Flashpoint, The New 52 and Beyond
Versions of Captain Marvel: Original/Pre-Crisis Post-Crisis New 52 Elseworlds
Billy Batson
C.C. Batson (father), unnamed mother, Victor and Rosa Vasquez (foster parents)
The Justice League
As Billy: Justice League vol. 2 #7 (May 2012)
As Shazam II: Justice League vol. 2 #0 (Nov. 2012)
The premise for an all-new version of Captain Marvel was previewed in "Flashpoint," an event that set the stage for DC's line-wide reboot, the New 52.

New 52

Shazam! volume 3 (2019)
The new Shazam! series followed the "Shazamily" into magical adventures via the Rock of Eternity. This was a year after Billy had joined the Vasquez family's foster home. Eugene (who'd been mapping the Rock of Eternity), led the other children into the enchanted subway station, where they found a map of the Magiclands. Back home, a man claiming to be C. C. Batson, Billy's biological father, came knocking at the Vasquez residence. (Shazam! vol. 3 #1)
The siblings first explored the Funlands and met its ruler, King Kid. (#2) When they went to leave, King Kid ordered his clowns to detain some of them and throw the others into portals ot other magic lands. (#3)
Freddy and Darla ended up in the Wildlands, where a tiger-man called Tawky Tawny had been arrested for refusing to eat 'live meat' — heresy among his kind. In the Funlands, King Kid showed Billy that he was using Mary and other adults as slave labor to "keep the Funlands fun." In the Earthlands, Victor and Rosa called the police about their missing kids while C.C. insisted that it was his fault. Black Adam arrived at the Rock of Eternity, realizing what the Shazam Family had done, and sought to save them. (#4)
Black Adam tracked Billy down to the Funlands. Billy broke free from Kid's chains, removing Mary's gag, allowing her to transform. Freddy and Darla were on trial inside of The Kangaroo Court of the Wildlands before being sentenced to death by tiger. Mayor Krunket and the police approached a tiger at the City Zoo and forced him to join in the planned execution of Freddy and Darla. Black Adam is stopped from helping by Dr. Sivana, who threatened to kill him if he didn't join Mr. Mind's Society. (#5)
Billy and Mary escaped the Funlands and took a door to the Wildlands. En route they see Black Adam fighting Sivana. Then back in Philadelphia where Billy cried upon seeing his father. Sivana defeating Black Adam dragged his body to the Rock of Eternity, where he began waiting for Billy to arrive. C.C. told Billy of his early life and why he had disappeared from it, explaining that he went to prison, asked Billy to come with him in finding his mother. When Victor and Rosa asked Mary where her other siblings were, she revealed their powers to them after shouting "Shazam!" Gamelands, Pedro and Eugene meet the Wizard Shazam for the first time. King Kid was preparing to attack the Earthlands. (#6)
In the Wozenderlands, the White Rabbit meets Shazam, Eugene and Pedro. Back at the Vasquez residence, Billy revealed his powers to Victor and Rosa, how he received them. Wildlands, Tawky Tawny protested tigers being forced to serve as executioners. Freddy and Darla failed to transform, dropped from a cage into a pit full of tigers. Tawky Tawny prevented his fellow tigers from executing Freddy and Darla and fled with them into a subway station-- a portal to the Darklands. Before leaving with his father, Billy decided to search for his siblings. In the Deadlands, the Wizard's spirit appeared to Billy warning him about an impostor afoot and a traitor in his family. Before his spirit disappeared, the Wizard told Billy to prepare for an upcoming magic war by getting to the Old Bell Tower in the Center of the Darklands. (#7)
f the Villain is a crossover comic book event published by DC Comics. Since May 2019, the event narrates the aftermath of Dark Nights: Metal and the prelude to Batman/Superman vs. The Secret Six and Dark Nights: Death Metal. The crossover and one-shots received generally positive reviews for the characterization of certain villains. " The Infected: King Shazam #1 1
Shazam says "Eugene Choi." as they sit in the Wonderlands with Pedro. "Darla Dudley." Pedro Peña. The Wizard says each of them is destined to sit as protector of one of the Wonderlands but the 7th must be found, seeks help from Dorothy and Alice. Shazam in the Darklands met by the ghost of champions then he's guided to finding Freddy and Darla, with Tawny, from this special place the lightning takes them home. Billy immediately asks after his dad, coming upon him as Sivana and Adam do. Billy remembers the Wizard's word about his seccret spell: family is what it can be. Billy calls the lightning to power his dad. and he's transformed into a reverse colored version of Shazam. Sivana and Black Adam trail Billy's "father." Sivana with Mr. Mind's help has increased his knowledge of magic thus his own power. Mind wants to release his MOnster Society and claim the Seven realms starting with Darklands, land of the dead, promises to bring back Isis and Osiris or his original family. As a gesture Mind releases the Seven Sins to Adam's command. Shazam! 3 8
