Original Legion Chronology
Part 3: 2918-2974 (Early 30th Century)

IntroductionMembers1: 20th Century 2: 20th-29th Century 3: Early 30th Century 4: Adventure & Action 5: Superboy & the Legion 6: Legion vol. 27: Legion vol. 3 8: 5 Year Gap 9: Legion vol. 4
Special thanks to Aaron Severson and DarkMark's Comics Indexing Domain
New member joins | Story arc | Death | Adult Legion | Imaginary Stories |
Legion Time | Comments | Issue |
30th Century | ||
2918 | Loot from a jewel robbery is hidden aboard orbital space probe C-117. The robbery becomes the most notorious unsolved crime of the 30th century. | (Superboy #216, May/June 1976) |
2927 | Birth of Iris Russell. Her parents, fearing a nuclear war on Earth, send her back in time to the mid-20th century, where she is adopted and raised as Iris West. She later marries Barry Allen. NOTE: Iris's 30th century origins were revealed in Flash #350 (Oct. 1985). Her date of birth was established by Flash Secret Files & Origins #1. | (Flash Secret Files #1, Nov. 1997) |
2949 | POST-CRISIS: The Durlan who will become R.J. Brande appears out of nowhere in Metropolis Spaceport, suffering from total amnesia. He meets Marla Latham and a Durlan businessman/smuggler, Theg. He and Theg return to Durla and become stranded there. NOTES: The Durlan's previous chronological appearance was in L.E.G.I.O.N. #9 (Nov. 1989). In original continuity, as established by Secrets of the Legion #3 (Mar. 1981), R.J. Brande's real name was Ren Daggle. He was not from the 20th century. | (Legion vol. 4 #8, June 1990) |
2950 | Under the leadership of Warlord Zaryan, the Khunds begin to expand their empire, annexing various frontier worlds. NOTE: Zaryan first appeared in Adventure Comics #304 (Jan. 1963), which calls him "an interplanetary criminal from the planet Brok." Beginning in Legion vol. 4 #9, he was described as a Khundian warlord. That account contradicts Adventure Comics #346 (July 1966), which indicated that the United Planets had not encountered the Khunds prior to Garlak's invasion in December 2977. | (Legion vol. 4 #9, July 1990) |
Mordru makes his first bid for galactic domination. For unknown reasons, he abandons his campaign and disappears from the public eye, later resurfacing as a humble apprentice wizard on Zerox, the Sorcerer's World. NOTE: The date is extremely speculative. According to Adventure Comics #369, Mordru tried to conquer the galaxy "decades ago" and was all but forgotten afterwards. | (Adventure Comics #369, June 1968) | |
2956 | ||
Jan 28 | Gim Allon (Colossal Boy) is born on Earth to Marte Ida Allon, a professor at Metropolis University, and Wynn Allon, an admiral of the United Planets fleet. NOTES: Colossal Boy's real name was first revealed in a text feature in Superman Annual #4 (1961). His parents first appeared in Adventure Comics #371 (Aug. 1968). | * |
Dec 17 | GLORITH REALITY ONLY: Stig Ah (Reflecto) is born on Rimbor. NOTES: Reflecto first appeared as a statue in the gallery of dead Legionnaires shown in the Adult Legion story in Adventure Comics #354 (Mar. 1967). His first appearance in the normal Legion timeline was in flashback in Legion vol. 4 Annual #1 (1990). It is unclear if Stig Ah ever became Reflecto in other realities. | * |
2957 | ||
Feb 8 |
Lydda Jath (Night Girl) is born on Kathoon. Note: Date per 2995: The Legion Sourcebook. The Super DC Calendar 1976 gave her birthday as Mar. 25. |
* |
Apr 21 | Tinya Wazzo (Phantom Girl) is born to Byzjn Wazzo and noted attorney Winema Tinya Wazzo on the extra-dimensional world of Bgztl. NOTES: Phantom Girl's name and homeworld were first identified in a text feature in Superman Annual #4 (1961). Her mother's remarriage was revealed in Legion vol. 4 #2 (Dec. 1989). | * |
Sep 10 | The Durlan (R.J. Brande) mates with Theg's sister Zhay. They have two children, Reep Daggle (Chameleon Boy) and Liggt. Zhay dies of Yorggian Fever, which later robs the Durlan and Theg of their powers. The Durlan leaves Reep and Liggt with Theg's sister Ji, who raises them as her own children. He and Theg escape Durla and permanently take human form, taking the names Rene Jacques (R.J.) and Doyle Brande. Together, they form Brande Industries. On Durla, Reep grows up unaware that Brande is his real father. Note: This story was originally told in Secrets of the Legion #3 (Mar. 1981) and greatly expanded in Legion vol. 4 #8 (June 1990). Chameleon Boy's name and home planet were first named in a text feature in Superman Annual #4 (1961). His origin was summarized in a text feature in Adventure Comics #350 (Nov. 1966). | (Secrets of the Legion #3, Mar. 1981), (Legion vol. 4 #8, June 1990) |
Oct 5 | Luornu Durgo (Triplicate Girl/Duo Damsel) is born on Carggg to Humre and Silvo Durgo. NOTES: Duo Damsel's real name was first revealed in a featurette from Superman Annual #4 (1961). Her parents first appeared in Adventure Comics #356 (May 1967). | * |
