Pocket Universe Primer


By Aaron Severson

The original purpose of the Pocket Universe storyline was to “patch” Legion continuity so that as many Legion stories as possible would remain valid in the post-Crisis universe. However, the Pocket Universe saga did not preserve all early Legion stories.

Stories that are not part of the post-Crisis continuity (at least in the Time Trapper’s timeline) include the following:

  • All Adult Legion appearances and Imaginary Stories. As established by Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 2 #300, tales of the Adult Legion were possible futures of the pre-Crisis timeline and not binding parts of either pre- or post-Crisis continuity. Similarly, Imaginary Stories remain just that: imaginary.
  • Stories in which the Legionnaires encountered Superman as an adult. The Pocket Universe Superboy perished as a teenager and it therefore was not possible for the Legion to encounter him as an adult; appearances in Superman stories by Mon-El (who was imprisoned in the Phantom Zone between the 20th and 30th centuries) also must be considered apocryphal.
  • Stories involving members of Superman’s supporting cast and/or story elements that were not introduced until Superman was an adult. Because Superboy perished as a teenager, elements of his mythos introduced later in his life, including Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, and the Bizarro World, were not part of the Pocket Universe.
  • Stories in which the Legionnaires encountered the pre-Crisis Lex Luthor. As established by Adventures of Superman #444, the accident that would have caused Lex Luthor to become a villain (originally depicted in Adventure Comics #270) had not yet occurred when the Pocket Universe Superboy perished and the Legion therefore could not have encountered a villainous Luthor.
  • Stories involving Supergirl. In the Time Trapper’s timeline there was no equivalent of Supergirl in the Pocket Universe until ten years after Superboy’s death; the Pocket Universe Supergirl is very different from her pre-Crisis counterpart. Therefore Legion appearances in pre-Crisis Supergirl stories and the few Legion stories in which Supergirl played a crucial role did not take place; stories in which she played only a minor role (which includes most of her appearances with the Legion) still took place, but without her involvement.

Some stories may have taken place in the post-Crisis universe, but not in the manner originally depicted. Such stories include those involving elements from the above list in which the apocryphal elements could be removed without substantially changing the story. For example, in Adventure Comics #359, the Legionnaires took refuge in one of Lex Luthor’s former lairs; in post-Crisis continuity, the majority of the events of that story took place as described, except that the Legion's hiding place was not Luthor’s Lair. The continuity status of some other stories is questionable, especially those involving Legion contact with the 20th century outside of their meetings with Superman, e.g., Karate Kid's visits to the 20th century in the short-lived Karate Kid series, the Legion's meeting with Batman in Brave and the Bold #179; those stories appear to contradict the Time Trapper's assertion that all of the Legion's journeys to the past were to the Pocket Universe, but at least some parts of those stories may still be part of post-Crisis continuity.

The following stories, listed in chronological order, definitely did not take place in the Trapper’s post-Crisis timeline. This list does not include the numerous cameos of Mon-El (as a prisoner of the Phantom Zone) in various Superman stories, which are too numerous to list here.

