The Legion has had quite the array of pretenders who, for various reasons, have attempted
(and succeeded) to infiltrate their ranks. This page profiles miscellaneous
characters who joined the Legion under
mysterious or false pretenses:
Unrevealed, of Earth (75th century)
Unnamed father
Legion of Super-Heroes
FIRST APPEARANCE: Superboy vol. 1
#204 (Oct. 1974)
Forgotten Member
Alas! Nobody remembers Anti-Lad. From Superboy #204 (1974); art by Mike Grell.
Anti-Lad was "The Legionnaire Nobody Remembered"…
and that's fine with him. This
bald-headed young man was from the 75th century,
and reviewed the Legion's history. He was most concerned with the day
that the legendary hero, Superboy, joined their ranks. (Adventure
#247) But
when he viewed the day with his time-scanner, he found that the Legion
had not admitted him to the group after all!
Instead of joining the Legion, Superboy was rejected and he pleaded
with them to give him another chance, to no avail.
With the help of his father, Anti-Lad he deduced that something had
gone wrong with the time stream. The lad took drastic measures, stealing
his father's
"timesmitter" and going back to that day in the 30th century.
He appeared after Superboy had been rejected, just as a grim
Cosmic Boy announced that he was opening
the floor to other nominations. On cue, a tall
young man materialized on the round table in a burst of flame and identified
himself Anti-Lad. He explained his visor: "On
the faraway planet I come from, our sun is 1,000 times brighter than
yours. The visor amplifies Earth-light so I can see."
In a series of trials, Anti-Lad demonstrated how he came by his name,
reflecting the powers of each Legionnaire back at them—changing others'
strengths into weaknesses and turning their own powers against
Brainiac 5 was suspicious
of him, though, and revealed that Anti-Lad was using technology to
emulate super-powers. Anti-Lad convinced the Legionnaires that it was he who
had handicapped Superboy with kryptonite during his Legion tryout.
Thus, they gave Superboy another chance.
When Anti-Lad returned to his future, he erased the Legionnaires'
memories of his appearance, but left a strange image of himself on
their holo-files. (Superboy #204)
Years later, the Legion would unearth a photo of themselves and a stranger
in their archives and wonder "Who was Anti-Lad?"
Comet the Super-Horse and Proty II
FIRST APPEARANCE: Adventure Comics #364
Biron the Bowman + Blockade Boy II
Joined Under False Pretenses
Comet and Proty assume new forms to join the Legion as Blockade
Boy and Biron. From Adventure Comics #364
(1968); art by Jim Shooter and Pete Costanza.
This pair were actually members of the Legion
of Super-Pets in disguise. Biron the Bowman was
actually Comet
the Super-Horse, who infiltrated the Legion
along with Blockade Boy (Proty
II) when they suspected the
Legion of plotting against the Super-Pets.
Comet's real name was "Biron." He was originally a centaur and a great archer, but cursed to take the form of a horse. He became
human whenever a comet passed by. When he encountered a comet in the 30th century
with the Super-Pets, he applied to join the Legion as
a master bowman. The Legion actually realized the motives and true
identities of Biron and Proty, and so allowed them to "join" in order
to help trap an alien that had tricked the Pets.
When Supergirl remarked
to Blockade Boy that they had already met a hero by that name, he responded
by saying he was that hero's brother. Naturally the two teams
ended up working together to squash the evil plans of the High Council
of Thanl. (Adventure
FIRST APPEARANCE: Adventure Comics #337
(Oct. 1965)
Blackout Boy + Magnetic Kid + Size Lad
Villains — Joined Under False Pretenses
The aliens from Murra seize their chance to infiltrate the Legion
as Size Lad (left), Magnetic Kid, and Blackout Boy. From Adventure #337
(1965); art by Curt Swan and George Klein.
When the Legion was attacked by three spies — Aarl, Xaxan, and another — from the planet Murra, Saturn Girl sensed their plot to invade Earth.