Oct 22 | Thom Kallor (Star Boy) is born to Fryd and Myra Kallor, astronomers on a Xanthu orbital observatory. He is born with the power to temporarily increase the mass of objects. NOTES: Star Boy's real name and the name of his homeworld were first revealed in his first appearance, Adventure Comics #282 (Mar. 1961). His parents first appeared in Adventure Comics #342 (Mar. 1966). | * |
Dec 8 | Nura Nal (Dream Girl) is born on the planet Naltor to High Seer Kiwa Nal. NOTES: The name of Dream Girl's home planet was first revealed in her first appearance, Adventure Comics #317 (Feb. 1964). Her real name was revealed in Adventure Comics #342 (Mar. 1966). Her mother first appeared in flashback in Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #314 (Aug. 1984). | * |
2958 | ||
Feb 8 | Tenzil Kem (Matter-Eater Lad) is born on the planet Bismoll to Rall and Mitz Kem. NOTES: Matter-Eater Lad's real name was first revealed in Adventure Comics #338 (Nov. 1965). His parents first appeared (behind the scenes) in Adventure Comics #356 (May 1967); their names were revealed in Action Comics #381 (Oct. 1969). | * |
Feb 11 | Birth of Rokk Krinn (Cosmic Boy). Although Rokk is born on Earth, his parents, Hu and Ewa Krinn, are natives of the planet Braal. NOTES: Braal and Rokk's name was first named in a text feature in Superman Annual #4 (1961). Cosmic Boy's parents first appeared in Adventure Comics #335 (Aug. 1965). Their names, and the fact that he was born on Earth, not on Braal, were revealed in Legion vol. 2 #297 (Mar. 1983). | * |
Feb 24 | Dirk Morgna (Sun Boy), son of industrialist Derek Morgna, is born on Earth. NOTES: Sun Boy's real name was first revealed in a text feature in Superman Annual #4 (1961). | * |
Intermittent conflict begins along the border between the United Planets and the Dominion. It continues for the next two decades. | (Adventure Comics #361, Oct. 1967) | |
After an atomic accident destroys the continent of Antillar on the planet Lallor, five children are born with unusual powers: Iishu Nor (Beast Boy), Ord Quelu (Duplicate Boy), Sev Tcheru (Evolvo Lad), Tal Nahii (Gas Girl), and Somi Gan (Life Lass). NOTES: The date is speculative, based on the Heroes of Lallor's apparent ages in their first appearance. Duplicate Boy's real name was first revealed in Adventure Comics #354 (Mar. 1967). | (Adventure Comics #324, Sept. 1964) | |
Nov 19 | Lyle Norg (Invisible Kid I) is born on Earth. NOTES: Invisible Kid's real name was given in a text feature in Superman Annual #4 (1961). His parents first appeared in Adventure #356 (May 1967), but their names were never revealed. | * |
Nov 23 | Imra Ardeen (Saturn Girl) is born on Saturn's moon Titan. NOTES: Saturn Girl's real name was first revealed in a text feature in Superman Annual #4 (1961). Her parents first appeared in Adventure #356 (May 1967), but their names were never revealed. | * |
2959 | ||
Jan 23 |
Querl Dox (Brainiac 5), the descendant of the legendary Vril Dox, is
born on the planet Colu. He inherits his ancestor's brilliant 12th-level
"computer mind." Sometime during his childhood, both his parents die.
NOTES: Brainiac 5's real name was first
revealed in a text feature in Superman Annual #4 (1961). His home planet was sometimes called Yod,
which later was described as the Coluan term for their world. His origin was summarized in a text feature in Adventure Comics #335 (Aug. 1965) and Adventure #356 (May 1967) established
that he was an orphan. The Super DC Calendar 1976 gave his birthday as Dec. 30. |
* |
Feb 21 | Jo Nah (Ultra Boy), the son of Crav and Mytra Nah, is born on the planet Rimbor. He grows up on the wrong side of the tracks, becoming a numbers runner and then a gang member, dating a local girl named An Ryd. NOTES: Jo Nah's real name and planet of birth were given in his first appearance, Superboy #98 (July 1962). His parents first appeared in Adventure Comics #356 (May 1967). An Ryd's first chronological appearance was in Legion vol. 4 Annual #1 (1990); her first appearance in print was Superboy & the Legion #239 (May 1978). | * |
Apr 5 | Chuck Taine (Bouncing Boy) is born on Earth. NOTES: Bouncing Boy's real name was revealed in in a text feature in Superman Annual #4 (1961). | * |
Theg Daggle and the Durlan take the human identities of Doyle and R.J. Brande, form Brande Industries. | (Legion vol. 4 #8, June 1990) | |
Sep 21 | Mysa Nal, daughter of High Seer Kiwa Nal and younger sister of Nura Nal, is born on Naltor. She is born without the Naltorian power of prophecy. While she is still very young, her mother dies, leaving Mysa alone. | (Legion vol. 2 #314, Aug. 1984) |
Nov 10 | Twins Garth and Ayla Ranzz (Lightning Lad and Lightning Lass) are born to Luc and Perla Ranzz on the planet Winath. They quickly earn the antipathy of their older brother Mekt, who, unlike most Winathian children, has no twin. NOTES: Lightning Lad's real name was first revealed in a text feature in Superman Annual #4 (1961). A text feature in Adventure #354 (Mar. 1967) gave Lightning Lass's real name and identified their homeworld as Amarta (not Winath). | * |
