already broken and back already injured. Cap takes both of them to the hospital. At the hospital he and Mary learn that Freddy has a serious spinal cord injury but stable. Grandfather is in a coma. 7 9 1995 Billy and Mary implore Shazam to help Freddy with his powers. He's confused about how Mary knew to invoke his name... he didn't send the Tawky Tawny to her, and has not been animating it to Billy either. They leave and try to figure out how to help him. He's in a full body cast, depressed, grandpa still in coma. Sitting with Mary cheers him immensley. Mr. Morris has set up a fund. Billy goes ont the radio. Morris secretary is Miss Dalshaw. He meets with a woman--Beautia Sivana who will be his tutor. Captain Nazi returns to his brother's, suffering effects of his long sleep, hears Billy makes him mad. In Crowley Penitentiary, Theo Adam builds a power base. Nazi comes to finish off Freddy, mary catches him. Billy comes in, Mary gives up the power to let him be at full strength. Nazi goes down easier than before. Freddy is in bad shape. Billy and Mary both agree to touch him and let the magic flow through like a ? to restart his heart. They bring him to the Rock of Eternity for help again. Shazam comments that Mary uses his powers more intuitively than Billy. They deduce how to empower Freddy, which depowers themselves more. When Freddy comes to, he utters Captain Marvel's name and is transformed and takes the name Captain Marvel Junior. He's well and strong but not an adult because his subconscious projected an idealized form based on his appearance before his accident. "The Rock of Eternity is like a state of mind." Back home he turns back and is still very frail. Nazi is taken to hosptial for the flu. (#7)

June 1945: Spy Smasher is captured by Captain Nazi, rescued by Minute Man and Bulletman, entering with news of Hitler's death. The three escape an explosion in Spy Smasher's Gyrosub to stop sabotage of a freighter docking in Miami. Today they remark how Captain Nazi has returned but looks 35 years old, on a radio program. Jim Barr remarks that he has always lived in Fawcett City where ""things are slower paced"" so he credits that for his youthfulness. They are public with their identities. They meet Billy, knew his dad offers to tell him stories. mary visits Freddy in hospital when he gets news his grandfather has died. Angered, he transforms and hot after Captain Nazi. His bed is next to Theo Adam's. He wakes, escapes, takes Theo with him, part way, leaves him behind and Adam's approached by Blaze who offers restored vocal chords for a price. Nazi locates the ship from 1945, extracts a chamber supposedly housing Adolf Hitler, but opening it finds a skeleton, as the Marvels arrive. Bulletman, Spy Smasher and Minute Man versus Captain Nazi, escape to Gyrosub. Interviewed today by WHIZ radio, bump into Billy Watson. (#8)



Billy and Mary did not meet until they were teenagers. Soon after their meeting Mary discovered that it was also her birthright to access the awesome powers of Shazam. She too was known as Captain Marvel (II). (Power of Shazam! #4)

The Marvel family was completed with the addition of one of Billy and Mary's friends, Freddy Freeman. One day Freddy and his grandfather were fishing when Captain Marvel was battling Captian Nazi overhead. Nazi landed in the nearby lake, but was not grateful to be rescued by the Freemans. Instead he killed Freddy's grandfather and crippled Freddy himself. Later in the hospital, Cap imparted his power to Freddy; upon saying his name, Freddy would become Captain Marvel Jr. and share Shazam's powers. (Power of Shazam #7, 1st app. #6) Freddy later confessed that he does harbor some resentment towards Captain Marvel causing his tragedy. But any ill will was outweighed by the magnitude of Marvel's gift, which Freddy truly came to own. Years later, when Freddy joined the Teen Titans, he went by the name CM3.

Billy was a charter member of the newly formed Justice League International. (Legends #6) His tenure was short-lived and he soon departed. (Justice League International, v.1 #7) Once later, he helped the new League against the chaos of the 5th dimension (JLA #28-31) Then, when the world was taken over by the Ultra-Humanite, Billy joined an underground version of the Justice Society. (JSA #33) After Ultra's defeat, he joined the team officially. (#37) He stayed with them for a time and even developed a crush on fellow member, Stargirl. The Flash, who didn't know that Marvel was really a teenager, became concerned when he noticed the two together. He confronted Marvel about the relationship and rather than reveal his identity, Billy quit the team. (#59)

Billy was approached by Maxwell Lord, who was forming a new team with old Justice League members. Billy declined but Mary took up the offer instead. Her time with these "Super Buddies" was rather traumatic; she was mind-controlled by the villain Roulette and pummelled Captain Atom nearly to death. (Formerly... #1-6)

Things became dire for Billy when the new Eclipso, Jean Loring, was born. Eclipso took over Superman's body but was repelled by Billy and Shazam. Shazam bade the Spectre to intervene, and Eclipso's black diamond prison was recreated. But the diamond was immediately drawn to its new host, and Shazam was charged with the burden of containing Eclipso. When Eclipso reappeared in league with the Spectre, Shazam sent Billy in search of aid. He returned to the JSA, who were also alerted to trouble. (JSA #73)

Billy is very protective of Mary. He has disapproved of the budding romance between she and Freddy. He also tried to forcibly remove her from the Super Buddies' headquarters.


