FIRST APPEARANCE: Legion of Super Heores vol. 4
#117 (July 1999)
In service of Lord Pernisius. From Legion vol. 4 #117 (1999); art by Scott Kolins.
Lisnarians are known galaxywide for their ability to generate gadgets from
their techno-organic bodies. Often they are hired as
living tools, as was the case for I.Z.O.R., professionally
known as Gear. Gear was hired by the bounty hunter Pernisius to
serve as a systems manager at Blackstar Juvenile Correctional Facility.
But once there, he found himself pressed into a slave-like servitude by the
prison master. Gear kept his plans for revolt a secret until he encountered
the Legionnaire, Sensor.
Their plan was discovered, but when
Gear's internal mechanics were tampered with, it activated an escape program
the released all the prisoners from the facility. (Legion
Gear was badly damaged and Sensor brought him to Brainiac
5 for repairs. During his visit, Gear met most of the on-duty Legionnaires
at the Legion Outpost. (#119)
When the Legion was decimated by an attack by the Blight, the Legion's financier
R. J. Brande recruited Gear to help him build Legion World. This artificial
planetoid served as the team's new headquarters. (The Legion
#3) After this, Gear was regarded as a full-fledged Legionnaire.
When the Legion fully re-formed, it faced Robotica, an adversary that
Gear was well-suited to combat. He was instrumental in communicating with Warworld
and "convincing" it to aid them. (#12)
Gear kept busy with duties on Legion World and worked closely with
the Legion's Chief Engineer, Chuck Taine. (#31) Since
universe-247's destruction in the Infinite Crisis, Gear remains with that Legion
wandering the multiverse.
NOTES: Gear has no known
counterparts on any parallel Earths. In his initial appearance, his home world
was spelled "Linsner."
POWERS: Gear possesses the native Linsnarian
physiology which allows for the reconfiguration of cybernetic components. He
can manipulate his techno-organic body into any number of forms for a variety
of applications. He can also use it to interface with computers and machines.
KNOWN RELATIVES: unnamed parents, Omar (brother),
Trin (sister), Lev (brother)
FIRST APPEARANCE + JOINED: Legionnaires #43 (Dec. 1996)
Dyrk Magz was a fairly typical native of Braal, with the same magnetic
powers as anyone else. What set him apart from the crowd, though, was his courage
in applying to join the Legion of Super-Heroes, a bravery that was rewarded
when they accepted him as Magno, allowing him to take the place of the absent Cosmic Boy. (Legionnaires
#43) During the Legion's battle against Mordru,
Magno was hit by a mystical blast which cost him his powers. He was forced
to resign as an active duty Legionnaire. (Legionnaires #50)
He briefly returned to Braal where he met Cosmic Boy's brother, Pol Krinn (#53) but found himself wanting and returned to the Legion regardless of his
lack of powers. (#56) There he found himself useful as the permanent guard
at the Legion's new space Outpost Allon. (Legion
vol. 4 #100)
The Outpost was destroyed in a spatial rift and after that, the Legion disbanded. (#125) After that, Magz joined the Science Police and
was stationed on Braal. There he secretly assisted a band of Legionnaires in
seizing a Braalian ship so they could head for Earth. (Legion
Worlds #3)
Magno has no known
counterparts on any parallel Earths.
Magno has no super-human abilities. He
once had the natural magnetic abilities of all Braalians.
Candi Pyponte-Le Parc III
of Xanthu
KNOWN RELATIVES: Unnamed father
FIRST APPEARANCE: Legion of Super Heores vol. 4
#82 (July 1996)
Monstress made (above, Legion Lost #2)
and unmade (Legion Lost #11); art by Oivier Coipel.Happier times, with the Uncanny Amazers.
From Legion vol. 4 #82 (1996); art by Lee Moder.
Pyponte-Le Parc III was born into elite society on the planet Xanthu, pampered
and wanting for nothing. She knew nothing of working classes life until one
day when her father took her on a tour of one of his plants. She saw impoverished
laborers, one of whom ran up to them, threatening to detonate a bomb. Her father
swatted him aside and in doing so, the gene bomb detonated. Candi took the
blast full-on and was disfigured, turned into a green hulking monster.
