When the L.E.G.I.O.N. began to grow, they took applications from recruits
from around the galaxy. Applicants were put into two categories: "Standard
Life forms," who were meant to serve in the civilian force, and "Exotics
and Mutates," who would be assigned to heavier-duty field work. (L.E.G.I.O.N.
Meeting the new R.E.C.R.U.I.T.S. From L.E.G.I.O.N. #30; art by Barry Kiston
These "R.E.C.R.U.I.T.S" were
allowed to wear variations on the standard L.E.G.I.O.N. uniforms. They
bonded early on and kept true to each other when times got tough — and
they got tough very quickly. One of their own number, Ig'nea was
revealed as a spy who succeeded in making Dox disband the L.E.G.I.O.N.
The recruits attempted to carry on and formed their own organization.
This venture was a failure, but regardless, Ig'nea was defeated by the
core team very soon and the L.E.G.I.O.N. was reactivated. (#35-37)
The rest of the recruits were fiercely loyal to each other and to the
L.E.G.I.O.N. Perhaps because of this, many of this group were the first
to fall prey to Lyrl Dox's "enhanced charisma" mind control
program. (#69) They became his elite foot soldiers
in Lyrl's war against his parents Vril Dox and Stealth,
and the other escaped core members. The recruits were eventually freed
when Dox and Captain Comet found ways
of overcoming the mind control. (R.E.B.E.L.S #16-17)
Little is known about the early history of Amon Hakk. Obviously,
he is the first and only known Khund to seek L.E.G.I.O.N. membership.
Like most Khunds, he possesses strength and battle skill far greater
than that of most humanoids.
When he first became a L.E.G.I.O.N.naire, one of his fellow recruits
was rumored to have been a traitor. Being the lone Khund in all of L.E.G.I.O.N.'s
personnel, suspicion first on Amon. He was quickly cleared of this by
telepathic probe. Soon they found it was his fellow recruit, Ig'nea.
Amon was dedicated to the L.E.G.I.O.N. and developed a strong bond with
his fellow "R.E.C.R.U.I.T.s." They were loyal to him as well.
When he was arrested during race riots on Arga-Prime, his teammates risked
their lives to free him. (#41)
When the L.E.G.I.O.N. was taken over by Lyrl Dox's mind control, Amon
was among those who fell under his spell. (L.E.G.I.O.N.
#69) He was freed along with the others when Vril Dox returned
to defeat Lyrl. (R.E.B.E.L.S #17)
When Hakk attempted to return to Khundia, he discovered that his reputation
was sullied by his participation in L.E.G.I.O.N. (REBELS
vol. 2 #6) He left and went into mercenary services, which brought
him in pursuit of his former commander, Vril Dox. Soon both were forced
to take the same side again, when Starro the Conqueror invaded the Milky
Way galaxy.
Though he may have been unique as a Khund in L.E.G.I.O.N. service, this
might not bee too unusual. The Khunds are not isolationist and themselves
have a history of allying with a variety of races in the galaxy. The
circumstances of Amon Hakk's path to Cairn remain unrevealed.
+ ALIASES: None KNOWN RELATIVES: None FIRST APPEARANCE: L.E.G.I.O.N. #30 (Aug. 1991) DEATH: L.E.G.I.O.N. #58 (Sept. 1993)
Not much is known about Bertron, who hailed from Diibworld. All
the people of his planet have near-impervious hides. Bertron was an extremely
loyal and selfless L.E.G.I.O.N.naire. He died on the planet Maltus during
the battle against an ancient trio of gods. He gave his life trying to
shield innocents from a massive energy discharge. (#58) His
fellow R.E.C.R.U.I.T.S returned his body to Diibworld to deliver the
news to his mother. (#59)
Later, when the core L.E.G.I.O.N. were on the run from Lyrl Dox, they
came upon an impervious ship (#70), which they
dubbed the Diib, in his honor. (REBELS #8) Bertron
was best friends with another recruit, Darius.
Borb Borbb never revealed any details about his past, his home world,
or the origins of his teleportation power.
He quickly became a valued member of the L.E.G.I.O.N.'s new recruits
and caught the attention of his superior officers. When the organization
was restructured, he was promoted to the core team. (#62) With
this promotion came a new measure of danger as well. In his first mission
as a core member, Borbb was instrumental in helping the team escape from
the Brain Trust. (#65)
Early on, Borbb developed a fondness for his superior officer Stealth.
Many times he moved to protect her in battle and he longed to express
his feelings to her. When the L.E.G.I.O.N. was taken over by Lyrl Dox,
Borbb escaped from Cairn with the other core members. During this time,
he was drawn even closer to Stealth and made his feelings more obvious.
But she never would give him the time of day. In fact, she grew even
closer to her true love, Vril Dox.
Borbb was jealous, and that jealousy led him to his final fate. The
rebels' ship took them 10 billion years back in time, where they met
an inorganic race called the Kregors. The Kregors wanted the rebels'
brains and would not let them leave. In the midst of this, Stealth again
showed her affection for Dox. This led Borbb to offer to stay with the
Kregors so that the others could leave. (REBELS #15)
Borb has not been seen since then, but one might wonder what role Borbb
played in sentient development. The Kregors invented brains as
standalone power sources. Borbb would have been their template for a
more complex organism, with a brain as its center.