Nov 30 | Dag Wentim (Stone Boy) is born on the planet Zwen. Like all natives of Zwen, he has the power to turn himself to stone. | * |
2960 | ||
Jun 3 | Salu Digby (Shrinking Violet) is born to Arn Digby and his wife. Although both her parents are natives of the planet Imsk, she is born on Earth. NOTES: Shrinking Violet's name and homeworld were given in a featurette in Superman Annual #4 (1961). The fact that she was born on Earth, not Imsk, was revealed in Who's Who in the Legion #6 (Oct. 1988). | * |
Jul 27 | GLORITH REALITY ONLY: Laurel Gand, descendant of Lar Gand, is born on the asteroid city Ricklef II at the edge of the Daxam system. | (Legion vol. 4 #9, July 1990) |
Aug 15 | Ral Benem (Chlorophyll Kid) is born on the planet Mardru. | * |
2961 | ||
Feb 8 | Sussa Paka (Spider Girl) is born on Earth. | * |
Jul 21 | Staq Mavlen (Fire Lad) is born on the planet Shwar. | * |
2962 | ||
Jan 12 | Brin Londo (Timber Wolf) is born to Dr. Mar Londo and naturalist V'Layla Keely on the planet Zuun. NOTES: Timber Wolf's real name, his planet of origin, and his father's name were revealed in Adventure Comics #327 (Dec. 1964). In that story, the name of the planet was spelled "Zoon." | * |
Aug 20 | Jan Arrah (Element Lad) is born to Arn and Valla Arrah on the planet Trom. NOTES: Element Lad's real name was revealed in Adventure Comics #307 (Apr. 1963), his first appearance. Although his homeworld first appeared in that story, it was not named until Adventure Comics #356 (May 1967) | * |
Sep 18 | Val Armorr (Karate Kid) is born in Tokyo to Kirau Nezumi, the notorious supervillain Black Dragon, and American bounty hunter Valentina Armorr. Shortly after Val's birth, Japanese superhero the Sensei (Toshiaki White Crane) kills the Black Dragon and adopts Val after his mother is murdered by the Black Dragon's organization. NOTES: Karate Kid's real name was first revealed in Adventure Comics #359 (Aug. 1967). The Sensei first appeared in Adventure Comics 367 (Apr. 1968). The Black Dragon was first mentioned in Superboy #210 (Aug. 1975) and Valentina Armorr was first mentioned in Who's Who in the Legion #4 (Aug. 1988). | * |
Dec 19 | Projectra, the daughter of King Voxv and granddaughter of Queen Hagga, is born on Orando. Her grandmother grants her the power to create magical illusions. NOTES: Projectra's homeworld was named in Adventure Comics #346 (July 1966), her first appearance. King Voxv first appeared in Adventure # #362 (Nov. 1967), Hagga in Legion vol. 2 #288 (June 1982). | * |
Dec 22 | Brek Bannin (Polar Boy) is born on Tharr. NOTES: Polar Boy's real name and planet of origin were revealed in Adventure Comics #306 (Mar. 1963), his first appearance. His parents first appeared in Superboy #148 (June 1968). | * |
2963 | ||
Feb 5 | Birth of Tasmia Mallor (Shadow Lass), daughter of Tarnia Tolarn and granddaughter of Sarven Mallor, the champion of Talok VIII. NOTES: Shadow Lass's real name was first revealed in Adventure Comics #369 (June 1968). Her mother first appeared in Legion vol. 2 #263 (May 1980), her grandfather (as a ghost) in Secret Origins #8 (Nov. 1986). | * |
Jul 10 | Drake Burroughs (Wildfire) is born on Earth. An orphan, he is later adopted. NOTES: The fact that Drake was an orphan was revealed in Legion vol. 2 #283 (Jan. 1982). The fate and identity of his parents was never revealed. | * |
Nyuen Chun Ti seizes the Atomic Axe, a relic of World War VI, from a man named Wolf Behbach. He becomes an underworld enforcer and assassin known as the Persuader. | Who's Who in the Legion #2 (June 1988) | |
Dec 14 | Ulu Vakk (Color Kid) is born on the planet Lupra. | * |
2964 | ||
Jan 11 | Andrew Nolan (Ferro Lad) and his twin brother Douglas are born on Earth to holo-vid star Luiza Karamonte and Andrew Douglas Nolan, heir to the Interplanet Mines fortune. Hideously disfigured, the boys are raised outside the public eye. NOTES: Ferro Lad's real name and the existence of his brother were first revealed in Adventure Comics #354 (Mar. 1967). The identity of their mother was established in Who's Who in the Legion #2 (June 1988), their father in Secret Origins #47 (Feb. 1990). | * |
May 29 | Birth of Rond Vidar, the son of Vidar, the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 (who later becomes Universo). NOTES: Rond Vidar first appeared in Adventure Comics #349 (Oct. 1966), but his real name was not revealed until Adventure #360 (Sept. 1967) | * |
Realizing that his "cousin" Doyle (Theg) is becoming corrupt and lazy, R.J. Brande hires Marla Latham to run Brande Industries for him. | (Legion vol. 4 #8, June 1990) | |
Barry Allen (Flash II) is transported to the 30th century, where he rejoins his wife, Iris, still alive in a new body. Note: In post-Zero Hour continuity, per Flash Secret Files #1 (Nov. 1997), Barry traveled to the year 2957. That date, however, is inconsistent with the ages of Don and Dawn Allen in pre-Zero Hour continuity. | Flash #350 (Oct. 1985) | |