The Power of Shazam! graphic novel was set four years prior to Power of Shazam! series, and also before Cap's appearance in Justice League. The letter column for Power of Shazam! #4 stated, "most '80s and '90s appearances of Captain Marvel did happen — he was in the Justice League, was Eclipsoed, the whole nine yards." In Power of Shazam! #13, Cap himself mentions his JLA membership.

Zero Hour (1994)

Day of Vengeance (1999)

When Alexander Luthor began his plot to remake the universe, he unleashed an unstable Spectre on the World. Without a mortal tether, the Spectre began a rampage to eradicate magic from the Earth. This prompted the formation of a magical super-group called the Shadowpact. Their chief sorceress, the Enchantress managed to keep the Spectre at bay. (Day of Vengeance #1-2)

The Enchantress called upon the magicians of the world to channel their power into Captain Marvel. (#3) Cap grew to epic proportions and began a hand-to-hand battle with the Spectre. Soon, both combatants were exhausted, but the Spectre was spirited away by the new Eclipso. (#4)

Once revived, the Spectre made a beeline for the Rock of Eternity, where the wizard Shazam had been preparing for the Spectre's arrival. (#5) The wizard was overcome, and perished as the Rock of Eternity exploded into shards. This also released its most dangerous prisoners: the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man. (Infinite Crisis #1)

In the midst of the Crisis, Dr. Fate called all the world's remaining mystics to defeat the Spectre and reconstruct the Rock of Eternity. Teams of mystics coaxed the Seven Enemies back into submission and Zatanna prepared the spell to cement the Rock anew. Once assembled, she informed Billy that in the absence of Shazam, it was now his responsibility to guard the Rock. Dr. Fate ended the Spectre's threat and a new "Tenth Age of Magic" was begun. All the old magics were gone, changed, or disrupted — and many new threats were borne. (Day of Vengeance: Infinite Crisis Special)

Cap struggled to keep his sanity as grew accustomed to Shazam's power and kept the Seven Enemies contained. Soon skill grew and he became strong enough to leave his new home. One of these times, he Mary and Freddy attended the wedding of Black Adam to Isis: who created a new Black Marvel Family.

Infinite Crisis (2005)

The Trials of Shazam

In time, Billy began to master his new job. He built his home in the Rock of Eternity and developed a fuller understanding of Shazam's magic. Much of Shazam's power still roamed free, but when the wizard's spells began to heal themselves, Shazam's power was reclaimed from all his other champions. Freddy was left merely confused, but Mary fell from the sky at a horrible distance and was left comatose. In this moment, Billy was judged fully ready to assume all Shazam's power. It transformed him into a much older person, with long white hair and wearing a white uniform. Now simply Marvel, Billy possessed everything that was Captain Marvel and Shazam. (Trials of Shazam #1-2)

Marvel soon summoned his friend, Freddy, who had been living in New York City. Cap unveiled the many changes that had occurred and declared that the power of Shazam needed a new acolyte to maintain the balance between magic and humanity — Freddy was chosen to undergo the Trials of Shazam. In them, he would be tested by all seven gods. If he failed, the magic would pass to a different lineage. If he succeeded, he would become the new Shazam! To begin the trials, Marvel sent Freddy to meet the magician Zareb Babak.

Freddy's new mission drew the attention of others who hoped to acquire Shazam's magicks: the Council of Merlin, led by a man named Terrom. The Council attempted to kill Freddy before he could acquire any powers. Their first attempt failed, and Freddy successfully completed the Trial of Solomon (who disguised himself as a tattoo artist Rachel Zallman). (#3)

In Belum, Qurac, Achilles is now a Marine commander for U.S. forces. As Lt. Alvarez. He loses six men on a black ops mission. Freddy and Barak find him there. Achilles recognizes them for magical folk immediatly. He now serves as a gatekeeper, stopping dangerous entities from entering Earth's realm. The go after a Hate Empath, which could be very powerful in the Middle East. Sabina follows and diverts them while she tries to summon the Empath.