NAME + ALIASES: A.I.-11, real name unknown KNOWN RELATIVES: None FIRST APPEARANCE: L.E.G.I.O.N. #30 (Aug. 1991)
The android called Darius came to Cairn as a L.E.G.I.O.N. knowing
nothing of his past. According to him, he was on Earth and was simple
farmer who was abducted by aliens. His next memory was that he awoke
on barren planetoid, orphaned, and found his way to Cairn.
Darius was a loyal and selfless L.E.G.I.O.N.naire. He was also the first
recruit to fall in battle. One of his fellow recruits, Ig'nea,
had amassed an army of super-mercenaries.
One of them, Varkan delivered a blow that beheaded Darius. Before he
shut down, Darius asked Borb Borbb to return him
to his homeworld, to his maker. (LEGION #50)
Back on Cairn, Darius' best friend, Bertron Diib had
to remove his robotic head from Lobo's bike (which he'd used as an ornament).
The rebels asked their chief, Dox to help them
discover where he was from. Dox found a chip in Darius' head and commented
that its "life-sim" circuitry was better than even that of
Colu. Dox recommended that they go to the planet Acheron, which was rumored
to be a haven of cybernetic science. (#52)
Acheron was on the very edge of galactic civilization; there they found
a lone fortress of concentric walls. Because of the fortress' winged
defenders, the recruits landed outside the complex but soon found their
way in. Upon their entry, a swarm of small androids immediately recognized
Darius and began to repair him. (#53)
The androids revealed more of Darius' origin. All of them had been created
by Mardok, who lived in the center of the fortress. Darius was
Mardok's first project and he helped his maker with successive projects.
But where Mardok considered his creations expendable, Darius cared for
the outcasts and eventually fought for their freedom and rights. He was
injured and stripped of his memory, and cast out by Mardok. After this,
he found his way to Cairn.
Darius and the others confronted Mardok, who ultimately threatened genocide
on his creations. Darius killed Mardok and set all his "offspring" free.
But Darius found that these sentients were totally without a purpose,
so he decided to remain on Acheron to lead them. (#55)
Recently, Darius was seen in contact once again with the L.E.G.I.O.N.
amid the galactic turbulence created by Alexander Luthor. The extent
of his involvement was unrevealed. (Infinite Crisis
Little is known about the early history of Davroth Catto. He
is a mutant from the planet Oziman with the power to fly, and an ex-professional
When he first became a L.E.G.I.O.N.naire, one of his fellow recruits
was rumored to have been a traitor. Suspicion fell on Davroth, because
he kept a journal which was discovered by another teammate. In fact,
his journaling led him to be one of the first to theorize that the L.E.G.I.O.N.
was being sabotaged. Soon they found it was his fellow recruit, Ig'nea.
Davroth was dedicated to the L.E.G.I.O.N. and developed a strong bond
with his fellow "R.E.C.R.U.I.T.s." When the L.E.G.I.O.N. was
taken over by Lyrl Dox's mind control, Davroth was among those who fell
under his spell. (L.E.G.I.O.N. #69) He was freed
along with the others when Vril Dox returned to defeat Lyrl. (R.E.B.E.L.S
#17) The extent of Davroth's service since then is unknown.
NAME + ALIASES: None KNOWN RELATIVES: None FIRST APPEARANCE: L.E.G.I.O.N. #30 (Aug. 1991) DEATH: L.E.G.I.O.N. #56 (July 1993)
Jiv Reduu came from the planet Bummb'l, where all natives are born with
the ability to swell their bodies into balloon-like forms. When the L.E.G.I.O.N.
was formed, the planet held a competition to select a planetary representative
in the police force. Reduu won this championship and enrolled in the
L.E.G.I.O.N. academy. But when it came time to admit new recruits, Reduu
was rejected by Strata. (#30)
Dejected, Reduu began murdering Strata's other graduates in revenge — with
the very same power for which he was rejected. It took some time for
these murders to come to the core teams attention, mostly due to Captain
Horgath's preference to solve the case himself. Unfortunately for Reduu,
the former core member Garv had recently
resigned from the L.E.G.I.O.N. and was investigating the case himself,
under the guise of the Masked Avenger. Eventually officer Strata stepped
in to help. She deduced the killer's identity and joined with the officers
and Garv to corner Reduu. In one final effort to kill Strata, Jiv Reduu
found himself bouncing out of control, and landed on the end of a spear,
killing him. (#56)
Zena Moonstruk
Little was revealed about Zena Moonstruk's origins, nor was her character
explored much in the L.E.G.I.O.N.'s adventures. She is a shy, stuttering
girl, who can absorb light and emit it back in short bursts.
She's only made one remark about her home planet having suffered a
grim fate. When the L.E.G.I.O.N. was taken over by Lyrl Dox's mind control,
Zena was among those who fell under his spell. (L.E.G.I.O.N.
#69) She was freed along with the others when Vril Dox returned
to defeat Lyrl. (R.E.B.E.L.S #17) The extent
of Zena's service since then is unknown.