Rebirth Chronology
Part 1: Reformation

Issue #
Millennia ago, the Guardians of the Universe One gathered up "the mystic force loose in the starways" and "locked it in the heart of a star, there to remain forever." Unknown to them, this Starheart then become sentient. It cast a portion of its magic energy to Earth, where it was known as the Green Flame of Life. This aspect of the Starheart served as a force for good while another aspect, the Crimson Flame of Death, followed it and became a malevolent force.
Green Lantern vol. 2 #111–112 (Dec. 1978–Jan. 1979), Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #7 (Winter 1993); Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #5 (May 2024)
In ancient times, warlord general Ktar Deathbringer and his second, Idamm, cull billions of beings across the galaxy in service of the Deathbringers. Ktar is haunted by a red-haired woman who ultimately convinces him to turn on his masters. When Ktar dies, a non-corporeal presence offers him the chance for atonement: he will be reborn until he has saved as many lives as he has sacrificed. Note: This is the Rebirth origin of Hawkman and Hawkgirl, whose historical first appearances were Flash Comics #1 (Jan. 1940).
Hawkman vol. 5 #7 (Feb. 2018)
Neanderthal "Vandaa" (the Judge) is leader of the Clan of the Wolf, and humankind's champion. He becomes aware of the Totality's path to Earth and commits to finding it.
Justice League vol. 4 #7 (Early Nov. 2018)
46,000 Years ago: Vandal Savage locates the fragment of the Totality and begins a quest to unlock its secrets. He leaves a legacy of a "secret legion" that discovers seven good and seven dark forces of creation. His Legionnaires will include Arion of Atlantis, Ares, Morgaine Le Fay, Jason Blood, Shazam, Ra's al Ghul and Lionel Luthor. Note: Vandal Savage first appeared in Green Lantern #10 (Winter 1943).
Justice League vol. 4 #7 (Early Nov. 2018)
13th Century BCE, Egypt: Aliens from Thanagar crash on Earth, introducing Nth metal to native Prince Khufu Maat Kha-tar, his wife Chay-ara and their enemy Hath Set. It causes their souls become intertwined on Earth. Note: This recalls pre-Flashpoint continuity from JSA #20–22 (2001).
Dark Days: The Forge #1 (Aug. 2017)

Khufu and Chay-Ara fashion harnesses from Nth metal.
Hawkman vol. 5 #2 (Sept. 2017)
The hawk avatar is reborn as the Birdman of Easter Island.
Hawkman vol. 5 #2 (Sept. 2017)
6th century Great Britain: The hawk avatar is reborn as the Silent Knight (first appearance The Brave and the Bold #1 (1955).
Hawkman vol. 5 #2 (Sept. 2017)
Mid-19th century: The hawk avatar is reborn as Hannibal Hawkes, Nighthawk (first appearance Western Comics #5, 1948).
Hawkman vol. 5 #2 (Sept. 2017)
The hawk avatar is reborn Catar-Ol, on Krypton. Catar is present at Krypton's destruction and is one of Kara Zor-El's teachers.
Hawkman vol. 5 #8 (Mar. 2018)
The hawk avatar is reborn as Avion, in the Microverse.
Hawkman vol. 5 #6 (Jan. 2019)
1923: Vladimir Sokov (the Red Lantern) of Belarus joins the Red Army, where he becomes a spy. When they receive word that MI8 and the U.S. had a lead on the legendary "crimson flame of death," Vlad is sent undercover in the U.S. Army as "Johnny Ladd." (Alan Scott #4)
1936, California: While in the Army Corps of Engineers, Alan Scott falls in love with fellow soldier, Johnny Ladd. Their top secret project aims to contain the Crimson Flame, a legendary anomaly in the sea. When the Flame lashes out, Alan manages to save their ship but it kills Johnny/Vladimir. (#1) Vlad is resurrected by the Flame and Soviet agents rescue him. (#4) The Russians experiment with it, allowing Vlad to be killed and resurrected repeatedly. They succeed in isolating a portion of the Flame. (#5)
After this, Alan seeks to eradicate his homosexual impulses at Arkham Asylum. There a friend gifts him a discarded green train lantern. Later, Alan creates his own engineering company.
