Extant kills the Atom, Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite. From Zero Hour #3 (1994); art by Dan Jurgens and Jerry Ordway.
As with anything, if you put it away for a long enough time, people will grow nostalgic about it. This nostalgia leads to renewed interest.
After the JSA went into Limbo, their old headquarters in Gotham City was converted to a museum in their honor. Seven years later,
the JSA was freed from Limbo in a crossover event known as Armageddon Inferno. During
the time they were gone, Infinity, Inc. had been decimated and disbanded. Hawkman and Hawkgirl
had become grandparents, but their son, Hector, had died.
They JSA then starred in a new ongoing series (1992) which featured lively art and storytelling but which did not succeed in sales. Many of the team's members returned to active adventuring and they set up a new headquarters in Gotham
City. They faced old enemies such as the Ultra-Humanite and Kulak.
Their former ally, Johnny Quick hung out with them for awhile, as did his daughter Jesse Quick. (Justice Society of America vol. 2 #1) Johnny Thunder adopted a girl named Kiku, who was born of the native land from where his Thunderbolt originated. (#3, 7) (His first adopted daughter, Peachy Pet, invented frozen yogurt and during his stay in Limbo she had amassed great wealth for the family). The Flash began spending more time with the "Flash family," mentoring new speedsters including Wally West (Flash III), Jesse Quick, and Barry Allen's grandson, Impulse. NOTE: Writer Len Strazewski called the cancellation of JSA vol. 2 "a capricious decision made personally by Mike Carlin because
he didn't like Mike's artwork or my writing and believed that senior
citizen super-heroes was not what DC should be publishing. He made his
opinion clear to me several times after the cancellation."
Many JSA members were enjoying vital new roles—until the DC editorial machine once again branded these senior heroes as obsolete. During the course of 1994's, Zero Hour event, Atom, Hourman, and Dr. Mid-Nite
were slain, Wildcat suffered a heart attack, and the rest of the team was
aged well past their prime. (Zero Hour #3-2) The JSA disbanded once again. Only three were left with active roles in the DCU. Garrick remained part of the Flash Family; Green Lantern was rejuvenated by his own powers and took the name Sentinel(Showcase '95 #1); and Starman retired to his observatory and passed
his cosmic torch onto his sons David and Jack. (Starman #0)
In 1999, the Flash, Green Lantern, Hippolyta, and Wildcat (who revealed that he acquired "nine lives" back in the 1940s, explaining his renewed youth) reteamed with a new Justice League to solve a case involving Johnny Thunder's mystic
Thunderbolt. At the conclusion, the young Jakeem Thunder gained control of the Thunderbolt, and the stage was set for the formation a new JSA. (JLA #28-31)
Series from this period:
Dr. Fate vol. 2 #1–41 (1988–92) Eric and Linda Strauss become Dr. Fate, then succeeded by Kent and Inza Nelson.
Armageddon Inferno #1–4 (1992): The return of the JSA
from Limbo to current DC continuity. Yet again, overwhelming fan response
led to...
Justice Society of America vol. 2 #1–10 (1992-93): The JSA
reestablishes itself as an active superhero team. Jessie
Quick debuts.
Sandman Mystery Theatre #1–70 (1993–99)
The Spectre vol. 2 #1–62 (1993–98) Jim Corrigan struggles for his own redemption, and the vengeful nature of his alter ego.
Starman vol. 2 #0–80 (1994–2001) When David Knight is killed in battle, his younger brother, Jack Knight, becomes Starman VII.
Zero Hour: Crisis In Time #0-4 (1994): The JSA is decimated; Hourman, Dr. Mid-Nite, and Atom
are killed, Wildcat has a heart attack, Hawkman and Hawkwoman are merged into
one being.
Damage #0–12 (1994–95) Grant Emerson (the son of the Atom I) becomes the superhero Damage.
Kingdom Come #1–4 (1996)
Batman and Wildcat #1–3 (1997) Wildcat in a fist fight
with Batman! And holding his own!
Catwoman and Wildcat #1–4 (1998): Another Wildcat
adventure, due to the popularity of Batman And Wildcat.