She alerted the Legion's leader, Brainiac 5, who concocted a plan whereby
the four Legionnaires would pretend to marry and resign from the Legion.
This resulted in a call for applicants, and the alien spies fell
for it.
The Murrans could apparently access a wide variety of super-powers
(including shape-changing, flight, and invisibility) and so their applications
were successful. Aarl disguised himself as Size
Lad; his power was the ability to make objects larger or smaller.
The second became Blackout Boy, who could neutralize light and
cause total darkness. The third, Magnetic Kid, could repel and
attract things other than iron.
Though the Legionnaires were wise to the spies, the invaders still
managed to take down several members and make off with secret Legion
plans. The Legion pursued them to Murra and discovered that its inhabitants
manufactured pills that granted temporary super-powers. Element Lad
quickly rendered all the pills on Murra inert, and the Legion left.
Back home, the "married" members
return to active duty. (Adventure Comics #337)
NOTE:Magnetic Kid was also the name later taken
by Cosmic Boy's brother, Pol Krinn,
who joined the Legion years later.
Rehtu of Pretzor
FIRST APPEARANCE: Adventure Comics #328 (Jan. 1965)
Villain — Joined Under False Pretenses
Command Kid takes over.
From Adventure Comics #328 (1965); art by Jim Mooney.
Jeem Rehtu was flying around in his rocket-craft on his home
planet Preztor, when he accidentally crashed on Taboo Isle, and was
possessed by a demon. The demon used his body to escape the Isle, and
he went to Earth to arrange other such bodies for his fellow demons.
While on Earth, he encountered the Legion of Super-Heroes and hit upon
the idea of giving his fellows super-powered bodies. He used hallucinatory
powers to stop some crooks that the Legion was fighting, and the Legionnaires
were so impressed, they offered him membership, which he accepted,
calling himself Command Kid.
As a Legionnaire he was very effective, but also very arrogant. He shrank from anyone who offered him gold, which was anathema to demons of his type. In order to prepare the Legionnaires'
bodies for possession, he created an illusion of Mon-El and Ultra Boy
fighting, inciting the others to express jealousy of their greater
powers. Command Kid offered them pills that would heighten their power
levels, although the operation would require a period of suspended
animation, an offer many Legionnaires accepted.
But Saturn Girl found out what he really was and deduced his weakness
to gold, and she had Element Lad turn nearby machines into gold to
exorcise the demon. The demon, which the Legionnaires had no way of
containing, remained at large, and Jeem returned to Preztor, powerless. (Adventure
Comics #328)
Vorm of Tortuga
Comics #330 (Mar. 1965)
Villain — Joined Under False Pretenses
Dynamo Boy takes over the entire Legion. From Adventure Comics #330 (1965); art by
Jim Mooney. Dynamo Kid was an earlier pretender of a similar name. From Adventure Comics #305 (1965); art by
George Papp.
The Legion of Super-Heroes became a thorn in the sides of space
pirates operating out of New Tartuga. So the top pirates of the Space-Pirate
Pack staged a contest to see who would infiltrate the Legion and thereby
destroy it. Vorm won the contest, and used a special belt to
simulate energy powers, which he demonstrated in front of Star
Boy, impressing him. With Star Boy's help, Dynamo Boy became a
Legionnaire, and he proceeded to expel all the other members. He did this
by causing the Legionnaires to violate clauses from their own constitution.
After a month, he was the only Legionnaire in existence.
Dynamo Boy then proceeded to hold tryouts, looking not for good Legionnaires,
but for people who would be easily corruptible. After rejecting several
honorable applicants, he met three members of the time-traveling Legion
of Super-Villains. For a while, the LSV allowed Vorm to believe
that they were following his orders, committing good deeds by day and
crimes by night. But eventually, they revealed that they had no need
for him, and tricked him into a time machine set for the far future.