Achilles uses a Banishment stone against the Empath Demon. Sabina shoots the hero with the Bow of Lucifer Bingarten, through the heel as he battles the monster. Freddy is then able to use the Stone. Achilles bids him to finish the mission, so Freddy transforms back to human and jumps inside the demon's mouth in order to call the lightning down on it. Freddy wins the power of near-invulnerability and finds himself clothed in the Marvel emblem. Achilles lives on in a soldier in Mali, Africa, Lt. Antonus.


Freddy can change without saying a word because the book of magic has been rewritten. Sabina catches hell for failure. Freddy finds Hercules in prison, in for 14 murders during a Japanesee drug war. He had actually warred with Medusa and a spell was unleashed that left him weak and subject to the authorities amid dead bodies. Sabina also visits him claiming Medusa's spell can be broken. She produces the head and demands he give power to her. She breaks him out and faces Freddy, but Hercules also gives some power to Freddy (now that he has it back). Freddy says "Shazam" and is clad in the red uniform.


Origin of Sabina de la Croix (Samantha Greene), whose parents marius and Becca (demon necromancer and meta sorceress) attempted to flee magical society. One day they left for work and were killed. As she grew, magic came naturally and she killed a classmate. After this she was found and taken by X. They think she's a fury, a warrior, remorseless. They seek to use her as she is in the "line of succession" and all others in it have been slain. Only they can claim the power of Shazam. She now battles Freddy and it's a draw, she retreats and they both keep Hercules' power. Next up: Atlas, who is now rigged to computers that monitor the world's woes. Sabina arrives...


Freddy finds that Atlas is dead by Sabina's hand. He must replace Atlas' duties, hooked into the world, saving millions of lives every day. Zareb tells Freddy to wear the helm while they summon Marvel to take over its duty for 24 hours (as long as he can remain away from the Rock). They next seek out Apollo in his human guise. With Atlas dead, Apollo is his successor and the new replacement god for Shazam's power. He took the name Alonzo. He's not happy to see Zareb and Freddy, not willing to leave his life. He challenges Freddy: if he can best him, he will take Atlas' mantle and grant his powers.


Sabina takes over her masters' council, killing Terrom. She now has Atlas' power and half Hercules'. Freddy's battle with Apollo moves onto open water, where a ship is threatened by their violence. Apollo must move to save the lives onboard. With this, he realizes he must do his godly duty. He says he will do it until another replacement can be found, and wants a doppleganger sent to be with his family, a shadow essence. Freddy must break the news to him: since the laws of magic have changed, his family ceased to exist the moment he abandoned his human form. In anger, Apollo reserves half his powers from Freddy and gives the other half to Sabina, who transformes into a dark Marvel.


All track down Mercury, and Sabina kills her way through his gatekeepers, including elf-like folk. Each name brings her closer to the god, who hides. Zatanna helps them find the last gatekeeper by decoding a dying man's message in blood, written in the Sonariux language, long dead. It says "whiskers" and points them to Tawky Tawyny whose powers are considerably more than he's shown in the past. He transforms himself into a giant cat to battle Sabina, whose blades cannot harm him. Freddy saves Tawny but both of them are outrun by Mercury himself.


Freddy calls the Shadowpact and Zatanna in to help. Their goal, as is Sabina's, is to find Zeus. She succeeds in drawing out Mercury by threatening his children, drawing him out. She injures him with the Dagger of Three Faults and steals his power. He'll live but cannot give power to Freddy. now they're equal. To compel Zeus to give her his powers, she needs a blood sacrifice of 1 million people. They call the JLA.


Freddy calls on the Shadowpact and JLA. Sabina recruited the transformed Merlin, now a bit evil to help her. They bring demon hordes through to Earth. Freddy decides the only wat to win is to sacrifice himself and take he and Sabina through a one-way portal. This act of self-sacrifice was the impetus needed for Zeus to reveal himiself, as his ally Zareb. Zeus is the Lord of the gods of magic, and he calls them all to align under him. When Freddy says Shazam, he receives all their powers and is the new Shazam. It opens a portal that the demons and Sabina are sent through. Zeus needs Freddy as an anchor to Earth. His ongoing mission will be to keep magic in balance, darkness at bay. (#12)

The New 52


After the Crisis, Shazam: A New Beginning (by Roy Thomas and Tom Mandrake) was published, establishing his new continuity. However, the Power of Shazam! Graphic Novel superceded that series, retelling the story of Captain Marvel's origin and public debut. The graphic novel is set four years prior to Power of Shazam!series, and also before Cap's appearance in Justice League. The letter column for Power of Shazam! #4 states "most '80s and '90s appearances of Captain Marvel did happen — he was in the Justice League, was Eclipsoed, the whole nine yards." In Power of Shazam! #13, Cap himself mentions his JLA membership.