After a month of happiness with Iris, Barry Allen disappears into the timestream, never to return. He never learns that Iris is pregnant. | Crisis #3 (June 1985) | |
2965 | ||
Mar 15 | Marak Russen (Atmos) is born on Xanthu. | * |
May 5 | Condo Arlik (Chemical King) is born on Phlon. A mutant, Condo manifests the power to disrupt chemical reactions. Abandoned by his parents, he is raised in isolation on Earth while he learns to control his powers. NOTES: Chemical King's real name was revealed in Adventure Comics #371 (Aug. 1968), his first appearance. His history was revealed in greater detail in Secret Origins #47 (Feb. 1990). | * |
Jul 7 | Peter Dursin (Porcupine Pete) is born on Earth. | * |
Prince Evillo becomes sovereign ruler of Tartarus. | * | |
Iris Allen gives birth to Donald and Dawn Allen, the children of Barry Allen, who later will be known as the Tornado Twins. Note: Flash Secret Files & Origins #1 (Nov. 1997) gives their post-Zero Hour birth date as 2958. However, the post-Zero Hour chronology of the Allens is very different: in that timeline, they were killed in 2981 and never met the Legion, which was not formed until years later. | (Legion vol. 4 #17, Apr. 1991) | |
Nov 1 | Troy Stewart (Tyroc) is born on the dimension-shifting city of Marzal. | * |
2966 | ||
Apr 12 | Dawnstar is born on Starhaven to Mist-Rider and Moonwalker. Like most inhabitants of Starhaven, genetic manipulation and selective breeding cause her to be born with wings, superhuman tracking and navigational skills, and the ability to survive and travel through interstellar space. NOTES: Dawnstar's parents and homeworld first appeared in Superboy & the Legion #240 (June 1978). | * |
May 27 | Drura Sepht (Infectious Lass) is born on Somahtur. Like all Somahturiots, she is a carrier for a wide array of microbes and viruses that make her a walking biological hazard to humanoids from other worlds. | * |
2967 | ||
Sep 15 | Jacques Foccart (Invisible Kid II) is born on Earth. | * |
2968 | ||
Feb 12 | Ganglios (Tellus) is born on Hykraius. | * |
Following the death of her mother, Mysa Nal leaves Naltor to study magic with the teachers of Zerox, the Sorcerer's World. She meets Mordru, who has not yet begun his bid for power. | (Legion vol. 2 #315, Sept. 1984) | |
Dec 21 | Pol Krinn (Magnetic Kid), younger brother of Rokk Krinn, is born on Braal. NOTES: Pol Krinn first appeared in Adventure Comics #335 (Aug. 1965). His name was first revealed in Adventure Comics #357 (June 1967). | * |
2969 | ||
Jan 2 | Grev Mallor (Shadow Kid), grandson of Sarven Mallor and the cousin of Tasmia Mallor, is born on Talok VIII. | * |
2970 | ||
Bobb Kohan (Crystal Kid) is born on Earth. NOTES: Crystal Kid first appeared in Amazing World of DC Comics #14 (Mar. 1977). He was created by Robert Cohen of Calgary, Alberta. He originally was called Rondo Kane, from the planet Zelar, but his name and homeworld were changed when he made his first comic book appearance in Legion vol. 2 #272 (Feb. 1981). | * | |
2971 | ||
Mar | GLORITH REALITY ONLY: After her parents are killed by Khund scouts, 10-year-old Laurel Gand single-handedly thwarts a Khundian invasion of Daxam led by warlord Zaryan. NOTES: This is the first chronological appearance of Zaryan, whose first appearance in print was in Adventure Comics #304 (Jan. 1963). That story did not describe him as a Khund; the Khunds were not introduced until Adventure Comics #346 (July 1966). | (Legion vol. 4 #9, July 1990) |
Rokk Krinn becomes a champion Magno-Ball player. | (Legion vol. 2 #297, Mar. 1983) | |
May 9 | On Durla, Reep Daggle is forced to kill his twin brother Liggt during the Bridge of Passage ritual. | (Legion vol. 4 #6, Apr. 1990) |
While Tinya Wazzo is away at boarding school, her doting father, Byzjn Wazzo, dies of a heart attack. Her mother, Winema, soon marries attorney Khard Wlessey. | (Secret Origins #42, July 1989) | |
2972 | ||
Doyle Brande, having been bought out of Brande Industries by his "cousin," begins making threats on R.J. Brande's life. | (Superboy #147, May/June 1968) | |
On Zerox, Mordru transforms Mysa Nal into the Hag, convincing the Council of Teachers that she is really the evil sorceress Xola Aq. She falls in with Prince Evillo and joins his Devil's Dozen. Afterward, Mordru overthrows the Council of Teachers and assumes dictatorial control of Zerox. NOTES: This story is the first chronological appearance of Prince Evillo. The date is approximate. The 2995: The Legion Sourcebook says these events took place in 2969, but that date is not consistent with the chronology of the stories themselves, which show that Mysa was a teenager when she became the Hag. | (Legion vol. 2 #315-316, Sept.–Oct. 1984), (Who's Who #9, May 1991) | |
As the Hag, Mysa Nal is aided by Sklarian raider Bel An'nan. As a reward, the Hag casts a spell to give Bel's daughter great powers. Her daughter, Brita An'nan (Kono) later develops mass-shifting powers. | Who's Who vol. 2 #1 (Aug. 1990) | |