Vorm was stranded there and has not been heard from since. (Adventure
Note: There was also a "Dynamo Kid" who was rejected for Legion membership in Adventure Comics #305 (Feb. 1963). Dynamo Kid could apparently
wield lightning just like Lightning Lad, but he was revealed as a
reporter using external technology.
Manhunter alias Laurel Kent
Legion Academy, Manhunters
FIRST APPEARANCE: Superboy & the Legion
of Super-Heroes #217 (June 1976)
Academy Member, Manhunter Spy
Created by Jim Shooter and Mike Grell
Superboy meets his (supposed) descendant. Superboy & the Legion #217 (1976); art by Mike Grell.Comet Queen and Laurel Kent. From Legion vol. 2 #304 (1983); art by Keith Giffen. Laruel Kent recovers after having been shot, at the Legion Academy.
From Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 3 #9 (Apr. 1985); art by Steve Lightle and Larry Mahlstedt.
Millions of years ago, the Guardians of the Universe caused a disaster
which unleashed evil on the universe. Feeling responsible for this,
they created robots to combat evil, called Manhunters.
Several centuries later, the Manhunters rebelled and the Guardians
stripped them of the green energy that they were supposed to use in
their mission and switched to using living beings, a plan which led
to the formation of the Green Lantern Corps. They never did destroy
the Manhunters, though, and the robots hid, plotting against their
hated former masters.
In the late 20th century, after the first great "crisis," the
Guardians abandoned the Corps and departed for another plane to figure
out how they could once again begin to perpetuate their race. One pair
came to Earth, believing they would help to usher in a new stage of
cosmic evolution. The Manhunters launched a campaign to prevent these "New
Guardians" from being borne. Thanks to Earth's super-heroes, the
Manhunters failed. (Millennium #1-8)
But an android has infinite patience. The Manhunters' leaders knew
that if the Guardians succeeded, they would need an agent in the future
to thwart them anew. They designated one android as a "sleeper" agent,
to seek out these immortals a thousand years in the future and destroy
them. This Manhunter put itself into position, deciding that the strategy
was to ally with the Legion of Super-Heroes. It joined the Legion
Academy disguised as a young woman named Laurel Kent. Laurel told everyone
that she was a direct descendant of Superman (and she looked very
much like Lois Lane). Laurel became close friends with many Legionnaires
and would-be Legionnaires, rooming with Dawnstar(Superboy
vol. 2 # 217) and training with Wildfire, Bouncing
Boy and Duo
Damsel. (Superboy & the Legion #240, Legion
vol. 2 #304, 316, 324, Legion vol. 3 #4, Annual #3)
As part of her disguise, she feigned a vulnerability to kryptonite,
allowing herself to be "injured" by a bullet made of the
substance. This happened during an attack from Professor Ivo, who targeted
descendants of members of the Justice League of America. (Legion
vol. 3 #8, 9, 12, Annual #1)
In 2987, Laurel made her move. To get access to Legion Headquarters,
she began flirting with and dating Sun
Boy. (Legion vol. 3 #41) She raided Brainiac
5's lab for any information she might be able to get on the immortals
spawned by the thousand-year-old event. The Legion tried to stop her,
but, since they did not understand the full extent of her power, she
broke free. Brainiac 5 put together a sensor to detect the kind of
radiation that the Guardians of the Universe used to give off, using
it to track Laurel, and Laurel stole it to look for the immortals.
The Legion, in order to trap her, located some ruins and artificially
permeated them with the Guardian-energy, where they hoped to trap her.
They did more than that. When Laurel saw how old and neglected the
place was, she decided that the immortals already departed the planet,
and that she had failed in her mission. With no further purpose in
existence, the android known as Laurel Kent self-destructed. (#42-43)
Comics #327 (Dec. 1964)
The Mystery Legionnaire + Jan Jor
Joined Under False Pretenses
From Adventure Comics #327 (Dec. 1964); by Edmond Hamilton, John Forte and George Klein. The Legionnaires review "members" wth criminal recors. From Adventure #354 (March 1967); by Jim Shooter, Curt Swan and George Klein.