Candi was shunned by both her
father and the working class. She found a home among Xanthu's super group,
the Uncanny Amazers,
where her super-strength and invulnerability did not brand her an outcast. She
joined them under the codename Monstress. (Legion
Lost #2)
Candi first met the Legionnaires on Xanthu, when the two groups were asked
to engage in a friendly competition. (Legion vol. 4 #82) They next
teamed in a battle against the evil sorcerer Mordru. During
the battle, Monstress became so impressed with the Legion's teamwork and skills
that she decided to quit the Amazers and join the Legion. She was accepted
with no difficulty. (Legionnaires
#52) The next time she returned to Xanthu, she and Star
Boy invited a third Amazer, Kid
Quantum, to join the Legion. (Legion
By chance, the Legionnaire Element
Lad altered Candi's body chemistry which changed skin color from green
to orange—without her consent. She was enraged until Jan pointed out that
she could now amass an entirely new wardrobe to complement the hue. (Legionnaires
Following the Blight's attack on Earth, Monstress became one of ten Legionnaires
who disappeared into a rift in space. (Legion #125) They
wandered across an entire second galaxy until they discovered that their former
teammate Element Lad had become a genocidal monster called the Progenitor.
Monstress tried to reach out to him, to appeal to the old, sensitive Jan Arrah
whom she loved. Her efforts were repaid with a swift death. The Progenitor
killed Monstress without a second thought. (Legion Lost #11) When
the Legionnaires finally returned home, they held a memorial for her and Jan
alike. (The Legion #15)
Monstress has no
known counterparts on any parallel Earths. Her membership in the Legion was
foreshadowed by the group poster printed in Legionnaires #50 (July 1997)
There was an unexplored plot thread involving Monstress: during the Legion's
battle with the Dark Circle and the Khunds, Invisible Kid was shown examining
two images, comparing Monstress's features to a Khund's (Legionnaires #63,
Abnett on Monstress: "When we took over Legion, Monstress was deeply
unpopular. We'd regularly get letters and posts demanding we bump her off.
We actually liked her, and through 'Legion Lost' we did our best to make her
an appealing, interesting character. When she died, tragically, at the end
of 'Lost,' people were suddenly upset!" —Comic Book Resources
Monstress possessed extraordinary strength
and invulnerability, intensified during rushes of adrenaline.
Shikari Lonestar
of the nomadic Kwai, in the Second Galaxy
KNOWN RELATIVES: Enkenet (mother).
APPEARANCE: Legion Lost #1 (May 2000)
Shikari and the Kwai.
From Legion Lost #1 (2000); art by Oivier
is a member of the Kwai race, a peaceful, nomadic people. Unlike most of the
Kwai, she possesses an aggressive spirit, and is thought of by the other Kwai
as a throwback to the old days, when her race was more warlike. For having
such a unique personality, she is called a "Lone Star." She is also
a pathfinder, possessed of a special sense that allows her to find her way
to any place or object she is seeking.
While she and two of her friends were trying to catch a comet, which is how
the Kwai obtain most of their water, they were found by the Progeny, who immediately
targeted then for deletion. She found her way to the half of the Legion Outpost
HQ that had fallen through a space rift and hid there. While there, she found
memory crystals left behind by Element Lad, who had found eight other Legionnaires
unconscious with him on or around the Outpost and enveloped them in a special
substance to keep them in stasis until he could find a way back home. As the
Progeny closed in on her, she examined the Legionnaires' crystals, and, as
the Progeny attacked her, the Progeny hit the crystals, shattering them, and
the Legionnaires saved her from the Progeny. (Legion Lost #
1) After another battle with a Progeny ship, Shikari and the Legionnaires
became convinced that they were friendly to one another, and Shikari began
to understand the Legion's concepts of heroism. (#2)
Following that battle, Shikari brought the Legionnaires to meet her tribe.
As a gesture of friendship, and also because Shikari was more suited to life
with the Legion than with the more passive Kwai, the Kwai "lent"
Shikari to the Legion to jelp them get around space and possibly find their
way home. (#3) She has since learned much of the Legion's
language and has befriended Monstress and ERG-1, whom she accidentally re-named
Wildfire. (#4) She was with the Legion when the Progeny
brought them to meet their Progenitor, actually the lost Legionnaire Element
Lad. (#10) Element Lad revealed to the Legion that
the space-warp prison that once held the Omniphagos could be used as a gateway
to Earth. Brainiac 5 determined that they could indeed use it to get home...
as long as Shikari helped them find their way. (#11) Shikari stayed and fought with the Legion against the Progenitor and eventually
led the Legionnaires home through the space warp. (#12)
NOTES: Shikari has no known
counterparts on any parallel Earths. However, her abilities are very similar
to Dawnstar's.
Shikari is an intuitive "path-finder"
she can mentally locate anything. To survive in the vacuum of space,
she can manifest wings and and an exoskeleton.