On Colu, 12-year-old Querl Dox is awarded the coveted title Brainiac, becoming Brainiac 5. | * | |
Imra Ardeen sets out for Earth to apply for the Science Police Academy. | (Superboy #147, May/June 1968), (Secrets of the Legion #1, Jan. 1981) | |
On the planet Korbal, siblings Garth, Ayla, and Mekt Ranzz are attacked by Lightning Beasts, giving them electrical powers. After the three return home to Winath, Mekt disappears. Garth decides to go to Earth to enlist the aid of the Science Police in locating his brother. | (Superboy #147, May/June 1968) | |
2973 | ||
This section of the chronology shows the stories in the order they took place for the Legionnaires; see the 20th Century section for the 20th century perspective. | ||
Rokk Krinn sets out for Earth to find work to support his destitute family. | (Superboy #147, May/June 1968) | |
Jan 5 | Three youths, Rokk Krinn, Garth Ranzz, and Imra Ardeen, save R.J. Brande from assassination by men working for his "cousin" Doyle. | (Superboy #147, May/June 1968) |
Jan 6 | At Brande's suggestion, the three youths become Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, and Saturn Girl and form the Legion of Super-Heroes. The Legion computer names Cosmic Boy the first leader. Note: This was the first fully published story of the Legion's origin but its plot was printed earlier, in a text featurette in Adventure Comics #354 (Mar. 1967). | (Adventure Comics #354, Mar. 1967; Superboy #147, May/June 1968) |
GLORITH REALITY ONLY: The three founders hold their first member try-outs in a public park in Metropolis. When Mnemonic Kid attacks the Legionnaires, Fortress Lad (a native of the planet Fwang), protects them with his power to become a "metallic fortress." Mnemonic Kid's amnesia blasts rob Fortress Lad of the memory that he was ever human; trapped in "fortress" form forever, he becomes the Legion's original clubhouse. NOTES: Arm-Fall-Off Boy is another of the rejected applicants. The original, unpublished version of this story showed the Legionnaires discussing the legend of Superboy, contradicting the Glorith-reality Legion origin in Legion vol. 4 #8 (June 1990). | (Secret Origins #46, Dec. 1989) | |
In their first case, the Legionnaires recover the Quintile Crystal and are deputized by the Science Police. | (DC Super-Stars #17, Nov./Dec. 1977) | |
GLORITH REALITY ONLY: Time and Time Again: The three founding Legionnaires meet a time-traveling Superman. Superman asks them to tell him how long their history indicates he lived, but before they can answer, an explosion hurtles the Man of Steel through time again. NOTES: Superman appears in the 30th century in Adventures of Superman #476 and disappears in the opening pages of Action Comics #663 (Mar. 1991); he appears next in the year 1943. | Adventure Comics #of Superman #476 (Mar. 1991), Action #663 (Mar. 1991) | |
Tinya Wazzo stows away on a Bgztl freighter bound for Earth. She breaks up a spy ring led by Meglaro and applies for Legion membership. Note: This is the first chronological appearance of Meglaro, who first appeared in Adventure Comics #303 (Dec. 1962). | (Secret Origins #42, July 1989) | |
Feb 22 | GLORITH REALITY ONLY: A lower-class girl named Glorith marries Baaldur's Emperor Nendez XII. NOTES: Glorith's early history in the pre- and post-Crisis timelines is unknown. | * |
Mar 3 |
Triplicate Girl (Luornu Durgo) and Phantom Girl (Tinya Wazzo) join the
Legion. GLORITH REALITY: Triplicate Girl soon adopts the name Triad. NOTES: This story was only shown in flashback. Legion membership order does not coincide with actual first appearances, as established in the roll call of All-New Collectors' Edition #C-55 (1978). Superboy #147 (May/June 1968) established that Triplicate Girl was the fourth member to join the Legion. See Membership for more information. |
(Superboy #147, May/June 1968) |
Mar 11 | GLORITH REALITY ONLY: Emperor Nendez XII dies and Glorith ascends to the imperial throne of Baaldur. NOTES: Glorith's early history in the pre- and post-Crisis timelines is unknown. | * |
Astronomers watch the Sun-Eater devour the uninhabited galaxy 15702. The United Planets decides not to inform the public, fearing a panic, but establishes early warning stations at the edges of U.P. space to monitor the monster's course. | (Adventure Comics #352, Jan. 1966) | |
Former child prodigy Lyle Norg invents an invisibility serum and decides to join the Legion. | (Superboy #176, July 1971) | |
Gim Allon attends the Science Police Academy on Mars with Gigi Cusimano. He is exposed to radiation from a falling meteor and gains the power to increase his size. He and Gigi capture Char Burrane (who later becomes Starfinger II). Gim applies to join the Legion. First appearance of Legion reject Calcu-Lad. NOTES: Gigi Cusimano first appeared in Legion vol. 2 #301 (July 1983), Char Burrane in Legion vol. 3 #29 (Dec. 1986). | (Legion vol. 3 #39, Oct. 1987) | |