Green Lantern & Sentinel #1–3 (1998): The Golden
Age and current Green Lanterns team up with Jade and
All Star Comics #1–2, Adventure, All-American, National, Sensation,
Smash, Star-Spangled, and Thrilling Comics #1 (1999): A nine-part
story set in the 1940s, meant to reintroduce people to the Golden Age
JSA before their return as a modern team.
Featured appearances from this period:
Starman vol. 1 #26-27 (1990) David Knight takes over his father's role as Starman.
Green Lantern vol. 3 #19 (1991) Alan Scott guest stars. • #71 (1996): Alan Scott restores his wife's soul, but in the process Molly is returned to her real age. • #109 (1999) Sentinel, Obsidian and Jade celebrate Christmas.
Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #3 (1992) The JSA discovers that Black Canary I passed away. • Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #5 (1993) Alan Scott's ring makes him younger.
Darkstars #6–7 (1993): The Golden Age Hawkman
and Hawkgirl guest star.
Eclipso #13 (1993) Dr. Midnight, Wildcat II, and Commander Steel are all slain by Eclipso.
The Flash vol. 2 #76 (1993) The Flash and Johnny Quick track down Max Mercury. • Flash vol. 2 #97–100 (1995) Terminal Velocity: The Flash Family vs. Kobra. • Flash vol. 2 #108-109 (1995) Dead Heat: The Flash Family vs. Savitar.
Justice League America #78-79 (1993) Jay Garrick replaces Superman as temporary field leader of JLA.
Justice League Europe #47-50 (1993) The JSA aids the JLE against Sonar.
Hawkman vol. 3 # 13 (1994) Carter and Shiera Hall are merged with Katar Hol (Hawkman III).
Justice League Task Force #10-12 (1994) Hourman and the Black Canary briefly join the JLTF.
Showcase '94 #8 (1994) Wildcat reconciles with the Montez family, who blame him for the death of Yolanda Montez (Wildcat II).
Showcase '95 #1 (1995) Alan Scott discovers that after the destruction of his ring he has internalized the power of the Starheart. He adopts the name Sentinel.
JLA #28-31 (1999): A reformed JSA teams up with
the JLA to stop an imp from the 5th dimension.
The Kingdom #1–2 (1999) The original Superman of Earth-2 (trapped in Alexander Luthor's "heaven") contemplates his "captivity" and searches for a way out.
JSA for the New Millennium (1999–2005)
The new JSA, after shepherding the new Dr. Fate into existence. Hippolyta, Sentinel, Atom-Smasher, Starman, Black Canary, Dr. Fate, Hawkgirl, Sand (holding Hourman's head), Wildcat, Flash, and Star-Spangled Kid
From JSA #4 (1999); art by Stephen Sadowski and Michael Bair.
Several months after the team-up with the new JLA, Wesley Dodds, the original Sandman sacrificed his life
in Tibet. (JSA Secret Files #1) At his funeral,
the remaining JSA members and several of their
associates (Star-Spangled Kid II, Hourman III, Starman VII, Atom-Smasher, Black Canary II, and Sandy the Golden Boy), were attacked by a group of
undead monsters known as the Sons of Anubis, who were seeking the
relics belonging to the late Dr. Fate. (JSA #1) This led the heroes on a quest to find
the infant who was destined to become the new Dr. Fate.
Black Adam leads a group including former Infinity Inc.
members to take over his home country of Kahndaq.
From JSA #56 (2004); art by Don Kramer and Keith Champagne.