DC Pride: Through the Years #1 (Aug. 2023); Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #1–6 (Dec. 2023–July 2024)
The Golden Age
Doctor Occult becomes a detective, specializing the supernatural.
New Fun Comics #6 (Oct. 1935)
October 31, 1938: Lee Travis, now the publisher of the New York Globe-Leader, becomes the Crimson Avenger, aided by his Chinese valet, Wing. NOTES: Date given in Secret Origins #5.
Detective Comics #20 (Oct. 1938); Secret Origins #5 (Aug. 1986)

Construction engineer Alan Scott is aboard a train during its test run when a rival engineer, Albert Dekker, blows the train off its track, killing all but Scott. Alan survives because of his ancient, magic green lantern. He fashions a ring from the lantern that enables him to tap into its great power. Scott adopts the identity of the Green Lantern and executes justice on Dekker. Note: This event occurs earlier than its original publication. Doomsday Clock #9 (May 2019) identified this event as the cornerstone event in Golden Age of heroes and formation of the Justice Society (taking the place of Superman's debut). In Comic Cavalcade #13 (Winter 1945), Alan claimed that he'd been given the lantern by a group of Tibetan lamas (a theme from this era popularized by the pulp hero, the Green Lama).
All-American Comics #16 (July 1940); Secret Origins vol. 2 #18 (Sept. 1987); Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #2 (Jan. 2024)
1938: Professor Hughes of Midwestern University in Keystone City learns about the Green Lantern and sets out to create his own super-human. He chooses college student Jay Garrick as his subject, taking years to craft an experiment he hopes will transform Garrick by way of "hard water." Jay Garrick meets Joan Williams.
1939: Hughes triggers an 'accident' and activates Jay's metagene. Jay passes out after breathing in the gas and Hughes takes a sample of Jay's blood, but he gains super-speed powers. When he learns that Joan's father, Major Williams, has been kidnapped, he dons a costume as the Flash and rescues him from Sieur Satan and the Faultless Four. Hughes is later approached by Nazi called "Parsifal," who sets him up in a lab in Germany. Hughes gives empowers himself to control the elements, becoming Doctor Elemental. Note: The Professor (spelled "Hughs") appeared in Flash Comics #1 (Jan. 1940), but "Dr. Elemental" is a contemporary character.
Flash Comics #1 (Jan. 1940); Jay Garrick: The Flash #4 (Mar. 2024)
Carter Hall, the reincarnation of Prince Khufu, encounters Shiera Sanders, the reincarnation of Khufu's lover Chay-Ara. Wearing artificial wings and a belt of "Ninth metal," he becomes Hawkman, battling and apparently slaying Doctor Anton Hastor, the reincarnation of Hath-Set. Note: Hawkman's anti-gravity metal was originally called "Ninth metal"; it became "Nth metal" after the characters' Silver age debut, in 1961.
Flash Comics #1 (Jan. 1940); Secret Origins #11 (Feb. 1987)
Johnny Thunder (who was kidnapped by Badhnisians in 1918 because of his auspicious birth) returns to the United States at age 23. He has unwittingly acquired the power to command a magic Thunderbolt. Notes: He's sometimes called "Johnny Thunderbolt."Johnny doesn't fully realize his power or the existence of the Thunderbolt until Flash Comics #11 (Nov. 1940).
Flash Comics #1 (Jan. 1940); Secret Origins #13 (Apr. 1987)
1939: Plagued by dreams, Wesley Dodds becomes the Sandman. In his first major case, he solves a series of murders committed by an unknown killer called the Tarantula. At the same time, he meets Dian Belmont. NOTES: Dian Belmont's first appearance was in Adventure Comics #47 (Feb. 1940).
Adventure Comics #40 (July 1939); Sandman Mystery Theatre #1–4 (Aug.–Nov. 1993)

1939, Queens: At the New York World's Fair, Princess Diana of Themyscira leaps to save President Franklin Delano Roosevelt from an assassin. She warns him of encroaching evil, offers her help. Alan Scott is in the audience. Note: Rebirth continuity for Wonder Woman is influenced by the 2017 film, in which she begins her career in the early 20th century. This is much earlier than Wonder Woman's historical debut, All-Star Comics #8 (Dec. 1941/Jan. 1942). There are many instances where post-Crisis authors have changed heroes' debuts in order to 'fill the void' created by removing Superman and Batman from this era.