The Legion defeats Lucifer-7 and captures his secret weapon, the Concentrator. NOTES: The Concentrator first appeared in Adventure Comics #321 (June 1964). | (Secrets of the Legion #1, Jan. 1981) | |
GLORITH REALITY ONLY: Glorith of Baaldur conquers Antares in hopes of ensnaring the Protean race. To thwart her, the Proteans combines the minds and intellects of most of their race within a single Protean called the "Soul of Antares," who is locked into a human shape and sent into hiding. All but seven of the remaining Proteans (including Proty I and Proty II) are reduced to a pre-sentient state. NOTES: In pre- and post-Crisis continuity, there was no indication that all Proteans were not sentient, although it was not until the late 2980s (the era of the vol. 3 series) that the United Planets officially recognized them as such. | (Legion vol. 4 #33, Sept. 1992) | |
Jul 10 | Chameleon Boy (Reep Daggle), Colossal Boy (Gim Allon), and Invisible Kid (Lyle Norg) join the Legion. NOTES: This story was told only in flashback. Their place in membership order does not coincide with their first appearance, as established in All-New Collectors' Edition #C-55 (1978). | (Secrets of the Legion #1, Jan. 1981) |
The Green Lantern Corps attempts to stop Metropolis's Time Institute from viewing the birth of the universe with a new Time Viewer designed by Chronarch Circadia Senius and Brainiac 5. Vidar, the Green Lantern of Sector 2814, tries to view the Dawn of Time himself, but is stopped by the Legion. He is expelled from the Green Lantern Corps and later becomes the villain Universo. Earth is declared off-limits to the Green Lantern Corps. NOTES: This is the first chronological appearance of Vidar (Universo), whose first appearance in print was Adventure Comics #349 (Oct. 1966). | (Legion vol. 2 #295, Jan. 1983) | |
The Green Lantern Corps, including the new Green Lantern of Sector 2814, Xenofobe, battles the Time Trapper, who wipes out all future timelines except that of the Great Disaster (Kamandi's timeline). Xenofobe enlists Superman's help in restoring time to its normal course. NOTES: The Legion appears only in flashback in this story. Rond Vidar's entry in Who's Who in the Legion suggests that he did not acquire his father's Green Lantern ring until after Vidar became Universo in 2978. Xenofobe was presumably the interim Green Lantern of Sector 2814. | Superman #295 (Jan. 1976) | |
The three founding Legionnaires invite Supergirl to the 30th century try out for the Legion, but she is disqualified when Red Kryptonite temporarily turns her into an adult. Supergirl digs the first tunnel of the Earth's subterranean core tube transit system. First appearances of Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, and Invisible Kid. NOTES: Cosmic Boy
dons a new, permanent costume in this story. Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, and Invisible Kid are shown to have already joined the Legion. This story shows the Legion clubhouse to be located in Metropolis, rather than in Smallville, as was shown in the Legion's first appearance in Adventure Comics #247 (Apr. 1958). POST-CRISIS: No similar events. |
(Action #267, Aug. 1960) | |
Aug 15 | GLORITH REALITY ONLY: The Soul of Antares, masquerading as human James Cullen of Xanthu, joins the Legion as Kid Quantum. He initially claims his power of time stasis is due to a passing comet, but eventually reveals that it is actually generated by a belt created using Llorn science. | (Legion vol. 4 #33, Sept. 1992) |
Professor Zaxton Regulus tries to kill Dirk Morgna by trapping him in an atomic reactor. Instead of killing him, the radiation gives Dirk super powers. He later becomes Sun Boy. | (Adventure Comics #348, Sept. 1966) | |
Chuck Taine accidentally swallows a "super-plastic fluid" that gives him the power to inflate himself into a ball. He dubs himself Bouncing Boy. | (Adventure Comics #301, Oct. 1962), (Secret Origins #49, June 1990) | |
GLORITH REALITY ONLY: When the Khundian Empire puts a price on Laurel Gand's head, her cousin Eltro Gand sends her to Earth, where she is raised in an orphanage under the alias Leela Linder. NOTES: This is Eltro Gand's first chronological appearance. His first appearance in print was in Action Comics #384 (Jan. 1970). | (Legion vol. 4 #9, July 1990) | |
Sep 5 | Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl,
and Triplicate Girl travel to the 20th century to give Supergirl
a second chance to try for Legion membership. Bouncing Boy (Chuck
Taine), Shrinking Violet (Salu Digby), and Sun Boy also
apply, but are rejected. Supergirl and Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox)
are admitted. Supergirl unearths Excalibur, legendary sword of King
Arthur. NOTES: 6th Legion app. in print.
Supergirl's place in the membership order does not coincide with
her first Legion appearance. Phantom Girl and Triplicate Girl are shown
to have already joined the Legion.
