Earth-2 (New 52)
New 52 + Earth 2 + Worlds' Finest

The Earth 2 of the New 52 multiverse is an homage to the original, pre-"Crisis" Earth-Two. But whereas previously it was the home of DC's aging Golden Age characters, the New 52 Earth 2 is home to young heroes—though many of them are still inspired by Golden Age and/or Earth-Two characters. Earth 2 creator, James Robinson put it this way:
"The idea is Earth 2 is the world where they won the Apokolips War but it was at the cost of [Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman]. And now five years later, an even greater evil is destined to arrive on Earth 2 at some unspecified point in the future and a new group of heroes -- without the guidance of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman -- have to form and become the epitome of what a hero is.
Alan Scott will step up and become, in his own way, the Superman of Earth 2. … Hawkgirl is going to rise to the occasion. Remembering back to the days that Hawkman and Hawkgirl were in Detective Comics and everything else, she is not only a kick ass warrior, she's also the greatest detective of Earth 2. …
This new team of heroes is going to fill the gaps of void that is left with the death of the Big 3. … One of the things that you are going to see about Earth 2 is that it's not a magical place or a sorcerers' world, but it does have a slightly metaphysical feel to it. Science doesn't work exactly the same as it does on Earth Prime." NOTE: Earth Prime was the name DC staff used to refer to the mainstream Earth, originally. The Multiversity later designated it as Earth-0.
- The History of the Multiverse
- CBR: Robinson Constructs DC's New "Earth 2" (28 March 2012)
- CBR: Robinson Leaves A Big Hole in "Earth 2" (3 May 2012)
- Comicosity: Dan Abnett Writes the Final Fate of EARTH 2 (10 Nov 2016)

- Earth 2, 35 issues (2012–2015)
- Worlds' Finest, 26 issues (2012–2014)
- Earth 2: World's End, 26 issues (2014–2015)
- Convergence, 9-issue limited series (2015)
- Earth 2: Society, 22 issues (2015–2017)

- Color Codes:
Major story arcs A new member joins A hero dies - Issue information in parentheses indicates one of two things: (a) the tale was retold/corroborated in additional stories, and/or (b) the tale was told out of chronological order.
- Characters' first appearance IN PRINT is bolded. These instances refer to the first appearance a character in post-Crisis continuity.
- When the placement of a tale within continuity is in question, the tale is usually placed in the most recent possible time.
- Consideration for inclusion is based on an event's relevancy to the JSA, its members, and their legacy. This includes major JSA series and key issues from other DCU series.
- Only events occurring in the New 52 are included (post-October 2011)