Wonder Woman #750 (Late Mar. 2020)
1940s: Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Carter and Shiera Hall, first Rebirth appearance) begin collecting Nth metal artifacts, investigating their metallic powers. They theorize that it conducts energy from elsewhere.
Dark Days: The Forge #1 (Aug. 2017)
Rex "Tick Tock" Tyler develops Miraclo, a wonder drug that gives him super-powers for an hour at a time. He takes out an ad offering his services to those in need as "The Man of the Hour." He will later call himself Hourman.
Adventure Comics #48 (Mar. 1940), Secret Origins #16 (July 1987)
Detective Jim Corrigan is murdered but returns to 'life,' calling himself the Spectre.
More Fun Comics #53 (Mar. 1940); Secret Origins #15 (June 1987)
Doctor Fate battles Wotan and meets Inza Cramer, his future wife.
More Fun Comics #55 (May 1940)

Summer 1940: Wesley Dodds (the Sandman) has prophetic visions of costumed people. After he fails to sell his sleeping gas to the U.S. military, the data from his experiments is stolen. by his friend Wheeler Vanderlyle, who is working for Col. Malcolm Breckinridge. (Wesley Dodds #1) They outfit an unnamed man to become "the Fog" to confront the Sandman with poison gas. (#2–4) The Sandman implicates Breckinridge (#5) and throws his own journal into the fire before defeating Vanderlyle. Months later, Dian Belmont brings her young nephew, Sandy Hawkins over to meet Wes. A group of costumed heroes visits him asking him to help form the Justice Society of America. (#6) Notes: This series references events from the Sandman Mystery Theater series. Sandy becomes Wes' sidekick in Adventure Comics #69 (Dec. 1941).
Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #1–6 (Dec. 2023–May 2024)
1940: In Keystone City, the Flash fights former District Attorney Clifford Devoe, the Thinker. He has a brief, startling encounter with the Reverse-Flash. Note: The story also references Rag Doll, the Fiddler, the Shade and the Rival. The Thinker's first historic appearance was All-Flash Comics #12 (Sept. 1943).
The Flash vol. 1 #750 (May 2020)
Former 98-pound weakling Al Pratt dons a costume and dubs himself the Atom to save his girlfriend, Mary James, from kidnappers. Shopkeeper Ma Hunkel dons red long-johns and a helmet made from a soup pot to become the crime-busting Red Tornado. NOTES: Al Pratt first appeared in All-American Comics #19, but did not become the Atom until #20. Ma Hunkel was a character in the "Scribbly" strip beginning in All-American Comics #3 (June 1939). She did not become the Red Tornado until issue #20 (DC's first costumed heroine). The Red Tornado appeared briefly at the Justice Society's first meeting in All-Star Comics #3, but never was an official member of the JSA.
All-American Comics #20 (Nov. 1940); Secret Origins #25 (Apr. 1988)
9 November 1940: President Roosevelt recruits the Flash and Green Lantern for a mission to Scotland to investigate rumors of a planned Nazi invasion of Great Britain. The heroes are captured by Nazis and are nearly executed with the Spear of Destiny before being rescued by Doctor Fate and Hourman. Adolf Hitler uses the power of the Spear to summon Valkyries to destroy the heroes but the heroes succeed with the help of the Spectre (who single-handedly destroys the German invasion fleet). At FDR's suggestion, they form a team, using a name suggested by the Spectre: the Justice Society of America.
DC Special #29 (Sept. 1977); Secret Origins #31 (Nov. 1988)
22 November 1940: The Justice Society of America (first appearance in print) holds its first official meeting in Gotham City. Founding members are the Atom, Doctor Fate, the Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Hourman, Sandman and the Spectre. Johnny Thunder and the Red Tornado make brief appearances.
All-Star Comics #3 (Winter 1940)
22 Nov. 1940: Johnny Thunder takes a photo of the fledgling Justice Society of America. Doctor Fate receives a powerful, dim vision of the immediate future. Alan Scott reads the news about a Soviet Red Lantern.