In this story, Brainiac 5 describes the final fate of the original Brainiac
(who is described as his great-great-great-great-grandfather): being
shrunk out of existence after trying to turn his shrinking ray on
the Earth. This did indeed happen to Brainiac in Superman #338
(Aug. 1979), but the villain subsequently returned several times, beginning
in Action Comics #514 (Dec. 1980). POST-CRISIS: No Supergirl. GLORITH REALITY: Laurel Gand joins under circumstances similar to Supergirl's initiation. The Glorith-reality version of this story, with Laurel Gand in place of Supergirl, was shown in flashback in Legion vol. 4 #9 (July 1990). |
(Action #276, May 1961) |
GLORITH REALITY ONLY: In her first case as a Legionnaire, Laurel Gand helps the Legion apprehend Doyle Brande. | (Legion vol. 4 #9, July 1990) | |
Sixteen-year-old Thom Kallor is caught in the radioactive tail of a comet, gaining Kryptonian/Daxamite-type super-powers in addition to his mass-increasing abilities. | (Secrets of the Legion #1, Jan. 1981), (Legion vol. 2 #306, Dec. 1983) | |
Dec 4 | The Legion of Super-Heroes
(Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, and Saturn Girl) bring
Superboy to the 30th century, where he becomes a member of the Legion. NOTES: First Legion appearance. Although Superboy joined the Legion in their first appeaance, he was the eleventh member. His induction was also shown in Adventure Comics #323 (Aug. 1964), shows multiple members in attendance. In this
story only, Lightning Lad was called Lightning "Boy." All three founders
wear costumes which were soon changed. This
story shows the Legion clubhouse in Smallville rather than in Metropolis.
It was first shown to be in Metropolis in Action #267 (Aug. 1960). In
the Legion Archives, a boy in the background is colored green (i.e.,
Brainiac 5) but the original coloring is Caucasian. POST-CRISIS: The same events occur in the Pocket Universe. GLORITH REALITY: The Pocket Universe Superboy is not contacted at this time. The Legionnaires travel back to the 20th century to meet Valor, who is made an honorary member. Script: Otto Binder; pencils: Al Plastino |
Adventure Comics #247 (Apr. 1958) |
In the 75th
century, a time-peering youth accidentally causes the Legion to reject
Superboy. As Anti-Lad,
the teen travels back to the 30th century and convinces the others to give
him another chance. Afterwards, Anti-Lad erases the Legionnaires' memories
of his appearance and returns to his own time. POST-CRISIS: No similar events. |
(Superboy #204, Sept./Oct. 1974) | |
The Legion
travels back to the 20th century to stop Superboy from carrying out what
they think is a mindless destructive rampage. Note: This was the second Legion appearance in print. Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl get new, permanent costumes in this story. GLORITH REALITY: No similar events. |
Adventure Comics #267 (Dec. 1959) | |
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Jan | Cosmic Boy is re-elected leader. | * |
Jo Nah is swallowed by an "ultra-energy beast," giving him super powers. After helping Phantom Girl against Sugyn he decides to leave Rimbor and his girlfriend An Ryd to join the Legion. NOTES: Sugyn's first appearance was in Adventure #350 (Nov. 1966), and An Ryd first appeared in Superboy & the Legion #239 (May 1978). Ultra Boy's decision to leave Rimbor and join the Legion was not shown in the original story; it was first depicted in flashback in Legion vol. 4 Annual #1 (1990). | (Superboy #98, July 1962), (Legion vol. 4 Annual #1, 1990) | |
Dr. Mar Londo begins injecting his son Brin (Timber Wolf) with Zuunium in an effort to give him super-powers. | (Legion vol. 4 Annual 3, 1992) | |
Apr 1 | As his initiation test
for the Legion, Ultra Boy (Jo Nah), accompanied by Marla Latham,
travels back in time to discover Superboy's secret identity. After he
succeeds, Ultra Boy is admitted to the Legion. Superboy's friend Pete
Ross is made an Honorary Member. NOTES: Ultra Boy's place in the membership
order does not coincide with his first appearance, as established in the
roll call of All-New Collectors' Edition #C-55 (1978). POST-CRISIS: Ultra Boy and Marla visit Superboy in the Pocket Universe. GLORITH REALITY: Ultra Boy and Reflecto (Stig Ah of Rimbor) try out for the Legion. As his membership test, Ultra Boy travels back in time to uncover the secret of Valor's disappearance. They warn Valor of a second Dominion invasion of the Earth. The Glorith-reality version of this story was recounted in Legion vol. 4 Annual #1. |
Superboy #98 (July 1962), (Legion vol. 4 Annual #1, 1990) |
May 30 | Star Boy joins the Legion. NOTES: Star Boy's place in membership order does not coincide with his first appearance, as established in the roll call of All-New Collectors' Edition #C-55 (1978). | (Secrets of the Legion #1, Jan. 1981) |
Lana Lang travels
to the 30th century with Superboy and Star Boy, where she meets
Star Boy's girlfriend Zynthia. NOTES: This was the Legion's fifth appearance
in print. Star Boy is shown as having already joined the Legion. This
is Lana Lang's first trip to the Legion's era and the first and only appearance