This group was joined by a new Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders, granddaughter of Speed Saunders,
and grandniece of Hawkman and Hawkgirl) just as the team
managed to locate the Fate-child. (#2) That
child was magically accelerated to maturity and indeed became the new Dr. Fate. (#3) What's more, he was the reincarnation of Hector Hall (previously the Silver
Scarab). The heroes decided to reform the JSA and use Wesley
Dodds' New York mansion as their new base of operations.
the Golden Boy changed his codename to Sand and became the team's first new chairman. Sandy also possessed extended longevity as a result of a metaphysical transformation. Also joining the team was the new Mr. Terrific (Michael Holt). (#5) Dr. Mid-Nite II(Pieter Cross) became the DCU's go-to metaphysician. (#7-9)Jakeem Thunder became a reserve member. (JSA Sec. Files #2)
Their most deadly rivals during this time were the renewed Injustice Society. Formed by Johnny Sorrow with Black Adam, Shiv, Rival and the Thinker. Sorrow had been defeated by the Spectre in 1944 and sought to unleash armageddon. (#16-21) Black Adam took to the straight-and-narrow after this and began inserting himself into the JSA's affairs. Eventually his arch enemy, Captain Marvel, joined the team as well. (#19–37) Black Adam assisted the team in a mission to the alien planet Thanagar, which returned the original Hawkman to life. (#23-25) Mr. Terrific was elected the JSA's next long-running chairperson. (#27)
The theme of "legacy" permeated the series. Another new foe was Roulette, granddaughter of the original Mr. Terrific. (JSA Secret Files #2, JSA #27-30) And when Black Canary resigned, she designated her replacement: Power Girl. (#31)
Black Adam's turn to the light didn't last long. His descent began when the JSA refused to take action against the villain Kobra. Atom-Smasher (formerly Nuklon) left with Adam and they were joined by other former Infinitors Northwind, Brainwave Jr., and Eclipso II. Eventually Hawkman brokered a deal with Black Adam to remain inside the bounds of his home country, Kahndaq. For this, Hawkman was expelled from the JSA. (#45, 51, 56-58)
DC's next universe-shaping event, the Infinite Crisis, did for once restore some of the glory of its Golden Age characters instead of destroying it. This series was a mechanism to revert the DC Universe back into a multiverse. By the end, there were once again many parallel universes—though now just 52. Most significantly, Power Girl was reunited with her cousin, the original Golden Age Superman. (Infinite Crisis #2) He and Lois Lane had been locked away in another dimension since the Crisis. Once free, Lois died (#5) and Superman died in the end. (#7)
This also brought to light an untold Golden Age story, from March 21, 1951, written in Lois Lane's diary. In it, Superman and Batman discover that the JSA's headquarters has been robbed by the Gentleman Ghost. (#82)
Series from this period:
Hourman #1–25 (1999–2001) Following the android Hourman from the future.
Dr. Mid-Nite #1–3 (1999) Introducing Pieter Cross.
JSA #1–72 (1999–2005) The next generation of heroes officially assumes the mantle of the JSA.
Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. #0–14 (1999–2000) Starring the new Star-Spangled Kid and the former Stripesy.
DC Two Thousand #1-2 (2000)
JSA All-Stars #1–8 (2003–04) Focusing on members, and versus the Injustice Society.
Featured appearances from this period:
Martian Manhunter vol. 3 #18–19 (2000) At Black Canary's request, the Martian Manhunter leads a training session with the junior JSA members.
Sins of Youth: JSA (2000) Adult heroes are transformed into kids, now led by Starwoman.
Impulse #67 (2000) Flash, Wildcat, and Star-Spangled Kid welcome back Max Mercury.
Golden Age Secret Files #1 (2001) Clark Kent writes about the Crimson Avenger.
JSA: Our Worlds at War (2001) Sand recruits an army of All-Stars.
JLA/JSA: Virtue & Vice (2002) Team-up against Despero and Johnny Sorrow.
Hawkman vol. 4 #19, 23–25 (2003–04) Hawkman abides by Black Adam's new nation and meets the new Northwind.
JLA/JSA Secret Files #1 (2003)
Building a Society... a Kingdom? (2006–2011)
The all-new JSA. From Justice Society of America #9 (2009); art by Dale Eaglesham and Ruy José. This painting by Alex Ross was used on the cover of Geoff Johns' last issue, Justice Society of America #26 (2009).Many JSA new members during this time were inspired by
characters in Kingdom Come. Art by Alex Ross.The new kids. From JSA All-Stars #2 (2010); art by Freddie Williams II.
