Rebirth Chronology

Part 2: The New Golden Age


Issue #

Beth Chapel (Dr. Midnight ) and Yolanda Montez (Wildcat II) rise from their graves in Parador, South America during a supernatural earthquake that precedes the eruption of Lazarus Island. Note: Lazarus Island is said to be in the region of South America and exploded in Batman vs. Robin #4 (Feb. 2023). Before the "Lazarus Planet" event, it was assumed that these heroines had returned due to the multiversal reboot of "Infinite Frontier."

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #3 (May 2023)

Infinite Frontier (2021)

Alan Scott comes out with a long-held secret. From Infinite Frontier Infinite Frontier #0 (May 2021); by James Tynion IV and Stephen Byrne.

At Justice Society headquarters in Battery Park, New York, Alan Scott comes out as gay to his children, Jade and Obsidian. He joins the new multiversal Justice Incarnate, who operate from a base called the Totality. Stargirl and S.T.R.I.P.E. take down King Midas. Pat receives a call for help from the Vigilante. Note: Scott says that he's been married “a few times.” The Seven Soldiers of Victory appear in flashback, including Green Arrow and Speedy. When they are returned to the present with the other members.

Infinite Frontier #0 (May 2021)

Jade confides in Obsidian that the Starheart has changed somehow. They trace it to an old foe, a godlike alien called Chroma, and prevent him from "singing" the world into oblivion.

Infinite Frontier Secret Files #3 (May 2021)


X-Tract (Cameron Chase of Earth-Two, an agent of Mister Bones) attacks JSA headquarters and kidnaps Jade and several of her JSA friends (Power Girl, Atom-Smasher, Damage and Wildcat II). An explosion damages the HQ. Notes: The heroes are aware of their "erasure" from history and the changing nature of the timeline. Cameo of the Huntress of Earth-2 (as the Flash runs through).

Infinite Frontier #1 (Aug. 2021)

Mr. Terrific and Vandal Savage join the investigation. They’ve detected the absence of their friends.

Infinite Frontier #2 (Sept. 2021)

Alan and Obsidian interrogate several villains (Chronos, Thinker, Johnny Sorrow, Icicle, Gentleman Ghost,  Solomon Grundy) for leads on the bombing. The Shade leads them to the Command D bunker, where they are captured by Mister Bones. Bones has built a Carrier Ark to traverse the Bleed. Bones' crew encounters the missing JSA members. Note: Bones first reappeared in Infinite Frontier Secret Files #1 (Apr. 2021) and his original history is recounted/confirmed in issue #5 (June 2021).

Infinite Frontier #3 (Sept. 2021)

The lost JSAers meet Roy Harper (as a Black Lantern, working for Bones).

Infinite Frontier #4 (Oct. 2021)

Jade's new Justice Society teams with her father and the Justice Incarnate. From Infinite Frontier #5 (Oct. 2021); by Joshua Williamson and Tom Derenick.

Mister Bones reveals he's made a deal with Darkseid to try to save Earth-0. The makeshift-JSA puts him down and faces off against Injustice Incarnate.

Infinite Frontier #5 (Oct. 2021)

After stopping Darkseid, the JSA debriefs with the Totality group.

Infinite Frontier #6 (Nov. 2021)

The new Seven Soldiers of Victory. From Stargirl Spring Break Special #1 (July 2021); by Geoff Johns and Todd Nauck.

The new Crimson Avenger gathers a new Seven Soldiers of Victory to engage the Clock King, whose time manipulations have put them in touch with the original Avenger (Lee Travis). This was moments before Travis' death and he implores Stargirl to find and save Wing. Stargirl befriends the new Red Arrow (Emiko Queen) and they receive visions of more lost children. Note: Emiko first appeared in Green Arrow vol. 5 #18 (May 2013). This story asserts (again) that the Crimson Avenger was the first super-hero, which is technically untrue.


Stargirl Spring Break Special #1 (July 2021)

The JSA Reforms

Dark Crisis: After the death of the Justice League, Alan Scott reunites the Justice Society to step in and help. Jade, Dr. Fate (Khalid Nassour) Dr. Mid-Nite (aka "Dr. Midnight"/Beth) and Wildcat (Yolanda) joining the JSA proper for the first time.

Dark Crisis #3 (Oct. 2022)

Dark Crisis: The new JSA meets formally in their rebuilt headquarters.