of Star Boy's girlfriend Zynthia. POST-CRISIS: No similar events. Script: Otto Binder; pencils: George Papp |
Adventure Comics #282 (Mar. 1961) | |
GLORITH REALITY ONLY: Ultra Boy confronts R.J. Brande, who admits that he was originally from the 20th century. Jo concludes that some outside force is manipulating the Legion. | (Legion vol. 4 Annual #1, 1990) | |
On a mission to Takron-Galtos, Star Boy loses his enhanced powers. He defeats a group of escaped criminals with his original powers, but he is badly injured and spends several months in the hospital. | (Legion vol. 2 #306, Dec. 1983) | |
Jul 16 | GLORITH REALITY ONLY: After Glorith discovers that Kid Quantum is actually the Soul of Antares, Quantum fakes his death with the help of Proty and disappears. After his apparent death, the Legion decides to bar members whose sole powers are mechanically derived. | (Legion vol. 4 #33, Sept. 1992) |
Jul 28 | Sun Boy and Shrinking Violet join the Legion. NOTES: As shown in All-New Collectors' Edition #C-55 (1978), Sun Boy and Shrinking Violet's places in membership order does not coincide with their first appearances. | (Secrets of the Legion #2, Feb. 1981) |
A criminal impersonates Sun Boy and travels to the 20th century, where he tricks Superboy into reconstructing a powerful Cyclops robot that the Legion previously buried in the past. NOTES: This was the 9th Legion appearance in print. Sun Boy and Shrinking Violet are shown to have already joined the Legion. The Legion is shown meeting on Xanthu, rather than on Earth. | Adventure Comics #290 (Nov. 1961) | |
Aug 30 | Applying for a second time, Bouncing Boy is admitted to the Legion NOTES: His place in membership order does not coincide with his first appearance, as established in All-New Collectors' Edition #C-55 (1978). His membership was "spoiled," in a sense, in a featurette from Superman Annual #4 (1961), published prior to this story. | (Adventure Comics #301, Oct. 1962) |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Note: Issue includes an often-reprinted featurette, "The Origin and Powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes!" that names and depicts twelve members. | Superman Annual #4 (1961) | |
The Legion is drawn back
in time to the 20th century by the Brain Globes of Rambat. They
are rescued by the Legion of Super-Pets (Krypto the Super-Dog,
Comet the Super-Horse, Streaky the Super-Cat, and Beppo the Super-Monkey).
POST-CRISIS: The history of the Super-Pets, if any, is unknown. Note: 10th Legion appearance in print. |
Adventure Comics #293 (Feb. 1962) | |
Supergirl saves the Earth
from the Positive Man and foils the Chameleon Men impersonating
the Legion. She meets Streaky's descendant, Whizzy. NOTES: Bouncing Boy is
shown as having already joined the Legion. This story shows the Legion
in the 21st century rather than the 30th. POST-CRISIS: No similar events. GLORITH REALITY: Laurel Gand takes the place of Supergirl. |
Action #287 (Apr. 1962) | |
Dec 11; 15th app. | Saturn Girl invents Serum
XY-4, which allows Mon-El to temporarily leave the Phantom Zone. Mon-El
helps the Legion defeat Urthlo, an android built by Lex Luthor,
and is granted honorary membership. He returns to the Phantom Zone, awaiting
a permanent cure. POST-CRISIS: Mon-El defeats an android attacker, but the android is not connected to Lex Luthor. GLORITH REALITY: The Legion temporarily frees Valor from the Bgztl Buffer Region and admits him as a full member. He is forced to return to the Buffer Zone until a permanent cure for his lead poisoning is devised. NOTES: The Glorith-reality version of this story is recounted in Legion vol. 4 Annual #2 (1991). This was the Legion's first use of anti-gravity belts instead of jet packs. This story shows the Legion in the 21st century rather than the 30th. Script: Jerry Siegel; pencils: John Forte |
Adventure Comics #300 (Sept. 1962), (Legion vol. 4 Annual #2, 1991) |
Bouncing Boy encourages Legion applicants with the story of how he joined.
First appearance of Legion applicants Lester Spiffany (a rich boy
with no powers) and Storm Boy (Myke Chypurz of Earth),
who is the first applicant to be rejected because his powers
are based on an external device.
NOTES: This is the first solo Legion story, without Superboy or Supergirl. The story again shows the Legion
in the 21st century rather than the 30th. Script: Jerry Siegel; pencils: John Forte |
Adventure Comics #301 (Oct. 1962) | |
Sun Boy leaves the Legion when he temporarily loses his powers, but he
regains them in time to defeat Kranyak. NOTES: The Legion is again shown to operate in the 21st
century. Script: Jerry Siegel; pencils: John Forte |
Adventure Comics #302 (Nov. 1962) | |
Dec 24 |
Matter-Eater Lad of the planet Bismoll joins the Legion.
He is accused of betraying the Legion to the alien spy-master Meglaro,
but is cleared when Brainiac 5 reveals the real Legion infiltrator
— a miniaturized spy implanted in Lightning Lad's leg by Dr.
Landro, one of Meglaro's accomplices. First appearance of the Science Police. Script: Jerry Siegel; pencils: John Forte |
Adventure Comics #303 (Dec. 1962) |