After the Infinite Crisis, In JSA, a long-running story was crafted by linking the Justice Society to the mythology created for the 1996 hit mini-series Kingdom Come. Kingdom Come was known for its reinvention of DC's heroes, introducing scores of new heroes "legacy heroes"—those who took the mantles of past namesakes—including many Golden Age characters. During the JSA's "Thy Kingdom Come" story arc, many of Kingdom Come's heroes were introduced to the mainstream DC universe and became members of the JSA. Kingdom's story took place on Earth-22. That universe's Superman also found himself stranded on Earth-0 (aka mainstream Earth), and he joined the JSA.
"Legacy" became the common thread of the Justice Society's new adventures. Though demoralized, the JSA's founders were urged by the JLA to reassemble and train the myriad of legacy heroes popping up. The series was relaunched as Justice Society of America (volume 3) and the first wave of new members included Liberty Belle II (Jesse Quick) and Obsidian (JSofA vol. 3 #1); Cyclone (granddaughter of the original Red Tornado); Damage (son of the Atom); Starman VIII(Star Boy of the Legion of Super-Heroes) (JSofA vol. 3 #1);Tomcat (long-lost son of Wildcat) (#4); and Citizen Steel. (#7)
Only a dozen more issues into this series, several more members joined, most of whom had made cameos in Kingdom Come: Judomaster III, Jakeem Thunder, Lightning, Amazing Man III, Mr. America III, and Lance Corporal David Reid. (#11-12) Their story was tied to Earth-22 by the appearance of an alien god called Gog, a primary character in Kingdom. On Earth-0, David Reid was soon transformed into Magog, a servant of Gog. (#18) (Thom Kallor as Starman, Red Tornado III, Wildcat III, and Nuklon as Atom-Smasher had also been originally created for Kingdom Come.)
What might have been... the Justice Society Infinity pinup from JSA Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom #1 (2009). Art by Jerry Ordway.Justice Society Infinty. From Justice Society of America Annual #1 (2008); art by Jerry Ordway and Bob Wiacek.
Another result of Infinite Crisis was the short-lived resurrection of a distinct Earth-2. This Earth bore a continuity that picked right up from the original Earth Two—as if the Crisis had not happened and things went on normally. (JSofA vol. 3 #11) The JSA and Infinity Inc. had merged to form Justice Society Infinity. In time, Power Girl found her way there. She had hoped to discover that her cousin was alive there (he died in Infinite Crisis #7) but she was crushed to find another Power Girl—a native of that universe—already existed! (JSofA Annual #1, JSofA #18-20)
The success of the Kingdom Come-related storyline led to more ongoing JSA titles. First, in 2005 there was JSA: Classified, which focused on individual members. JSA vs. Kobra was a crossover with Checkmate, which starred Mr. Terrific. Perhaps DC had been building the JSA up in size because they were planning to split them up. Regardless, a split happened in 2010; after Justice Society of America #40, JSA All-Stars was launched with Power Girl at the helm, leading many of the younger heroes on a more proactive mission.
The main title ended with the death of Green Lantern Alan Scott and with Wildcat apparently exhausting the eighth of his nine lives.
Series from this period:
Infinite Crisis #1–7 (2005) Bringing back the Golden Age Superman and restoring DC's multiverse.
JSA #73–85 (2005–06) Leading into Infinite Crisis.
JSA: Classified #1–39 (2005–2008) Focusing on individual members.
Checkmate vol. 2 #1–31 (2006–2008) Alan Scott and Mr. Terrific play integral parts in the new global peacekeeping initiative.
Hawkgirl #50–66 (2006–07) After Infinite Crisis, Kendra takes center stage.
Countdown to Mystery #1-8 (2007) Dr. Kent V. Nelson becomes the new Dr. Fate.
Justice Society of America vol. 3, 57 issues (2007–11) The JSA grows by leaps and bounds.
JSA vs. Kobra #1–6 (2009–10) Crossover with Checkmate.
Magog #1–12 (2009–10)
Power Girl #1–27 (2009–11)
JSA All-Stars #1–18 (2010–11) Power Girl leads an offshoot of the now oversized JSA.