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 (Oct. 2022)

Justice Society of America vol. 4 (2023)

Detective Chimp brings Doctor Fate (Khalid) to Deadman to examine his helmet, in which the goddess Hauhet supplanted Nabu. Corky Baxter, the boy Time Master, begins investigating the mystery of 13 lost heroes (most from the 1940s). Note: This issue contained "Who's Who" style profiles of the 13 'lost' characters from the Golden Age; it is the first appearance of Betsy Ross (Elizabeth "Betsy" Rose), the Boom (Judy Garrick), Cherry Bomb (Gloria James), Ladybug (Rosibel Rivera), Molly Pitcher (Molly Mabel Preacher), Quiz Kid (Raghu Seetharaman) and Salem the Witch Girl (Salem Rula Nader). Three others are of 'questionable character': the Harlequin's Son (Michael Mayne), the Legionnaire (Mordru) and the Red Lantern (Vladimir Sokov). Three more have appeared before: the Golden Age Aquaman (More Fun Comics #73); John Henry Jr. (DC: The New Frontier #6, Nov. 2004); and the original Mister Miracle (Thaddeus Brown, Mister Miracle vol. 1 #1, Mar./Apr. 1971).

The New Golden Age #1 (Jan. 2023)

The new Justice Society. From Justice Society of America vol. 4 #3 (May 2023). By Geoff Johns and Mikel Janín.

The JSA fights off a legion of Bizarros being controlled by the Angle Man. The Huntress (Helena Wayne) arrives after being in 1940, meeting Doctor Fate, Deadman and Detective Chimp. They take her to the JSA.

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #3 (May 2023)

Helena's time-talisman (the snow globe) gives the JSA an advantage when Per Degaton arrives to kill them all. Dr. Mid-Nite and Wildcat secretly struggle to fight the influence of Eclipso. Madame Xanadu foretells the future of the JSA — encounters with Eclipso, the Sandman, the Boom, Red Lantern and Salem.

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #4 (July 2023)

JSA teams assemble from across all time. From Justice Society of America vol. 4 #5 (May 2023); by Geoff Johns and Mikel Janin.

The Huntress meets her "father," Batman, in Gotham City. After the JSA arrives, Per Degaton ambushes them with dozens of duplicates from across time. They defeat him by bringing forth the JSAs of the past and future. Degaton is imprisoned inside the snow globe (which contains the Flashpoint reality). The Huntress remains, her future no longer existing. Notes: Alternate timelines show Degaton defeating the Outsiders and the (Retroboot) Legion.

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #5 (Oct. 2023)

The Lost Children

Red Arrow and Stargirl follow the trail of the lost children to Daniel Dunbar's home. He has been collecting clues that lead them to a Pacific island.

Stargirl: The Lost Children #1 (Jan. 2023)

Red Arrow and Stargirl visit the Arrow Cave to prepare for their expedition. They find the island of the lost children, where they are promptly attacked by the Childminder. Emiko is captured but Courtney is found by Air Wave, Cherry Bomb (first in-story appearance), Robbie the Robot Dog and Wing.

Stargirl: The Lost Children #2 (Feb. 2023)

Stargirl leads the rebellion of the lost children of the Golden Age. From Stargirl: The Lost Children #3 (Mar. 2023); by Geoff Johns and Todd Nauck.

Stargirl meets all of the lost children, including Betsy Ross & Molly Pitcher, Ladybug, Salem and Quiz Kid (first in-story appearances); Corky Baxter, the Blue Boys & Little Miss Redhead, the Newsboy Legion, John Henry Jr. and Tick-Tock. Red Arrow meets the Boom, held in a special cell by the Childminder.

Stargirl: The Lost Children #3 (Mar. 2023)

The Childminder is also holding the Secret, Pinky (Mister Scarlet's sidekick) and Sparky (Blue Beetle's; first DC appearance). Her patron is the android Hourman; he comes to claim the children. Notes: The Secret first appeared in Young Justice: The Secret #1 (June 1998); Pinky Butler in Wow Comics #4 (Dec. 1941, Fawcett); Pinky in DC continuity, as Mister Scarlet II, in Power of Shazam! #12 (Feb. 1996); and Sparky (Sparkington J. Northrup) in Blue Beetle #14 (Sept. 1942, Holyoke).

Stargirl: The Lost Children #4 (Apr. 2023)

The Boom frees herself and the others in cells.

