Justice Society Links

ยป SEE ALSO: JSA in Print

» All Star Role Players Group. Kris Theilen. A web-based RPG based in the post-All Star Squadron era of World War 2.

» Bill Burns Custom Action Figures Justice Society of America figures. Bill Burns.

» Blastr.com: "Earth 2: World's End #2: A Fury rises, heroes fall and Lanterns are revamped." (15 October 2014)

»  The Comics Archives. Dave Stepp. This site has the best Golden Age DC character biographies ever written!

» A Comic Book Blog. 10 Quick With Artist Freddie E. Williams II (3 May 2010) The site does lots of reviews and stuff.

» Comic Book Resources articles:

New 52 Articles:

» The Comics Archives
Comprehensive, this site takes pains to construct many Golden Age characters' histories. Includes The Justice Society Fact File, and The Golden Age Villian Fact File.

» Comic Vine:

James Robinson Discusses EARTH 2's "Last Amazon" And More (6 December 2012) This features a piece art from the Earth 2 #8 cover variant, which I didn't know existed, by Nicola Scott.

Comic Vine Podcast (8 June 2012)

Comic Vine Podcast (8 March 2013) James Robinson gives some spoilers for Earth 2.

Comic Vine Podcast (5 April 2013) James Robinson talks about Dr. Fate.

» Comicosity: Interview: Tom Taylor Brings Justice to EARTH 2 (1 November 2013)

» Copper's Golden Age Micro-Heroes

» DarkMark's Comics Indexing Domain!: Justice Society of America Index. Lou Mougin. A great barebones list in the style of the official 1980s' Index series.

» Geekscape: Wonder-Con Wrap Up: A Quick Chat With James Robinson of DC?s Earth-2

» Golden Age Batman Chronology. Listing a Batman-specific Earth-Two chronology through the end of Crisis. It even includes Batman and Robin's journeys through time! By Aaron Severson.

» Golden Age Comics Downloads. This site has perfectly legal downloads of comics that are now in the public domain!

» Golden Age Hero Directory. This site is a wonderful step forward from Jess Nevins' Golden Age Characters Directory. More database-like.

» Golden Agers and the Elph's Microverse

» IGN: Tom Taylor Explains the Identity of Earth 2 Batman." By Joshua Yehl (7 February 2014)

» JSA Gallery. David Studham.

» The Justice Society of America Revisited. A Tumblr blog collecting all sorts of great things related to the New 52's Earth 2.

» Jusitce Society Returns! Page. Petar G.

» Mikel Midnight Golden Age Directory. Michael Norwitz.

» MTV Geek: James Robinson (Still Won't Tell Us) Who Is The Batman Of 'Earth 2' (29 March 2013)

» New Earth 2! A Tumblr blog collecting all sorts of great things related to the New 52's Earth 2.

» Newsarama:

New 52 Articles:

» The Spear of Destiny. Severson, Aaron

» Under the Radar: James Robinson: Creating a Metaphysical World (25 May 2012)

» The Unofficial Golden Age Website. A lovely site with full-continuity reviews of Golden Age JSA stories. Jensen, Kim