Featured appearances from this period:
JSA Kingdom Come Special: Magog (2009) David Reid goes to Iraq.
JSA Kingdom Come Specials (2009) …
Magog: Gog's followers go with him across Africa on the way to Kahndaq.
Superman: Superman-22 tells his story
The Kingdom: Gog's influence grows.
Blackest Night #1 (2010) Hawkman and Hawkgirl are killed. #4: Damage is killed. #8: Carter & Shiera Hall, and Jade are brought back to life.
Blackest Night: JSA #1–3 (2010) Dead JSA members rise and Mr. Terrific invents a one-time bomb to destroy Black Lanterns.
Justice League of America vol. 2 #44–48 (2010) Crossover involving the powers of darkness, and the Starheart.
Justice League: Generation Lost #13 (2011) Magog is killed by Maxwell Lord.
New 52: New Earth-2 (2011–2019)
Before anyone could explore the potential of the Justice Society Infinity, DC rebooted its entire multiverse again, called the "New 52." In recreating the JSA's heroes, they eschewed anything to do with World War II and re-imagined these classic characters on a contemporary parallel world. Like most Earths in the multiverse, the new Earth 2 had a Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman (called "wonders"). These wonders lost their lives in battle with Steppenwolf of Apokolips. Supergirl and Robin survived but were shunted to Earth-0, where they adopted new identities: Power Girl and Huntress. Five years later on Earth 2, new heroes emerged, all with somewhat supernatural powers—Jay Garrick, Alan Scott, the Atom, Terry Sloane and many other classic JSA heroes.
SEE: Earth 2 Chronology • Earth 2 Members
Series from this period:
Mister Terrific (2011–12) This character was introduced on Earth-1, and he soon found discovered Earth-2 and became stranded there.
Earth 2 (2012–) Reintroducing the Golden Age characters in fresh new ways.
World's Finest (2012–) Power Girl and Huntress adjust to Earth-Prime.
Earth 2: Future's End (2014) A weekly series crossing over with DC's Future's End
Featured appearances from this period:
Batman/Superman #1-4 (2013): The Earth-0 world's finest cross over.
Batman/Superman #8–9 (2014): Huntress and Power Girl team up with the Superman and Batman of Earth-0.
Supergirl #18–20 (2013): Power Girl guest stars.
Rebirth (2019–)
The Justice Society leaps back into the DC Universe. From Doomsday Clock #12 (Feb. 2020); by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank.The new Justice Society. From Justice Society of America vol. 4 #3 (May 2023). By Geoff Johns and Mikel Janín.Stargirl leads the rebellion of the lost children of the Golden Age. From Stargirl: The Lost Children #3 (Mar. 2023); by Geoff Johns and Todd Nauck.
While "Rebirth" began in 2016, it took many years for the JSA machine to get up and running again. Once again, Geoff Johns was the engineer. He set the stage early on, in 2017's Doomsday Clock. Stargirl Spring Break Special #1 followed in 2021 and meanwhile, the JSA was officially reintroduced as a guest-star in Justice League's "Doom War."
Johns and Janin's Justice Society of America vol. 4 was synched with Stargirl: The Lost Children, which reintroduced forgotten sidekicks from the Golden Age — and created some new ones as well. The team's next formal ongoing series, JSA vol. 2, launched in 2024 by Jeff Lemire.
JSA-Related Appearances in the New 52 (2011–2016)
Series from this period:
Doctor Fate vol. 4, 18 issues (2016)
Doomsday Clock, 12-issue limited series (2017–2019)
Hawkman vol. 5, 29 issues (2018–2000)
Infinite Frontier, 6-issue limited series (2021)
Stargirl: The Lost Children, 6-issue limited series (2023)
Justice Society of America vol. 4, 12-issue limited series (2023)
Alan Scott: The Green Lantern, 6-issue limited series (2023)
Jay Garrick: The Flash, 6-issue limited series (2023)
Wes Dodds: The Sandman, 6-issue limited series (2023)