Stargirl: The Lost Children #5 (May 2023)

Hourman's master is revealed to be the adult Corky Baxter. The Boom frees Hourman from his control and he pushes Baxter into a portal. Young Corky sends Wing back to the moment of his death. Hourman sends the rest of the children to Blue Valley. The Childminder is reverted to the form of an egg. The Seven Soldiers agree to reform on an as-needed basis. Corky returns to the Time Masters.

Stargirl: The Lost Children #6 (July 2023)

Wally West, working with the Terriifcs and the android Hourman, runs afoul of Granny Goodness and her new "children, the Furious. She has kidnapped Wally's son Wade to join them. She reveals that one boy, called Fairplay is Mister Terrific's son, Jeffrey — stolen from his mother's womb.

The Flash #799 (July 2023)

Stargirl and the android Hourman arrive to tell the JSA about the "lost children," including Jay Garrick's daughter, Judy.

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #5 (Oct. 2023)

Stargirl reintroduces the lost child heroes to the world. Jay Garrick meets his long-lost daughter, The Boom. Batman sets up Huntress with an apartment in New York. Several teens settle in with new mentors: John Henry with the Irons family; Dyna-Mite with Damage; Salem meets the new Dr. Fate; Dr. Midnight works with Cherry Bomb; and Ladybug finds that the Red Bee's bee, Michael, is still alive! Quiz Kid takes up residence with the JSA (and Mister Terrific) and effectively joins the team. Huntress teams with Power Girl to build a new the new JSA by redeeming certain metahumans — beginning with Solomon Grundy.

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #6 (Nov. 2023)

Batman joins the JSA in trying to "recruit" Solomon Grundy but Salem casts a spell that burns him to bits. Icicle is released from prison to JSA custody. Dr. Midnight interviews Jean Loring about Eclipso. Dr. Fate shows Salem the doorway to Limbo Town; she refuses to go and he recommends that she stay with the JSA. The Legion of Substitute Heroes (Rainbow Girl, Stone Boy and Animal Lad) comes from the 31st century to warn Dr. Fate about Mordru.

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #7 (Jan. 2024)

Green Lantern vehemently objects to the JSA's recruiting of the Red Lantern II, Ruby Sokov (first in-story appearance). He goes to talk to her instead, asking her to surrender for her crimes, and ultimately decides to present her to the JSA. Salem joins the Justice Society. First in-story appearance of Mordru as The Legionnaire.

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #8 (Feb. 2024)

Searching for the Harlequin's Son, the JSA receives unexpected aid from the Golden Age Legionnaire (wearing a Legion flight ring), who reveals himself as the young Mordru. Quiz Kid invents the "Q sphere," which searches for people deserving a "fair shake." Phantom Lady takes Cherry Bomb and Ladybug to the Freedom Fighters.

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #9 (May 2024)

The Legion of Substitute Heroes debate whether they should go to the Legion about Mordru's actions in the 21st century. Mordru, Icicle, Red Lantern, Harlequin's Son and Solomon Grundy participate in a JSA mission to find the Gentleman Ghost. A blast from Icicle shatters his crystal ball and frees the demon Surtur. Mordru casts a successful spell that requires temporarily killing Hawkman (Carter Hall). He chose to approach the JSA at this moment in time because the Huntress was with them. The Legion arrives from the future, demanding to take him into custody. Note: The JSA fought Surtur in Limbo for years (Last Days of the JSA, 1986).

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #10 (Aug. 2024)

The JSA calls in emergency help from its reserves to confront the Legion. Eclipso emerges from within Wildcat (Yolanda), having laid dormant inside her since her resurrection. Mordru imbued a bolt from Huntress's crossbow with the power of Solaris, which when it struck Eclipso's diamond, destroys the villain and restores Wildcat to normal. Salem leaves to confront her past in Limbo Town.

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #11 (Nov. 2024)

Stargirl recounts all the major events in her life leading up to her high school graduation. Note: The story is a 25th anniversary celebration of Stargirl's creation.