Billy goes to embrace his "father" but the man denies being such. Sharing weakens Billy. Black Adam steals Mary's power and when dad catches her, his power goes out into her. The 3 heroes retreat to the Wozunderlands, unconscious, taken by little people to see Dorothy. Dorothy and Alice had to bring their worlds together in a crisis against the Monsterlands. The wizard arrives explains Billy is experiencing something new... his heart is torn by "what is family?" Shazam! 3 9
King Kid comes to Earth and the full Shazam family confronts him. The Council sealed off the seven magic lands from one another and the doorway in was locked with a spell. With no one watching the door, Mind and Sivana open the door to the Monsterlands. They are greeted by The Dummy, who fought the "heroes of yesterday." They see prisoners: Mister Atom, 3-headed Crocodile Men, King Kull, Scapegoat, Mr. Merry-Go-Round, the Red Queen, Evil Eye, Wicked Witch of the West, Jeepers. Tawny serves dinner to the family. Shazam sends King Kid back to the Funlands where the people will decide his fate. He is off to investigate Mind's breach. It was once called the God realm, most beautiful of all. The Rock of Eternity was a nexus of the 7 lands. The Council were wary after Black Adam, fearful of powerful ones. They stripped the gods (such as Zeus, Mercury et al) of power and sealed the doorway to the magiclands, hid the Rock. Mind keeps Superboy-Prime imprisoned. When all are asleep, Shazam comes to strike down C.C. Batson Shazam! 3 10
Shazam takes his power back from C.C. citing the fault in Billy's decision to split the power that way. He wants the power back to fight the impending evil, fighrts Billy to get it, but cannot simply take it back. Sivana stabs his eye with a magical dagger to open the cells of the greatest monsters in the magiclands. Mind was also imprisoned there once. Billy calls the word and a bolt runs through the wizard, sending him back to the Rock, and restoring C.C. to power.Black Adam steps in and threatens to kill C.C. if Billy doesn't give up his power. He still wants to try to bring his family back. Mr. Mind reveals that his host has been C.C. all along, not Sivana. He uses the lightning to separate Adam's soul from his body, sending it to the Darklands. He fully releases the monsters on Earth. Sivana looks more freakish, bucktoothed. The Dummy frees Superboy-Prime. Shazam! 3 11
At school Billy and Freddy confront Herkimer the crocodile man. Wanting to do more, he goes to Gotham and confronts the Scarecrow, quickly succumbing to his fear toxin. Batman saves him, offers advice. (#12)
Mind tells Billy his father was a common theif living hand to mouth. Mind wants access to the magiclands, dominion, to be the most powerful magic being. When he visited the Council they spurned him. Tawny attacks Sivana, Mind turns him into a cub. Mind succeeds in using a 'spell of broken doorways' to unlock all the doors to the magiclands. Billy reads the Book of Champions, learns a spell to shrink himself so he can confront Mind physically. (#13)
Superboy-Prime comes to Earth, kills Scapegoat. The Wizard concludes he should have trusted Billy. Shazam realizes Mind is talking using a device and destroys it so he can't utter spells. It sends a shockwave through him and the members of the Society, knocking them out, reversing previous spells; Tawny reverted to normal. Also empowers Superboy-Prime (not affected adversely by magic). The next time Billy utters "shazam," Prime intervenes, touching Pedro and Eugene, stealing their lightning, then the rest of the family by his own accord. Black Adam returns to help Shazam fight him, which he accepts realizing he needs help. They plan to have Adam shout the name, call the lightning but before he turns to dust Billy will share his power with him. It works. Adam locates the spell to re-separate the magic lands. He talks to his father, who is freaking out, asks if he remembers his son, but he doesn't care... he feels bad but believes the kid is better off without him. Black Adam agrees to depart in peacce if Shazam agrees to stay out of Kahndaq. Warns him not to reopen the doors to the Magiclands. Sivana dropped at Rock Falls Penitentiary, Superboy to the Justice League. Tawny moves in with the family. He knows that there is still a 7th champion to be found. The Wizard watches and says this person will have to be redeemed—Adam. (#14)
Shazam! Volume 4 (2021)
Shazam! volume 4 was a mini-series that flowed out of DC's 2021 "Future State" event, a story set decades in the (supposedly canonical) future. Billy was also briefly associated with the Teen Titans Academy during this time.