A scene from Adventure Comics #327 (Dec. 1964) shows a man going to jail for attempting to sabotage the meeting. This "ex-member" was not fully identified and shown in shadow as he was led to prison for joining the Legion under false pretenses. He appeared to wear a yellow costume. (Adventure
Later, in a scene from Adventure #354 (March 1967), the adult Legionnaires were reviewing their
records for former members with criminal records. The name Jan Jor appeared on the screen, describing him 32 years of age. No connection was made between Jor and the man seen in Adventure #327 but fans have speculated they could have been the same person.
The stories do not share creators (although editor Mort Weisinger was a keen continuity cop). Adventure #327 was written
by Edmond Hamilton, and #354 by Jim Shooter. Shooter
was also a Legion super-fan who could have drawn a link between
the two.
Hart Druiter
of Myar alias Nemesis Kid
Legion of Super-Heroes, Legion of Super-Villains
Comics #346 (July 1966)
Traitor — Joined Under False Pretenses
Nemesis Kid blows his own cover.
From Adventure #346 (1966); art by Sheldon Moldoff.Nemesis Kid joins the animated Legion. From "Karate Kid," Legion of Super-Heroes season 2, episode 5 (2007) .
Hart Druiter of Myar became a master alchemist at a young age,
and created a serum that allowed his body to instantaneously adopt
any other being's super-power. He used these powers as a
mercenary for a year, whereupon he was hired by the Khundish Warlord
Garlak to infiltrate the Legion of Super-Heroes and sabotage any of
their efforts to halt the upcoming Khundish invasion. Due to the urgency
of the impending invasion, the Legion never thought to suspect that
one of their new members was a spy, but after Earth's first two electro-towers
were destroyed under the Legion's watchful eye, their suspicion was
cast upon another new recruit, Karate
Kid. Nemesis Kid might have gotten away with framing him, but
Karate Kid uncovered the truth by following Nemesis Kid into the Legion's
arsenal (which he intended to destroy). His cover blown the Legion descended on him en masse and his power was unable to adapt to so
many opponents; he teleported to safety instead. (Adventure
Nemesis Kid decided to undergo more training in order to use his powers
against the Legionnaires. He enrolled in Tarik the Mute's school to
train a Legion of Super-Villains. After
one caper, the Legionnaires built a cell for Nemesis Kid that appeared
to be escape-proof despite is powers. He escaped by
adapting the power to travel through time, into the 20th century. He stayed there for a year, parlaying his
knowledge of futuristic technology into a corporation called FutureTech,
which sold futuristic weapons. Karate Kid tracked him down in this
era, but Nemesis Kid escaped again. He stole Karate Kid's time bubble
and left a chronal energy-tracker in its place to lead the Legionnaire
into his traps at the FutureTech building. Karate Kid managed to avoid
Nemesis Kid's atomic-blasts and sent him back
to the 30th century for incarceration. (Karate Kid
Nemesis Kid returned to lead another incarnation of the Legion of
Super-Villains after the "Great Darkness" allowed him to
escape from Takron-Galtos. His first new recruit was the teleporter,
Zymyr of Gil'Dishpan, who helped him free other members from prison.
The LSV took over the planet Orando, which by then was the home
of Karate Kid and his new bride, Queen
Projectra. Karate Kid broke free of his bonds and faced Druiter
directly. Despite his great skill, he was no match for Nemesis Kid's
alchemical powers. With his dying breath, Karate Kid destroyed the
Villains' machines that were threatening Orando. Nemesis Kid gloated
over his victory, but not for long. One look in the bereaved Queen
Projectra's eyes left him cowering, and she executed him for his murder
of her consort, breaking his neck. (Legion vol. 3 #1-5)
Other Versions
Nemesis Kid was also a member on TV's Legion
of Super-Heroes cartoon. It was hinted that he might be
a traitor, but this story never came to pass before the series
was canceled. He first appeared in season 2, episode 5 (27 Oct. 2007).