The New Golden Age #1 (Jan. 2023)

1940: The Huntress (Helena Wayne) arrives from the future to warn the JSA about Per Degaton.
Justice Society of America vol. 4 #2 (Mar. 2023)

13 Jan. 1941: Dr. Fate and Salem search Slaughter Swamp for Mister Miracle of the Justice Society Dark (referencing Diamond Jack and Zatara). Note: First in-story appearance of Salem, anticipated by a profile in The New Golden Age #1 (Jan. 2023).
Justice Society of America vol. 4 #2 (Mar. 2023)
Another shard of the Totality falls to Earth, and is discovered by Ted Knight. He uses it to create a cosmic rod becoming Starman, then entrusts it to the U.S. government.
Justice League vol. 4 #31 (Early Nov. 2019)
Starman (Ted Knight, first appearance in print) fights Doctor Doog.
Adventure Comics #61 (Apr. 1941)
Blinded by a gangster's attack, crusading physician Charles McNider discovers that he is blind in daylight, but can see in the dark. He becomes Doctor Mid-Nite, fighting crime with the aid of his pet owl, Hooty.
All-American Comics #25 (Apr. 1941); Secret Origins #20 (Nov. 1987)
1941, Wutach Canyon, Germany: Searching for the Spear of Destiny, the JSA encounter Doctor Elemental in Germany, battling his cybernetic Ro-Bear and other creatures. (#2) The Boom (Judy Garrick) intervenes and damages Elemental's suit. He takes a tissue sample from her and escapes. (#3) Note: In previous continuity, the Spear prevented super-powered heroes from going to Germany.
Jay Garrick: The Flash #2–3 (Jan.–Feb. 2024)
Rick Raleigh, the assistant District Attorney of Superior City, decides to expedite the process of law and order by becoming a mystery man—the Red Bee. He fights crime with his own two fists and a trained bee named Michael.
Hit Comics #1 (July 1940)
May–June 1941: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover calls Green Lantern to Washington, DC to blackmail him. Hoover knows his secret identity and wants him to help promote the JSA publicly. He has photo evidence of Alan with another man and insists that he attend one of his private parties. When murdered gay men begin to surface, Green Lantern is implicated. (#1) The Spectre helps Alan solve the murders and clues lead him to realize that his former lover, Johnny, is behind it. "Johnny" confronts Alan — as the Red Lantern. (#3) Reveals his real name, Vladimir, has a wife now. Alan gambles and tries to charge his ring with the red battery. Reveals his real name, Vladimir, has a wife now. Alan gambles and tries to charge his ring with the red battery (#4) The USSR sends in the Crimson Host (Comrade Kostra, the Countess, Professor Molotok, Proletari-ant and Major Blaze) to replace the Red Lantern. (#5) Vlad erupts with power, killing all the Crimson Host. He's imprisoned but soon escapes. (#6)
Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #1–6 (Dec. 2023–July 2024)

1940s: When a Polish pilot's family is slain by a German fighter attack, he dubs himself Blackhawk. He and other multinational pilots are organized into a squadron to fight the Nazis by Carter and Shiera Hall. NOTES: Blackhawk was originally a Quality Comics character. The Halls' involvement is a DC Rebirth invention. The Rebirth Blackhawks first appeared in All-Star Batman vol. 2 #6–9 (2016–17).
Military Comics #1 (Aug. 1941); Secret Origins #45 (Oct. 1989); Dark Nights: Metal #1 (Oct. 2017)
On Liberty Island, reporter Joan Dale has a dream that the Statue of Liberty comes to life and grants her the power to alter the nature of matter. Creating a colorful costume, she becomes Miss America.
Military Comics #1 (Aug. 1941); Secret Origins #26 (May 1988)
Chemist Roy Lincoln invents explosive QRX-27 and transforms himself into the Human Bomb. Ted Knight's cousin Sandra Knight becomes the Phantom Lady.
Police Comics #1 (Aug. 1941)
Johnny Thunder joins the JSA, replacing the Flash. The Flash becomes an honorary member.
All-Star Comics #6 (Aug./Sept. 1941)
Wealthy teenager Sylvester Pemberton and his chauffeur, former boxer Pat Dugan, become the Star-Spangled Kid and Stripsey.