Future State
When the Titans come to Hell with Shazam, they face the Four Horsemen, who've taken over other Titans. They're conquered, taken insdie of Raven but she must be imprisoned in the Rock. Continue in Teen Titans Academy and Future State: Shazam. Shaz only cameos in issue #1 (Future State: Teen Titans #2)
In the 2021 "Future State" event (supposedly set decades in the canonical future), Shazam had fought to imprison a great evil inside the Rock of Eternity, in Hell. If he transformed, the magic would release that evil. The devil Neron helped him out by separating Shazam from his alter ego of Billy Batson. Bill stayed in Hell to guard the Rock while Shazam returned to Earth.
When they split, Shazam had been left without sight, so Neron offered a gift and restored the hero's vision — thereby corrupting Shazam. Shazam became the leader of an adult group of Titans and Neron's evil led him to secretly murder their enemies. The Spectre and Deadman put a stop to him, forcing him to shout "Shazam!," but this took Billy away from duty. The Rock's prisoner was Raven, who was released and seized the powers of Shazam. (Future State: Shazam! #1-2)
Billy/Shazam had fought to imprison a great evil inside the Rock of Eternity, in Hell. If he transformed, the magic would release that evil. The devil Neron helped him out by separating Shazam from his alter ego of Billy Batson. Bill stayed in Hell to guard the Rock while Shazam returned to Earth. When they split, Shazam had been left without sight, so Neron offered a gift and restored the hero's vision — thereby corrupting Shazam. Shazam became the leader of an adult group of Titans and Neron's evil led him to secretly murder their enemies. The Spectre and Deadman put a stop to him, forcing him to shout ""Shazam!,"" but this took Billy away from duty. The Rock's prisoner was Raven, who was released and seized the powers of Shazam. (Future State: Shazam! #1–2)
When the Titans come to Hell with Shazam, they face the Four Horsemen, who've taken over other Titans. Future State: Teen Titans 2
Shazam swoops in to aid against attack by Chemo, but then suddenly runs out of steam, visions of the Rock exploding near the statue of liberty, it's been happening lately. He can't share his power with others because of it and disconnect happening between identities of Billy and Shazam. He meets Dane, Nevermore. He cannot reach the wizard. The magic name works unreliably. Even transforming and then 'shorting out.' Billy settles into the tower with roommate Miquel Montez. Mary is waiting for him, to say Freddy is in the hospital very bad, not long to live, which Billy blames himself for. Dr. Fate visits the Titans about a celestial event (Dark Crisis??) under investigation by the JL Dark. The Rock has been displaced to the "underrealm."/Hell. Dane offer to guide him to hell, immediately opens a portal (Shazam! vol. 4 #1)
Billy meets Amoreena, tells him (her father) Sulibak (runs the casino they're in) wants to see him. His magic word doesn't work. He eventually manages to transform and fights Sulibak to free Dane. Dane reveals himself as Nevermore, "son of the Underlord." (#2)
The Rock is closing itself off -- in defense. Billy and Dane approached by Neron, says Dane's father has disappeared. Challenges Billy to follow him thru tunnels to the Rock to save Freddy's life, depending on regular drugs. Neron turns on them, he wants Billy's soul, the innocence. Raven intervenes forces Neron to retreat. The Rock gives up its magic for him again and when he enters he meets Black Adam Junior (#3)
Black Adam Junior warns Shazam that Dane will lead Four Horsemen to possess heroes and bring about the end. Referencing things from Futures End. When the Wizard fell. the circuit of power was broken, Rock became vulnerable and was displaced, hurtled thru space/time to Hell, freed its prisoners and Black Adam has been working to recapture them for months; his use of the powers in this time period has disrupted Billy's access. The wizard has fallen. Adam is actually millennia old wants to be called Teddy. When they say the word together, the power is transferred fully to Billy from Adam. Billy is able to reempower Junior and they set out to reimprison evils. Dane is back at the Tower and has a new purpose. Cont'd in Titans Academy #8. (#4)