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #12 (Dec. 2024)

The Boom is reintroduced to her mother. Her returns restores other forgotten memories, including the Flash's arch-foe, Doctor Elemental. (#1) Dr. Charles at S.T.A.R. Labs examines Judy and declares she is a healthy 15-year-old. Stargirl invites her to go shopping and they're attacked by Ro-Bear. (#2) Mr. Terrific's son, Fairplay, invents a device to reveal an image of Prof. Elemental from Judy's mind; it's Jay's old boss, Professor Hughes (first appearance, Flash Comics #1, 1940). (#3) His trail leads Jay and Judy to Brazil where they ally with Dr. Pieter Cross (Dr. Mid-Nite III). Judy is captured. (#5) Dr. Elemental tries to use the Boom to trigger metagenes across the world. Jay destroys his apparatus and Elemental escapes; he's recruited by someone. (#6)

Jay Garrick: The Flash #1–6 (Dec. 2023–June 2024)

JSA volume 2

The Justice Society establishes an auxiliary meeting place on the new JLU Watchtower. From Justice League Unlimited vol. 3 #1 (Jan. 2025); by Mark Waid and Dan Mora.

Justice League Unlimited is founded, expanding its membership to include most heroes on Earth. Mr. Terrific takes on a League leadership role.

DC All In Special #1 (Dec. 2024)

The new Justice League Watchtower includes the Golden Room, an auxiliary headquarters and meeting room for the Justice Society.

Justice League Unlimited vol. 3 #1 (Jan. 2025)

JSA volume 2 (2025)

Kobra strikes at Starman's old observatory in Opal City, and the new Injustice Society attacks JSA headquarters. Dr. Fate spirits them away to the Tower of Fate and Jakeem is incapacitated. Johnny Sorrow begins impersonating Obsidian.

JSA vol. 2 #2 (Feb. 2025)

Sand and Liberty Belle rejoin the JSA under the leadership of Jade. As Kobra hits various targets across the country, another party attacks the JSA brownstone; Jakeem Thunder is injured and and Hawkman, Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders), Wildcat, Dr. Fate, Flash and Green Lantern become trapped inside the Tower of Fate. Johnny Sorrow infiltrates the JSA and impersonates Obsidian to sow dissent. Red Lantern, Gentleman Ghost, Solomon Grundy abandon the Huntress' mission of redemption in favor of joining a new Injustice Society — with Doctor Elemental, the Fog, Johnny Sorrow, Lady Kobra, Shadow Thief, [Tigress?] and Wotan.

JSA vol. 2 #1 (Jan. 2025)

JSA members are trapped in the Tower of Fate. After accessing a realm of Hell, Hawkman is stabbed through the chest.

JSA vol. 2 #2 (Feb. 2025)

Hawkman is captured by the Demons Three in Hell for their master, Wotan. Kid Eternity approaches Carter to offer help.

JSA vol. 2 #3 (Mar. 2025)


Doctor Fate encounters Catwoman, seeing a daughter in her future.

The New Golden Age #1 (Jan. 2023)

The Huntress's "Redeemers." From The New Golden Age #1 (Jan. 2023); by Geoff Johns and Mikel Janin.

18 years in the future: The Justice Society informs Selina Kyle and Helena Wayne of the Batman's death. The Huntress offers redemption to a group of rogues to form a new JSA: Gentleman Ghost, Harlequin's Son (first in-story appearance), Icicle II, the Mist III (Kyle Knight), Red Lantern II (Ruby Sokov) and Solomon Grundy. They are all killed by Per Degaton. Note: This is the first adult appearance of Kyle Knight as the Mist. He is the son of Starman Jack Knight and first appeared as an infant in Starman vol. 2 #38 (Jan. 1998). First in-story appearance of the Harlequin's Son, a character originally proposed as a member of Infinity, Inc. (but shelved).

Justice Society of America vol. 4 #1 (Jan. 2023)

The 31st century Justice Society. From The New Golden Age #1 (Jan. 2023); by Geoff Johns and Mikel Janin.

31st century: In the time of the Legion of Super-Heroes, a new Green Lantern, Doctor Fate (Sofie) and [Atom Smasher] form their own Justice Society. They're killed by Per Degaton. Note: This Dr. Fate is a female that appears somewhat similar to that of the Rebirth Legion. Later issues make it clear that the Legion involved in this story is the Retroboot Legion.

The New Golden Age #1 (Jan. 2023)

843rd Century

After meeting Kamandi in the future, the Justice League meets the Justice Legion A: Aquaman, Batman, Hourman Starman, Superman and Wonder Woman. Note: The Justice Legion A first appeared in JLA #23 (Oct. 1998). Its first appearance Rebirth era appearance was a cameo in Justice League vol. 4 #1 (Early Aug. 2018).

Justice League vol. 4 #31 (Early Nov. 2019)