Action Comics #40 (Sept. 1941); Secret Origins #9 (Dec. 1986)
Doctor Mid-Nite and Starman join the JSA.
All-Star Comics #8 (Dec. 1941–Jan. 1942)
Justice League: Doom War

1941: The Justice League's Flash (Barry Allen) and Green Lantern (John Stewart) arrive from the future in pursuit of a Totality fragment. They meet the Justice Society of America (first Rebirth appearance) in their secret New York headquarters: the Atom, Dr. Fate, the Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Hourman, Sandman, Starman and Wildcat. Note: The JSA's original HQ was in Gotham City.
Justice League vol. 4 #30 (Late Oct. 2019)
December 7, 1941: The Justice League heroes have never heard of the Justice Society (except for Doctor Fate and Hawkman). Barry's mention of Shiera Hall sends Hawkman into a rage. The Legion of Doom have somehow targeted Starman for his cosmic rod. They travel to find it in Hawai'i. Wildcat says that Sandman is a writer of pulp fiction.
Justice League vol. 4 #31 (Early Nov. 2019)
Sinestro pursues the Justice League into the past. Aquaman surprises them all with an appearance and leads the heroes to Atlantis.
Justice League vol. 4 #32 (Late Nov. 2019)
Aquaman seeks the Conch of Arion to call to Starman II in the future. In Atlantis, the Legion of Doom captures Poseidon. Vandal Savage and his contemporary Legionnaires Club step in to defend the city. Note: There are four Legionnaires, unnamed.
Justice League vol. 4 #33 (Early Dec. 2019)
Starman's cosmic rod activates the Conch of Arion which calls to Starman II. It links the past, present and future Starmen, who open a portal to bring all heroes together and banish Perpetua. Will Payton is killed by her. The Justice Society is transported to the 21st century.
Justice League vol. 4 #34 (Late Dec. 2019)
Late 1941: In battle with the Clock King, Green Arrow ad Speedy are sent back to the 1940s, where they join the Seven Soldiers of Victory (a.k.a. the Law's Legionnaires) alongside the Crimson Avenger, Wing, the Shining Knight, the Star-Spangled Kid, Stripsey and the Vigilante.
Leading Comics #1 (Winter 1941); Stargirl Spring Break Special #1 (July 2021)
After being framed for the murder of his mentor Ted Grant, inspired by a Green Lantern comic book, becomes Wildcat. Former child prodigy Terry Sloane, bored and frustrated with life, adopts the guise of Mister Terrific to seek new challenges.
Sensation Comics #1 (Jan. 1942)
High school teacher Tex Thomas and his student Danny Dunbar become TNT and Dan the Dyna-Mite after a bizarre chemistry accident gives them the power to cause tremendous explosions.
Star-Spangled Comics #7 (Apr. 1942)
Young heroes are kidnapped by the Childminder and their existences fade from memory:
5 July 1942: Cherry Bomb (sidekick of the Human Bomb) disappears.
13 Mar. 1943: Salem the Witch Girl (protegee of Dr. Fate) disappears.
12 Feb. 1944: Ladybug (sidekick of the Red Bee) disappears.
2 Sept. 1945: Betsy Ross and Molly Pitcher (Miss America's helpers) disappear. Note: These and other retconned heroes first appeared in The New Golden Age #1 (Jan. 2023).
Justice Society of America vol. 4 #6 (Nov. 2023)
Green Lantern meets the immortal Vandal Savage.
Green Lantern vol. 1 #10 (Winter 1943)
Green Lantern clashes with Solomon Grundy, who is running amok in Gotham City.
All-American Comics #61 (Oct. 1944)
1944: The Unknown Soldier delivers intel about Per Degaton to Sgt. Rock. They're too late to capture him before he escapes into the future, to 1947. Notes: Per Degaton first appeared in All-Star Comics #35 (June/July 1947). Sgt. Rock in Our Army at War #81 (Apr. 1959). The Unknown Soldier in Star-Spangled War Stories #151 (July 1970).
Justice Society of America vol. 4 #3 (May 2023)
1940s: From his museum in St. Roch, Louisiana, archaeologist Carter Hall learns that his history is older than Egypt. He calls a gathering of immortals (including the wizard, Shazam, and Ra's al Ghul).