Shazam calls the Titans, in emergency situation with Black Adam Jr. References future state and the Black Adam series. He's in the Rock of Eternity, has seen a hellish future. This series launched with "Infinite Frontier." (Teen Titans Academy #10)
Red X and Nevermore are in hell; the latter is spawn of the devil but his mother protected him from the deal for their souls. He's allowed himself some normalcy and good times, now facing his desitny. Neron comes on behalf of his father, sends him away to earth along with demons. To combat the forcees of Hell Shazam, Black Adam Jr. (Teddy, a million years old) and his family drop the Rock of Eternity on Titans Tower. But now Shazam and Adam need to stand guard to prevent the Four Riders of the Apocalypse from escaping it. Nightwing asks Billy to help guide Dane through his coming ordeal. (Teen Titans Academy #11)
Nevermore calls for help from the Titans to the Rock which is overrun by Parademons. Billy is held within a giant machine of Desaad of Apocalypse, they're greeted by Black Adam Jr. and Nevermore and their new friend from Hell, Amoreena. (#14)
Titan named Matt usees what look like Omega beams to break into Desaad's device, free Billy. He remains bound to the rock. Ref upcoming "New champion" . A new class commences including Black Adam Jr. and Dreamer (#15)
Shazam! Volume 5 (2023)
Mary Marvel (direct from New Champion #4) meets Black Adam's new heir Malik, and they try to free Billy Batson from the Rock of Eternity. They reach Batson via magic lightning; the Rock is different after Lazarus effects. He still hasnt' captured all its prisoners and is bound there BUT also has access to all its magic. Billy is bound while Shazam takes spectral form. Black Adam sugests that the Rock could be trapped inside Billy instead, it works and they return to Earth. But this severed the wizard Shazam's connection to it and locked HIM out and he vows to reclaim all his power; he considers himself an equal to gods. (Lazarus Planet: We Once Were Gods #1)
Apollo strikes Billy with an arrow in Philadelphia, accusing him of forgetting to honor the gods. Sekhmet in Cairo. Wizard Shazam is with Hera on Mount Olympus (Zeus' corpse at her feet); they plot to make people love/fear them again. Washington, DC, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Etta Candy, Cheetah meet to plan how to fight the gods and mosters cropping up. Diana travels to Olympus. A mystery man (Ares) finds the golden hand of Eros. Hecate keeps Hippolyta from meeting with her daughter. Hera deifies Diana, binding her to Olympus continues WW #797 (Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1)
Hera binds Diana with her lasso, imprisoned on Olympus. Ares comes to free her and she makes her way back to Earth via the well of souls . Mary Marvel seeks Wonder Woman at the Amazon embassy in Boston, walks through the portal to Themyscira as monsters are attacking it; Hades is allowing zombies to attack after the island was weakend by Lazarus rains. She transforms and fights with them. Hoppy opens a portal to call her home to help Billy. (Wonder Woman #797)
Diana appears to Billy bidding him to meet up with Yara. Billy is shocked to find the wizard in Olympus and he takes his powers back. (#2)
Hecate unexpectedly helps Billy escape a cell. He and Yara run across Hippolyta who gifts hiim power enough to continue their battle. Diana stands ready on Themyscira when the army of the gods arrives. Unexpectedly, Ares reveals himself as an ally (#3)
Ares throws his lot in with Diana. In fighting Hera, Diana is knocked out; Mary bestows her powers onto her with a magic word, giving her what she needs to face Hera. Diana returns with gifts from the Amazons for Mary: Hermes sandals, helm of Victory/Nike, gauntlets of Atlas. When she takes to the air she shouts her name, "Mary Marvel!" (Wonder Woman #798)