Issue Title Comment
Action Comics #267 (Aug. 1960) “The Three Super-Heroes!” Supergirl first tries out for Legion membership
Superboy #86 (Jan. 1961) “The Army of Living Kryptonite Men!” Lightning Lad saves Superboy from the evil Lex Luthor
Superman #147 (Aug. 1961) “The Legion of Super-Villains!” Adult Legion appearance in a Superman story
Superman #149 (Nov. 1961) “The Legion of Super-Villains!” Legion appearance in a Superman Imaginary Story
Action Comics #285 (Feb. 1962) “The World’s Greatest Heroine!” Legion appearance in a Supergirl story
Action Comics #287 (Apr. 1962) “Supergirl’s Greatest Challenge” Legion appearance in a Supergirl story
Action Comics #289 (June 1962) “Superman’s Super-Courtship!” Adult Legion appearance in a Superman story
Action Comics #290 (July 1962) “Supergirl’s Super Boy-Friends!” Legion appearance in a Supergirl story
Superman #155 (Aug. 1962) “The Downfall of Superman!” Adult Legion appearance in a Superman story
Superman #156 (Oct. 1962) “The Last Days of Superman” Legion appearance in a Superman story
Superman #157 (Nov. 1962) “Superman’s Day of Doom” Legion appearance in a Superman story
Action Comics #298 (Mar. 1963) “The Super-Powers of Lex Luthor!” Legion appearance in a Supergirl story involving Lex Luthor
Jimmy Olsen #70 (July 1963) “The Secret of Silver Kryptonite!” Legion appearance in a Jimmy Olsen story
Superman #162 (July 1963) “The Amazing Story of Superman-Red and Superman-Blue!” Legion appearance in a Superman Imaginary Story
Adventure Comics #313 (Oct. 1963) “The Condemned Legionnaires!” Legion fights a red-Kryptonite duplicate of Supergirl
Jimmy Olsen #72 (Oct. 1963) “The World of Doomed Olsens!" Jimmy Olsen becomes an honorary Legionnaire
Superman #165 (Nov. 1963) “Beauty and the Super-Beast” Adult Legion appearance in a Superman story
Action Comics #307 (Dec. 1963) “Supergirl’s Wedding Day” Legion appearance in a Supergirl story
Jimmy Olsen #73 (Dec. 1963) “Jimmy’s Inter-Dimensional Romance” Legion appearance in a Jimmy Olsen story
Action Comics #309 (Feb. 1964) “The Superman Super-Spectacular!” Legion appearance in a Superman story
Lois Lane #47 (Feb. 1964) “The Super-Life of Lois Lane” Legion appearance in a Lois Lane story
Superman #167 (Feb. 1964) “The Team of Luthor and Brainiac!” Pre-Crisis origin of Brainiac.Brainiac Five
Jimmy Olsen #76 (Apr. 1964) “Elastic Lad Jimmy and His Legion Romances” Jimmy Olsen visits the 30th century
World’s Finest Comics #142 (June 1964) “The Composite Superman” Legion appearance in a Superman story
Lois Lane #50 (July 1964) “Lois Lane’s Luckiest Day” Legion appearance in a Lois Lane story
Adventure Comics #325 (Oct. 1964) “Lex Luthor Meets the Legion!” The Legion meets the villainous Lex Luthor
Action Comics #319 (Dec. 1964) “The Super-Cheat” Legion appearance in a Supergirl story
Adventure Comics #329 (Feb. 1965) “The Bizarro Legion!” Appearance of 30th century Bizarro World
Lois Lane #56 (Apr. 1965) “Lois Lane, Super-Telepath!” Legion appearance in a Lois Lane story
Jimmy Olsen #85 (June 1965) “Adventure of Chameleon-Head Olsen” Legion appearance in a Jimmy Olsen story
Adventure Comics #334 (July 1965) “The Unknown Legionnaire” An amnesiac Supergirl joins the Legion in a new identity
Jimmy Olsen #87 (Sept. 1965) “The Arena of Doom” Legion appearance in a Jimmy Olsen story
Jimmy Olsen #88 (Oct. 1965) “Jimmy Olsen, World’s ‘Heavyweight Champion’” Legion appearance in a Jimmy Olsen story
Action Comics #332 (Jan. 1966) “The Super-Revenge of Lex Luthor!” Legion appearance in a Superman story
Jimmy Olsen #99 (Jan. 1967) “The One-Man Legion!” Legion appearance in a Jimmy Olsen story
Adventure Comics #354 (Mar. 1967) “The Adult Legion!” Adult Legion story
Jimmy Olsen #100 (Mar. 1967) “Jimmy Olsen’s Weirdo Wedding” Legion appearance in a Jimmy Olsen story
Adventure Comics #355 (Apr. 1967) “War of the Legions!” Adult Legion story, with appearances by descendants of Lex Luthor and Mr. Mxyzptlk
World’s Finest Comics #168 (Aug. 1967) “Return of Composite Superman” Legion appearance in a Superman story
Jimmy Olsen #106 (Oct. 1967) “The Lone Wolf Legionnaire Reporter” Jimmy Olsen visits the 30th century
Action Comics #365 (July 1968) “Superman’s Funeral!” Legion appearance in a Superman story
Jimmy Olsen #117 (Jan. 1969) “Planet of the Capes” Legion appearance in a Jimmy Olsen story
Superboy #204 (Sept. 1974) “Brainiac 5’s Secret Weakness!” Brainiac becomes obsessed with Supergirl
Justice League of America #147 (Oct. 1977) “Crisis in the 30th Century” Legion teams with JLA
Justice League of America #148 (Nov. 1977) “Crisis in Triplicate” Legion teams with JLA
DC Comics Presents #13 (Sept. 1979) “To Live In Peace -- Nevermore!” Legion appearance in a Superman story
Superman Family #207 (June 1981) “Look Homeward Argonian!” Legion appearance in a Supergirl story
DC Comics Presents #43 (Mar. 1982) “In Final Battle” Legion appearance in a Superman story
DC Comics Presents #50 (Oct. 1982) “When You Wish Upon a Planetoid” Miracle Machine in a Superman story
World’s Finest Comics #284 (Oct. 1982) “I…Amalgamax” Legion appearance in a Superman story
DC Comics Presents #59 (July 1983) “Ambush Bug II” Superman visits the 30th century
Superboy vol. 2 #50 (Feb. 1984) “Dial V For Villain” The Legion helps Superboy fight Lex Luthor
DC Comics Presents #80 (Apr. 1985) “A World Full of Supermen!” Legion teams up with Superman
Superman #423 (Sept. 1986) “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?” Legion appearance in a Superman Imaginary Story
Action Comics #583 (Sept. 1986) “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?” Legion appearance in a Superman Imaginary Story

In the Glorith’s timeline, Superboy did not appear in the 30th century except for a brief period in 2987. Where possible, Valor takes Superboy’s place in Legion adventures and Laurel Gand takes the place of Supergirl. Most stories involving Superboy’s native time, Smallville, or people or artifacts from Krypton did not take place at all. Readers interested in more information about continuity changes to individual stories in the Glorith timeline should consult the Legion chronology.

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