Dark Days: The Casting #1 (Sept. 2017)
Dinah Drake becomes Black Canary I and becomes the crime fighting partner of Johnny Thunder.
Flash Comics #86 (Aug. 1947); Secret Origins #50 (Aug. 1990)
The Wizard enlists the Brain Wave, the Gambler, Per Degaton, the Thinker, and Vandal Savage to join the Injustice Society of the World.
All-Star Comics #37 (Oct./Nov. 1947)
The male members of the JSA are apparently slain by a museum guard possessed by the personalities of history's greatest villains. They are saved by Wonder Woman (her first non-secretary appearance) and Black Canary (who then joins the JSA).
All-Star Comics #38 (Dec. 1947/Jan. 1948)
1948, London: After the Shade helps Hawkman drive off the Gentleman Ghost, Carter gifts him a raptor-headed cane.
Hawkman vol. 5 #16 (Jan. 2018)
1948, London: After the Shade helps Hawkman drive off the Gentleman Ghost, Carter gifts him a raptor-headed cane.
Hawkman vol. 5 #16 (Jan. 2018)
31 Oct. 1951: The Justice Society faces the House Unamerican Activities Committee. They ultimately choose to retire rather than reveal their secret identities.
Adventure Comics #466 (Nov./Dec. 1979); The New Golden Age #1 (Jan. 2023)
1957: In pursuit of understanding of the Nth metal, Carter and Shiera Hall build Challengers Mountain and create the Challengers of the Unknown.
Showcase #6 (Feb. 1957); Dark Days: The Casting #1 (Sept. 2017)
Carter Hall meets Green Lantern Abin Sur. Note: Abin Sur first appeared in Showcase #22 (Sept./Oct. 1959), when he died and passed his ring on to Hal Jordan.
Dark Nights: Metal #2 (Nov. 2017)

1962: Doctor Elemental causes Judy Garrick to gain super-speed the same as her father, proving that the process was successful because they have metagenes. She uses her powers to repeatedly travel back to 1941, to become "the Boom," sidekick of the Flash.
Jay Garrick: The Flash #4 (Mar. 2024)
1963: Doctor Elemental kidnaps Joan Garrick. His experiment results in her gaining extended longevity. He used STAR as a front to collect data on metahumans, find new subjects. (#4) Boom causes his mask to fall, recognizes him and then disappears. Elemental also disappeared. The Flash and the Boom rush to rescue her, but in the midst, Judy disappears and her parents forget she ever existed. (#1) Note: Previously, Justice Society of America vol. 4 #6 (Nov. 2023) placed her disappearance at 12 Aug. 1962.
Justice Society of America vol. 4 #12 (Dec. 2024)
Carter Hall recruits Dr. Will Magnus and T. O. Morrow, and their android creations, the Metal Men and the Red Tornado. Notes: Magnus and the Metal Men first appeared in Showcase #37 (Mar./Apr. 1962); T. O. Morrow in The Flash #143 (Mar. 1964) and his creation, the Red Tornado, in Justice League of America #64 (Aug. 1968)
Dark Nights: Metal #1 (Oct. 2017)
1988: Lionel Luthor's scientist aboard the Stellaron-5 intercepts the Totality. A fraction of its power strikes Will Payton on Earth. He becomes Starman II and is captured by Lex Luthor — from the future. Note: Will Payton first appeared as Starman in Starman vol. 1 #1 (Oct. 1988).
Justice League vol. 4 #8 (Late Nov. 2018)
Carter Hall recruits the help of Starman II (Will Payton, first Rebirth appearance).
Dark Nights: Metal #1 (Oct. 2017)
Carter Hall finds the way to penetrate the Dark Multiverse and leaves Earth. He leaves his testament in the house of Thomas Wayne; its location to be triggered by metal at the rise of dark energies.
Dark Days: The Casting #1 (Sept. 2017)
Kendra Saunders destroys her Nth metal wings and dedicates herself to eliminating the metal from the multiverse. Notes: Carter's journal mentions Kendra (not Shiera). The fate of Shiera Hall is unknown.
Dark Nights: Metal #1 (Oct. 2017)
The hawk avatars are reborn as Wingmen Katar Hol and Shayera Thal of Thanagar. Note: The post-Crisis Thanagarian Hawks first appeared in Hawkworld #1 (1989).