In post-Crisis continuity, Mary was always referred to as Captain Marvel (II), not "Mary Marvel." Only recently, in the Formerly Known as the Justice League series was she called by that name.

In the DC/Marvel Amalgam universe crossover (1996), Captain Marvel was Billy Mar-Vell.

Per the letters column in Shazam! #26, Billy's birthday is Dec. 23.

Future Marvels

In a tale from the future, Billy Batson had assumed Shazam's role by the 853rd century. In this version of the future, Billy-as-the-wizard handed the reigns of champion to a young girl named Cece Beck, aka Thunder. Thunder traveled backwards in time, to the 31st century, to join the Legion of Super-Heroes. Note: This was a part of post-Zero Hour continuity, and Thunder was a member of that Legion, the Legion fo Earth-247.



Appearances + References


  • Action Comics #675, 690, 692, 768, 782, 826, 829, Annual #4
  • Adventures of Superman #442, 488, 489, 522, 639
  • Final Night #1, 4
  • Flash v.2 #107, 162
  • Fury of Firestorm #63
  • Gotham Central #37
  • Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
  • Green Lantern v.3 #72, 81
  • Hawkman v.4 #23-25
  • Identity Crisis #1, 5
  • Impulse #78
  • JLA #112, 113, 120, 28-31, 39, 41, 58, 69
  • JLA: World Without Grown-Ups #1-2
  • JSA #26, 27, 33-37, 40-52, 54, 57-59, 73-5, 78
  • JLA/JSA Secret Files #1
  • JLA/JSA: Virtue & Vice
  • Justice League/Justice League International v.1 #1-7, Annual #9
  • L.E.G.I.O.N. '91 #31
  • Legion of Super-Heroes v.4 #86
  • Sins of Youth: JLA Jr. #1
  • Supergirl Plus #1
  • Starman v.2 #39, 40
  • Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #3, 4, 8
  • Superman v.2 #102, 216, 65-66, 76, 83
  • Superman: The Man of Steel #10, 20
  • Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #4
  • Superman: The Wedding Album #1
  • Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #3
  • Wonder Woman v.2 #126
  • Young Justice: Sins of Youth #1-2, Secret Files #1
  • Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #2, 0

Post-Infinite Crisis:

  • 52 #12, 16, 43, 45, 50
  • Countdown to Infinite Crisis, 52-issue limited series (2007–08)
  • Infinite Crisis #1
  • Superman/Batman #4
  • Underworld Unleashed #2-3
  • World War III #1, 2, 4


  • Shazam! The New Beginning, 4-issue limited series (1987)
  • Legends, 6-issue limited series (1986)
  • War of the Gods, 4-issue limited series (1991)
  • The Power of Shazam! Graphic Novel (1994)
  • The Power of Shazam!, 47 issues (1995–99)
  • DC Versus Marvel / Marvel Versus DC, 4-issue limited series (1996)
  • Genesis, 4-issue limited series (1997)
  • Day of Judgment, 5-issue limited series (1999)
  • JLA/Titans, 3-issue limited series (1999)
  • Just Imagine Stan Lee with Gary Frank Creating Shazam!, one-shot (2002)
  • Shazam! and the Shazam Family! Annual, one-shot (2002)
  • Formerly Known as the Justice League, 6-issue limited series (2004)
  • Superman/Shazam: First Thunder, 4-issue limited series (2005–06)

Post-Infinite Crisis:

  • Countdown to Infinite Crisis, 52-issue limited series (2007–08)
  • Day of Vengeance, 6-issue limited series (2005)
  • Day of Vengeance: Infinite Crisis Special #1 (2006)
  • The Trials of Shazam, 12-issue limited series (2006–08)
  • Outsiders: Five of a Kind — Katana / Shazam, one-shot (2007)
  • Shazam! The Monster Society of Evil, 4-issue limited series (Elseworlds, 2007)

New 52:

  • DC Comics Presents: Shazam #2 (2011); reprints The Power of Shazam #44-47
  • Billy Batson & the Magic of Shazam! 21 issues (2008–10)
  • Convergence: Shazam!, 2-issue limited series (2015)
  • The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1 (Feb. 2015)
  • Justice League: Darkseid War: Shazam, one-shot (2016)