Wonder Woman defeats Hera. Hera retreats but is barred from her throne by Shazam, Phobos and Deimos. On Themyscira, Hippolyta leads their patron goddesses help defend the Amazons. ON Earth Billy calls the wizard and pleads his case to remain his champion to protect people—and it should be Mary. Shazam explains after he was cut off from power in Lazarus, he thought Billy had become another Black Adam problem, so the wizard allied with Hera, convinved only those IN power should HANDLE the power. Shazam now feels unworthy of Billy and Marys' selflessness. He begins to grant both of them their powers back when Hippolyta intervenes. She grants Mary her own power, from herself, Artemis, Selene, Zephyrus, Minerva and Aurora. Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #4)
"Meet the Captain." Shazam helps reunite a family of space dinosaurs. He returns to the Rock which has the head of Mr. Atom. Freddy (dark hair) visits and calls him "Cap'n" which he doesn't like. "Freddy and Mary started calling me 'Captain' after a little ... maritime accident." Annoyed by the mocking, the name stuck regardless. Mary has gotten her own powers. Since Lazarus Planet, Billy can't share powers. His patron gods watch and are critical of him, decide to 'teach him a lesson.' At school Billy feels inferior. Fawcett City is a suburb of Philadelphia, where the Vasquez home is. Tawky Tawny cooks and cleans in exchange for a room. Billy starts a side histle as a podcaster, a super-fan of the Captain. After a rescue operation, the gods compel him to lash out at the public. They feel he is not a good representation of them on Earth and decide to lend him only their more disagreeable qualities—arrogance, recklessness, gullibility, overconfidence. (Shazam! vol. 5 #1)
A dinosaur representative arrives demanding that paperwork be completed for Billy's interaction with the aliens. Billy and Freddy run into the Psycho Pirate. Cap throws lightning at him and then has to stop it/himself. He realizes that he has become corrupt while empowered. Freddy defies warnings and explores the Rock of Eternity (via portal in Billy's bedroom) convinced that there's another source of powers for him. He stumbles on the gods conspiring against Billy. (#2)
The benefactors simply want more respect from Billy. He refers to his foster sister as "Mary Marvel." He rescues a diplomatic group from Gorilla City then flies them home to Simian Island, north of Gorilla City. One of them convinces them there's an 'emperor' on the moon that's threatening them. Cap flies to the dark side of the moon where Garguax has built a city (#3)
Garguax introduces Cap to the Queen Bee, Zazzala. When Cap fails to return quickly, the apes board their space ship and go to the moon. Zeus is charmed by the Bee and takes over Cap's behavior. Solomon watches on, disgusted. Inside, Billy is so disgusted by the thought of kissing her that he calls the change. (#4)
When Billy is thrown in to space, Mary Marvel comes to the rescue. She calls the magic name and as Zeus sends his lightning she uses the speed of Zephyrus to dodge it and it transforms Billy again. She deduces that the gods have been sabotaging him. Billy goes to confront the gods saying he either needs free will or he will refuse their power. Freddy steps in to say he'll take the power instead. (#5)
While Biully and Freddy fight, they come to figure out that only Shazam can redistribute the gods powers, not the gods themselves. Members of the Shazamily enter the fray bearing items from Billy's trophies, Darla with Bulletgirl's helmet, Pedro in Mr. Atom's armor, Mr. Dinosaur in Spy Smasher's garb and Eugene with the Ibistick calling themselves the new Squadron of Justice. They give Freddy a Sivana teleportation belt and Billy the club of King Kull. Solomon realizes the failure in their wisdom, how their emotions twist the Captain's actions and make him ineffective. Billy asks to be made wiser and Solomon observes there is a growing divide between his two identities. Next when he transforms he lectures the gods: be examples of good in the world instead of the petty nonsense. They retreat. The kids tidy up the "Chamber of Souvenirs." Space dinos return to Earth and are confronted by Black Adam who thinks they are attacking Khandaq. (#6)
Felix Faust creates a 'Bizarro Captain Marvel' to distract Cap. The Vasquez family reveal they have a wonderful new home. Tawny calls Billy to the current home because dinosaurs are demanding their compatriot, who is at the Rock of Eternity. Black Adam attacks and the new home is destroyed in their fight. (#7)