Hawkman vol. 5 #4 (Nov. 2017)
21st Century

Med student Khalid Nassour is bestowed with the helmet of Nabu, making him Dr. Fate VI. Note: Khalid's first appearance was Convergence: Aquaman #2 (July 2015). Khalid's mother, Elizabeth, is the niece of the original Dr. Fate, Kent Nelson (though he was never known to have had siblings). His father is Muhammed Nassour.
Doctor Fate vol. 4 #1 (Aug. 2015)
Doctor Fate tells Ted Kord and Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) that the beetle scarab is not alien, it is magical. Notes: Johnny Thunder is a resident of a nursing home who raves about a "Thunderbolt." Thunder's appearances in this and Doomsday Clock are not a part of Rebirth continuity. In these stories he is an "antibody," ostensibly created by the Metaverse to maintain the integrity of Superman's timeline. When the timeline is realigned in Doomsday Clock #12, Johnny's reality changes to become more like his pre-Flashpoint fate.
DC Universe: Rebirth (July 2016)
Khalid Nassour meets his (maternal) great-uncle, Kent Nelson, the original Doctor Fate (first Rebirth appearance). (#12) Nelson lives in the Tower of Fate in Salem, Massachusetts, demonstrates magic powers, and wears copies of the helmet and amulet. (#14–15) and refers to the Justice Society. (#16) Notes: This story was published at the dawn of "Rebirth," when the classic Dr. Fate also reappeared in DC Universe: Rebirth.
Doctor Fate vol. 4 #12–16 (July–Nov. 2016)
The Flash glimpses a vision of Jay Garrick's "helmet of Mercury," and it gives him a sense of hope.
The Flash vol. 5 #9 (Dec. 2016)
The Shade begins having doubts and fears about maintaining his happy life with Hope O'Dare. His shadows develop a will of their own and he seeks help from the Flash and Kid Flash. Note: This story validates events from Starman vol. 2 (pre-Flashpoint).
The Flash vol. 5 #10–12 (Jan.–Feb. 2017)
"The Button," part 4: While using the Cosmic Treadmill to pursue the Reverse-Flash, the Flash and Batman encounter Jay Garrick, the original Flash, and pull him momentarily back into the reality.
The Flash vol. 5 #22 (July 2017)
Dark Nights: Metal

Mister Terrific (Michael Holt) returns to Earth-0 to help Batman investigate his mystery metals. They prepare to free Plastic Man (first Rebirth appearance) from an imposed dormancy. NOTE: This story clearly references Mr. Terrific's (New 52-era) time on a parallel Earth.
Dark Days: The Forge #1 (Aug. 2017)
The Justice League meets Kendra Saunders aka Lady Blackhawk, who takes them to Blackhawk Island, a place that exists under "phantom frequencies" that disrupt space-time. She reveals the forgotten legacy of Carter Hall, Nth Metal, and its connection to a "Dark Multiverse," the source of their own existence. Batman discovers Hall's journal, left inside his mansion. Dr. Fate is a key ally in battling the approaching dark army.
Dark Nights: Metal #1 (Oct. 2017)
Lady Blackhawk meets again with Vandal Savage and his legion of immortals: Shazam, Morgaine Le Fay, Phantom Stranger, Uncle Sam, Ra's al Ghul, Cain and Abel. Batman is anointed with the 5 secret metals, and the doorway to the Dark Multiverse is opened. The Batman Who Laughs and his dark army step through.
Dark Nights: Metal #2 (Nov. 2017)
The Justice League comes up against the Dragon of Barbatos: Carter Hall! (#4) Hawkgirl frees Carter from his prison in the Dark Multiverse. (#5)
Dark Nights: Metal #4–5 (Feb.–Mar. 2018)
Kendra joins the Justice League as Hawkgirl II. Carter Hall recovers on Blackhawk Island.
Dark Nights: Metal #6 (May 2018)
Mr. Terrific becomes energetically tethered to three other heroes: Metamorpho, Phantom Girl and Plastic Man. They form a team that is later called the Terrifics. Note: This series ran for 27 issues (2018–2020). Its Phantom Girl was a 21st century hero, not from the future.
The Terrifics #1 (Apr. 2018)

Lois Lane receives a computer drive from Lex Luthor with newsreel footage from April 2, 1941 that shows the "Justice Society of America"; she does not recognize them. Note: The single-panel appearance depicts Hawkman, Green Lantern, Dr. Fate, Spectre, Sandman, Flash, Hourman.
Doomsday Clock #8 (Feb. 2019)
Doctor Manhattan reverses his tampering with history, restoring the event that led Alan Scott to become the first Green Lantern, and the legacy of the Justice Society of America. The timeline of Earth-0 (the "Metaverse") realigns around Superman's current existence and the current-day Justice Society spontaneously joins his side to battle Black Adam and an army of international metahumans. First Rebirth appearances of Atom-Smasher, Cyclone, Dr. Midnight (Beth Chapel), Damage, Hourman II, Jade, Jakeem Thunder, Liberty Belle, Obsidian, Power Girl, Sand, Stargirl, S.T.R.I.P.E. and Wildcat II (Yolanda Montez). Note: Manhattan's tampering was revealed in Doomsday Clock #9 (May 2019). This appearance is a resurrection from the dead for Damage, Dr. Midnight and Wildcat II, who were deceased prior to "Flashpoint."
Doomsday Clock #12 (Feb. 2020)
Carter Hall resumes his expeditions and visits Madame Xanadu to analyze his own blood. He glimpses the truth of his existence: he has been reincarnating across space, and for longer than he realized.
Hawkman vol. 5 #1 (Aug. 2018)
On Dinosaur Island, Hawkman meets a "feral flock" of Feitherans.
Hawkman vol. 5 #2 (Oct. 2017)
Justice League: Doom War
A fragment of the broken Source Wall, breaks off and rockets to Earth, shedding fragments across all times. It contains the Totality, an essential energy of existence. Vandal Savage has been preparing for this event for eons, building his Injustice Society. Lex Luthor kills him, takes his fragment of the Totality and also his floating headquarters as the base for his Legion of Doom (Grodd, Sinestro, the Joker, Black Manta and Cheetah). They begin collecting the Seven Dark Forces of the universe. Note: Cameo appearances of the Justice Legion A and Starman (Ted Knight).
Justice League vol. 4 #1 (Early Aug. 2018)
Starman II (Will Payton) arrives from the past to warn the Justice League of impending doom. He is powered by a fragment of the Totality.
Justice League vol. 4 #7 (Early Nov. 2018)

Hawkman enlists the help of the Shade to fight the Shadow Thief.
Hawkman vol. 5 #15–17 (Oct.–Dec. 2019)
Starman senses a Totality fragment in the past. He opens a gateway for the Flash and Green Lantern John Stewart to go to 1942.
Justice League vol. 4 #35-36 (Jan. 2020)
The Justice Society joins the Justice League and the Justice Legion A in fighting Perpetua and the Legion of Doom. Perpetua destroys universe-19 (Gotham by Gaslight).
Justice League vol. 4 #35-36 (Jan. 2020)
Perpetua destroys universe Earth-44 but the heroes begin to turn the energies on Earth-0 back toward the side of good.
Justice League vol. 4 #37 (Early Feb. 2020)
When the Martian Manhunter returns, it looks as though the heroes have triumphed against Perpetua. But the people of Earth have lost too much faith, and Perpetua wins. She returns past and future heroes to their places and destroys the League. The Justice League are saved by the Quintessence (Highfather, Phantom Stranger, Ganthet, Hera and Shazam, with the Spectre), who preserved the essential histories of the multiverse. The Justice League accepts their offer to be "reinserted" into the current (Rebirth) state of reality. Notes: The mechanics of the Quintessences's actions are very vague, but this event syncs with Dr. Manhattan's restoration of the JSA and Legion in Doomsday Clock #12, the official end to the New 52 timeline.
Justice League vol. 4 #39 (Mar. 2020)
Detective Jim Corrigan is kidnapped in Gotham City by the Cult of the Divine Hand. They separate him from the Spectre in an attempt to control its power. The Spectre recruits Batman to help.
Detective Comics #1006–1007 (Aug.–Sept. 2019)