Adam realizes the damage done and flies away. The dinos retreat warning Cap to return. The Vasquez family says the agency maynow take all the kids away because they have no permanent residence. Shazam appeals directly to Zeus for aid and is denied. Black Adam is there and argues for Billy as well. Darla helps argue the dinos to allow Mr. Dinosaur to stay on Earth. They return to find Zeus has restored their house. Now the insides are magically bigger, and he made people forget about the damage. Cap goes to Khandaq to thank Adam. (#8)
Billy goes on the Jack Ryder show to talk about the Captain. After Ryder tricks Billy into saying Shazam and revealing himself. Then Ryder reveals he is the Creeper and ropes Cap into a mission to stop the Shadow Thief. (#9)
The family moves back into the restored house. Freddy gets his driver's license and secures a dilapidated van--the Shaz-Van. Billy is smitten by a new neighbor girl, Beau. Mary has Hoppy with her. Zeus has left surprises in teh house, like a portal to a Greek fantasy land adjacent to the Rock of Eternity, where Zeus can get away from Olympus. He shared this ability with the other patrons who added their own "dimensions" attached to the house. They are attacked by two dark snake creatures. The Vasquezes announce they're starting official process to adopt all the kids. Darla sees the Captain burning Billy's letter from his mother. (#10)
Billy recalls bad times with his mother when she was with an abusive boyfriend. H e was surrendered to the state at age 8 and went through several foster families. He realizes that Cap is making him 'pass out' when he receives letters from his mother. He 'speaks' with Cap in the mirror, who says the magic of Shazam is changing and that their powers are different. Actually the extra wisdom of Solomon is leading Cap to want to assert control. The kids are warned about CPS visit pre-adoption. Only Mary can understand Hoppy. Mary recently turned 18, she's independent. Jeepers (Bat Monsters) attack the house, These are hybrids of an ancient species now activated by magic. Cap calls lightning to change the Jeepers back into humans. Billy is left without memory of the event. Billy's mother arrives--she wants to stop the adoption. (#11)
Josie Campbell begins as writer. Cap now lives in the Rock as his own entity but Billy was given control of the Rock's magic, so they have advantages against one another. Cap is trying to protect Billy because he's a child. There is a "leak" in the Rock, attracting the Jeepers. Cap calls Hoppy in to help. Billy visits his mother's home and learns he has a new half-brother; he's enraged and runs out. The rage affects the magic in the Rock, unleashing more Jeepers, dinosaur men and the serpent again as well. When next he transforms, he pushes the Rock far away and the house is disconnected from it. (#12)
Freddy, Mary, Tawny and Hoppy search for the Rock (via Hoppy's magic), going to a subway station (and seeing one that is sealed up). Everything is overrun by Jeepers. Billy joins them along with "Uncle Marvel" (from New Champion). Freddy ends up steering a subway train which is transported by a mystery girl elsewhere. Freddy meets the Jeepers' ruler, King Kull, leader of the Submen. Mary says she will be transferring to a college in New York. (#13)
Appearances + References
- The Infected: King Shazam, one-shot (2020)
- Justice League vol. 2 #7–11, 0, 14–16, 18–21
- Justice League: Darkseid War: Shazam, one-shot (2016)
- Lazarus Planet: We Once Were Gods, one-shot (2023)
- The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures, one-shot (Feb. 2015)
- Shazam! Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, one-shot (2023)
- Shazam! Thundercrack, one-shot (2023); graphic novel tie-in to the movie sequel
- Teen Titans Academy #10–11, 14–15
- Convergence: Shazam!, 2-issue limited series (2015)
- Shazam! vol. 3, 15 issues (2019–2020)
- Shazam! Lightning Strikes, 2-issue digital-only series (2020)
- Future State: Shazam!, 2-issue limited series (2021)
- Shazam! vol. 4, 4-issue limited series (2021)
- Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods, 4-issue limited series (2023)
- Shazam! vol. 5, (2023–)
- Captain Marvel (original)
- Captain Marvel (post-Crisis)
- Captain Marvel Junior
- Mary Marvel
- The Wizard Shazam